Sunday, December 29, 2019
William Goldings Lord of the Flies A Review - 1479 Words
Lord of the flies is anything but an easy book to digest. It comes upon the reader like a heavy meal on a suffocating summers day. The main idea is fairly simple actually: a group of children stranded on an isolated island are trying to reenact the norms of the society they used to live in before their arrival on the island. Gradually, things descend more violently with the children looking to kill the beast that lives in the heart of the jungle. What they are unable to realize though is that the only beast on the island is the one that lurks within their own selves. Overall, William Goldings novel is a sad allegory on the human nature which tends to return to primitivism when man is faced with conditions outside the norms of society: isolation, and the lack of either a spatial or temporal landmark. Goldings image of good and evil in the book is a bitter medicine to swallow; nevertheless, we must do so in order to understand his intentions. At the time of its initial publishing in 19 54, Lord of the Flies passed mostly unnoticed but the poor interest it received increased several years later when its notoriety expanded almost instantly. But in 1954, Goldings aspiration to publish his novel was no random initiative. He had returned home after fighting in World War II with a deep understanding of the human nature. Goldings idea of war was not merely depicting soldiers battling on the fronts but it was a war of mans instinctual demeanor. It was war that had taught himShow MoreRelatedBook Review of William Goldings Lord of the Flies2866 Words  | 11 Pagesï » ¿ Lord of the Flies Human Nature in the Middle East Introduction There are many pertinent and legitimate questions that can be raised involving human nature, William Goldings iconic novel Lord of the Flies, and the Middle Eastern society of today. This paper addresses those issues and concepts in light of what is happening in the Middle East today and also from the big picture of the Muslim community in the Middle East. Is it in fact fair to portray human nature (that is shown through LordRead MoreLord of The Flies Essay1673 Words  | 7 PagesLord of the Flies was published in 1954 by William Golding. Today Lord of the Flies is a well known literary criticism. Many schools require their students to read Lord of the Flies because of the literary criticisms in the book. In this paper three themes or literary criticisms are talked about: good vs. evil, symbolism of characters, and maturity of characters. Another topic in Goldings Lord of the Flies is the battle of good vs. evil. Everything seems to start out just fine on the island; theRead MoreLord of the Flies by William Golding1585 Words  | 7 Pages Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a fictional novel highlighting natural characteristics of man kind. The Book was created during the post World War II period. Before creating this novel, William had experience in the navy where he learned of the nature of mankind. The introduction of the book portrays a plane crash where a large group of boys are stranded on an island. Here they grow in character and human instincts such as leadership, brutality, and survival are displayedRead MoreThe Lord of the Flies by: William Golding Kristen Arscott Sir William Churchill had a poodle1700 Words  | 7 PagesThe Lord of the Flies by: William Golding Kristen Arscott Sir William Churchill had a poodle named Rufus. Rufus was so loved that he even ate his meals with the rest of his family in the dining room. A cloth was always laid out for him on the Persian rug beside the head of the household, and no one ate until the butler had served Rufus’s meal. One evening Churchill was watching the film Oliver Twist and Rufus, as usual, had the best seat in the house, on his master’s lap. 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With no formal civilization, parents, or rules, the kids have the freedom to do as they choose. Throughout the novel, the boys find and use objects on the island that symbolize something of different importance. In Lord of the Flies, William GoldingRead MoreThe Struggle for Power and Authority1184 Words  | 5 Pagesmankind. The two novels Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies both have main characters that uniquely manifest these attributes. Napoleon and Jack appro ach discipline in a dictorial manner by using intimidation, propaganda and fear while Snowball and Ralph apply a more democratic method when dealing with the animals. Napoleon and Snowball have different techniques and values on how leadership in life should be conducted. This is also true in Lord of the Flies in the conflict between Ralph and JackRead MoreKindness in an Unkind World1228 Words  | 5 PagesBeing a kind-hearted person in a savage world is not an easy thing to do. The savage world will usually get through to the kind person and change them into a monster, but not Simon. Throughout William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, Simon is the boy who remains good even when the rest of the world remains cruel. Simon is a quiet boy in the story who shows wisdom and civilization, on an uncivilized and savage island. Simon is first introduced when Ralph calls an assembly with the conch in theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1444 Words  | 6 PagesInterviewer Let’s talk about William Golding and his most famous book, Lord of the Flies, in which a group of British schoolboys - aged from around 6-12 - become stranded on an island, and quickly begin their descent into chaos. Today, I am joined by literarian and William Golding expert, Lara Caglar. Expert Hi, Vanessa, it’s a pleasure to be here Interviewer Together, we will be discussing the question on everyone’s minds, what happened to Golding that led him to have such an incredibly negativeRead MoreLord Of The Flies Literary Analysis1534 Words  | 7 PagesWilliam Golding can be clearly seen as a writer who knows what he is doing. From vivid description down to the most scrutinous detail to his plethoric of symbolism seen throughout the novel, it is clear that he is an experienced writer. From his other books like The Inheritors and The Scorpion God it can still be seen that one of his earlier books, Lord of the Flies, is truly one of his greatest masterpieces. That book would also be the topic of this essay, and from the very beginning was obviously
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Change Process Essay - 1364 Words
At the beginning of the change process, a crucial aspect for Ghosn was the importance and the need for an open communication in both directions: from upper management to lower management and vice versa. Before he took over the position of the COO at Nissan, he traveled to Japan to gather information from the lower-level management up to the top-level management. Clampitt, DeKoch, and Cushman outlined different communication strategies, which can be found in Ghosn’s communication style. They authors defined the communication strategies based on â€Å"communication effectiveness†and â€Å"amount of informational transmitted†and emphasized that leaders can use the strategies simultaneously (Palmer et al., 2009, p. 305). In the case of Nissan, Ghosn followed the device of transparency to regain credibility, and thus he transmitted an enormous amount of information. Furthermore, the communication effectiveness was middle to high since Ghosn provided detailed information to the people involved in the change. He wanted to avoid confusions, and thus he shared a maximum of information (Hughes et al., 2003, p. 6). Ghosn also engaged people being a part of the change discussion, as an example: He defined the CFTs, which had the challenge to identify the change actions and obstacles. Thus, Ghosn’s communication strategy (at least based on the case study) was a mix of â€Å"tell and sell†and â€Å"underscore and explore†(Palmer et al., 2009, p. 306). Plamer et al. (2009) introduced various questions,Show MoreRelatedHow Change Is A Process1623 Words  | 7 PagesChange is a process. The diagram shows how change can be broken into three sequential states, however the length of this process will be determined by factors such as the extent or degree of change involved. Organisations have different preferences regarding the time taken, but ideally the change should occur at a speed it can be managed properly. If change occurs too quickly or is managed poorly some expectations could be (Young, 2014): †¢ Decline in productivity. †¢ Higher employee turnover. †¢ DeterioratingRead MoreA Theory Of Change Process1690 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction A theory of change is a method used in community or organizational planning that identifies preconditions for a desired change to occur. The theory of change process works by first articulating an ultimate goal; the desired change. The next step is to work backwards from the ultimate goal by identifying outcomes that lie along the road to change. Outcomes occurring in both the short-term and long-term are defined, as are the prerequisites to arrive at them. Next, a proposed interventionRead MoreThe Process Of Learning Change892 Words  | 4 PagesLearning is an important component in life; if human cannot learn and apply what they learn, you would not be able to read what I am writing nor would I be able to write it initially. The process of learning change drastically from one thing to another, from one person to another. There are some skill which you need to practice a lot in order to learn them, driving cars for example. Others can be acquired through reading and thinking, lo gic subjects for instance. In addition, we can learn from others’Read MoreChange Process Essay1561 Words  | 7 PagesUrgency For change to happen, it helps if the whole association genuinely needs it. Develop a sentiment genuineness around the prerequisite for change. This may empower you to begin the hidden motivation to get things moving. This isnt only an issue of exhibiting people poor arrangements experiences or examining extended contention. Open a reasonable and influencing trade about whats happening in the business focus and with your restriction. If numerous people start examining the change you proposeRead MoreChange Process Theories3220 Words  | 13 PagesChange Process Theories: A Review Outline Introduction Four types of Organizational Change Theories: Van de Ven and Poole †¢ Dialectical: Kurt Lewin †¢ Evolution: o Lippitt, Watson, and Wesley o Bartlett and Kayser †¢ Teleology: o Edgar Schein o Prochaska and DiClemente †¢ Life Cycle: Ichak Adizes Conclusion Introduction An enduring quest of management scholars is to explain how and why organizations change. The processes of change or sequencesRead MoreThe Change Process And How Change Affects People1247 Words  | 5 Pagespeople involved in the change process and how change affects people Change is an ever present feature in the life of an organization. Change can happen in any forms and sizes, with the aim that it will positively benefit an organization. Unfortunately, managing change is one of the biggest challenges for business leaders and managers. Burnes (2011, as cited in Lawrence, 2015) reported that 70 per cent seems to be a common number associated to change failures, based on change studies done over theRead MoreUnderstanding The Business Process Change1285 Words  | 6 PagesUnderstanding Business Process Change To speak intelligently about the importance of understanding business process change as it relates to employment, it is important to define what business process change means. In the simplest of terms, business process change is a modification to a company’s existing business process. This process could be manual, automated or both. The goal of such changes are to improve the performance and productivity of a company. Advances in technology and globalizationRead MoreOrganizational And Process Change Management1063 Words  | 5 PagesOrganizational and Process Change Change management is a primary concern of many organizations involved in ERP project implementation. Alpha Enterprises must identify change management, in terms of adopting an ERP system, as activities, processes, and methodologies that support employee understanding and organizational shifts during the implementation of the new ERP system and reengineering initiatives. Change management is a process that helps the management for the implementation of appropriateRead MoreA Note On Change Management Process1274 Words  | 6 PagesAustralia Doc#8 : Change rules Version 1 08/16/2016 â€Æ' 1. Overview Change Management processes are the fundamental to some successful deliveries of the project. The Change Management process would ensure that each of the change introduced to project environment is appropriately well-defined, evaluated and also approved prior to the implementation phase. Change Management will also be introduced to the project, so through the implementation phase of the five key processes: - Formal process for submissionRead MoreA Formal Change Management Process1477 Words  | 6 Pagesare offered. Formal change management processes A formal change management process should be developed and implemented in order to allow a consistent methodology, tools and language to be applied to relevant initiatives. Although effective change management also requires the development and application of a unique set of soft skills such as conflict management and negotiation, a formal process would provide the first step in helping employees become familiar with how change should be planned and
Friday, December 13, 2019
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner Chapters 2 Free Essays
When the second body was empty, my throat felt better. There was a lot of blood in my system. I probably wouldn’t real y burn for a few days. We will write a custom essay sample on The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner Chapters 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Diego was stil waiting, whistling quietly through his teeth. When I let the body fal to the ground with a thud, he turned back to me and smiled. â€Å"Um, thanks,†I said. He nodded. â€Å"You looked like you needed it more than me. I remember how hard it is in the beginning.†â€Å"Does it get easier?†He shrugged. â€Å"In some ways.†We looked at each other for a second. â€Å"Why don’t we dump these bodies in the sound?†he suggested. I bent down, grabbed the dead blonde, and slung her limp body over my shoulder. I was about to get the other one, but Diego was there before me, the pimp already on his back. â€Å"I got it,†he said. I fol owed him up the al ey wal, and then we swung across the girders under the freeway. The lights from the cars below didn’t touch us. I thought how stupid people were, how oblivious, and I was glad I wasn’t one of the clueless. Hidden in the darkness, we made our way to an empty dock, closed for the night. Diego didn’t hesitate at the end of the concrete, he just jumped right over the edge with his bulky burden and disappeared into the water. I slid in after him. He swam as sleek and quick as a shark, shooting deeper and farther out into the black sound. He stopped suddenly when he found what he was looking for – a huge, slime-covered boulder on the ocean floor, sea stars and garbage clinging to its sides. We had to be more than a hundred feet deep – to a human, it would have seemed pitch-black here. Diego let go of his bodies. They swayed slowly in the current beside him while he shoved his hand into the mucky sand at the base of the rock. After a second he found a hold and ripped the boulder up from its resting spot. The weight of it drove him waist-deep into the dark seafloor. He looked up and nodded to me. I swam down to him, hooking his bodies with one hand on my way. I shoved the blonde into the black hole under the rock, then pushed the second girl and the pimp in after her. I kicked them lightly to make sure they were in, and then got out of the way. Diego let the boulder fal . It wobbled a little, adjusting to the newly uneven foundation. He kicked his way out of the muck, swam to the top of the boulder, and then pushed it down, grinding the obstructions flat underneath. He swam back a few yards to view his work. Perfect, I mouthed. These three bodies would never resurface. Riley would never hear a story about them on the news. He grinned and held up his hand. It took me a minute to understand that he was looking for a high five. Hesitantly, I swam forward, tapped my palm to his, then kicked away, putting some distance between us. Diego got a weird expression on his face, and then he shot to the surface like a bul et. I darted up after him, confused. When I broke through to the air, he was almost choking on his laughter. â€Å"What?†He couldn’t answer me for a minute. Final y he blurted out, â€Å"Worst high five ever.†I sniffed, irritated. â€Å"Couldn’t be sure you weren’t just going to rip my arm off or something.†Diego snorted. â€Å"I wouldn’t do that.†â€Å"Anyone else would,†I countered. â€Å"True, that,†he agreed, suddenly not as amused. â€Å"You up for a little more hunting?†â€Å"Do you have to ask?†We came out of the water under a bridge and lucked right into two homeless guys sleeping in ancient, filthy sleeping bags on top of a shared mattress of old newspapers. Neither one of them woke up. Their blood was soured by alcohol, but stil better than nothing. We buried them in the sound, too, under a different rock. â€Å"Wel, I’m good for a few weeks,†Diego said when we were out of the water again, dripping on the end of another empty dock. I sighed. â€Å"I guess that’s the easier part, right? I’l be burning again in a couple of days. And then Riley wil probably send me out with more of Raoul’s mutants again.†â€Å"I can come with you, if you want. Riley pretty much lets me do what I want.†I thought about the offer, suspicious for a second. But Diego real y didn’t seem like any of the others. I felt different with him. Like I didn’t need to watch my back so much. â€Å"I’d like that,†I admitted. It felt off to say this. Too vulnerable or something. But Diego just said â€Å"cool†and smiled at me. â€Å"So how come Riley gives you such a long leash?†I asked, wondering about the relationship there. The more time I spent with Diego, the less I could picture him being in tight with Riley. Diego was so†¦ friendly. Nothing like Riley. But maybe it was an opposites-attract thing. â€Å"Riley knows he can trust me to clean up my messes. Speaking of which, do you mind running a quick errand?†I was starting to be entertained by this strange boy. Curious about him. I wanted to see what he would do. â€Å"Sure,†I said. He bounded across the dock toward the road that ran along the waterfront. I fol owed after. I caught the scent of a few humans, but I knew it was too dark and we were too fast for them to see us. He chose to travel across rooftops again. After a few jumps, I recognized both our scents. He was retracing our earlier path. And then we were back to that first al ey, where Kevin and the other guy had gotten stupid with the car. â€Å"Unbe liev able,†Diego growled. Kevin and Co. had just left, it appeared. Two other cars were stacked on top of the first, and a handful of bystanders had been added to the body count. The cops weren’t here yet – because anyone who might have reported the mayhem was already dead. â€Å"Help me sort this out?†Diego asked. â€Å"Okay.†We dropped down, and Diego quickly threw the cars into a new arrangement, so that it sort of looked like they’d hit each other rather than been piled up by a giant tantrum-throwing baby. I grabbed the two dry, lifeless bodies abandoned on the pavement and stuffed them under the apparent site of impact. â€Å"Bad accident,†I commented. Diego grinned. He took a lighter out of a ziplock from his pocket and started igniting the clothes of the victims. I grabbed my own lighter – Riley reissued these when we went hunting; Kevin should have used his – and got to work on the upholstery. The bodies, dried out and laced with flammable venom, blazed up quickly. â€Å"Get back,†Diego warned, and I saw that he had the first car’s gas hatch open and the lid screwed off the tank. I jumped up the closest wal, perching a story above to watch. He took a few steps back and lit a match. With perfect aim, he tossed it into the smal hole. In the same second, he leaped up beside me. The boom of the explosion shook the whole street. Lights started going on around the corner. â€Å"Wel done,†I said. â€Å"Thanks for your help. Back to Riley’s?†I frowned. Riley’s house was the last place I wanted to spend the rest of my night. I didn’t want to see Raoul’s stupid face or listen to the constant shrieking and fighting. I didn’t want to have to grit my teeth and hide out behind Freaky Fred so that people would leave me alone. And I was out of books. â€Å"We’ve got some time,†Diego said, reading my expression. â€Å"We don’t have to go right away.†â€Å"I could use some reading material.†â€Å"And I could use some new music.†He grinned. â€Å"Let’s go shopping.†We moved quickly through town – over rooftops again and then darting through shadowy streets when the buildings got farther apart – to a friendlier neighborhood. It didn’t take long to find a strip mal with one of the big chain bookstores. I snapped the lock on the roof access hatch and let us in. The store was empty, the only alarms on the windows and doors. I went straight to the H’s, while Diego headed to the music section in the back. I’d just finished with Hale. I took the next dozen books in line; that would keep me a couple of days. I looked around for Diego and found him sitting at one of the caf tables, studying the backs of his new CDs. I paused, then joined him. This felt strange because it was familiar in a haunting, uncomfortable way. I had sat like this before – across a table from someone. I’d chatted casual y with that person, thinking about things that were not life and death or thirst and blood. But that had been in a different, blurry lifetime. The last time I’d sat at a table with someone, that someone had been Riley. It was hard to remember that night for a lot of reasons. â€Å"So how come I never notice you around the house?†Diego asked abruptly. â€Å"Where do you hide?†I laughed and grimaced at the same time. â€Å"I usual y kick it behind wherever Freaky Fred is hanging out.†His nose wrinkled. â€Å"Seriously? How do you stand that?†â€Å"You get used to it. It’s not so bad behind him as it is in front. Anyway, it’s the best hiding place I’ve found. Nobody gets close to Fred.†Diego nodded, stil looking kind of grossed out. â€Å"That’s true. It’s a way to stay alive.†I shrugged. â€Å"Did you know that Fred is one of Riley’s favorites?†Diego asked. â€Å"Real y? How? †No one could stand Freaky Fred. I was the only one who tried, and that was solely out of self-preservation. Diego leaned toward me conspiratorial y. I was already so used to his strange way that I didn’t even flinch. â€Å"I heard him on the phone with her. â€Å" I shuddered. â€Å"I know,†he said, sounding sympathetic again. Of course, it wasn’t weird that we could sympathize with each other when it came to her. â€Å"This was a few months back. Anyway, Riley was talking about Fred, al excited. From what they were saying, I guess that some vampires can do things. More than what normal vampires can do, I mean. And that’s good – something she’s looking for. Vampires with skil zzz.†He pul ed the Z sound out, so I could hear how he was spel ing it in his head. â€Å"What kinds of skil s?†â€Å"Al kinds of stuff, it sounds like. Mind reading and tracking and even seeing the future.†â€Å"Get out.†â€Å"I’m not kidding. I guess Fred can sort of repel people on purpose. It’s al in our heads, though. He makes us repulsed at the thought of being near him.†How to cite The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner Chapters 2, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Issue in Pakistan free essay sample
Project Report On Kentucky Fried Chicken From Supervised by : Prof. Dr. Zain Yousafzai Submitted by : Siawoosh Wared ( BBA Hons ) Registration # 1711-306055 ( BBA 11th ) Preston University Peshawar Session 2006 – 2010 Project Report Marketing Strategies With Reference To Kentucky Fried Chicken A Project report submitted to the Preston University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration. Supervised by : Prof. Dr. Zain Yousafzai Submitted by : Siawoosh Wared ( BBA Hons ) Registration # 1711 – 306055 ( BBA 11th ) Preston University Peshawar Session : 2006 – 2010 Project Report cities, KFC is teaming up with other restaurants, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, selling nearly fifty years ago; Colonel Sanders invented what is now called â€Å"home meal replacement†– selling complete meals to harried, time-strapped families. He called it, â€Å"Sunday Dinner, Seven Days a Week. †Today, the Colonel’s spirit and heritage are reflected in KFC’s brand identity – the logo features Colonel Harland Sanders, one of the best recognized icons in the world. KFC KFC specialized in chicken and they says, â€Å"No body’s cooking like KFC today and we are the chicken experts†â€Å"There is no competitor for spicy chicken which is made by KFC†Introducing New Product Now enjoy T2O Cricket festivity with KFCs exciting new offer; Get a complete T20 Meal Box which includes; 1 Zinger Burger, 3 pcs. Hot Wings, 1 regular Drink, 1 Fries and 1 Dinner Roll ! in only Rs 320/- only Pricing Issues Pricing Policy for â€Å"Zinger Burger†new product from KFC Manufacturing cost RS. 180/- 5% marketing cost ( Per. Unit ) RS. 50/- Total cost RS. 230/- 15% G. S. T +15% RETAIL MARGIN RS. 90/- Total retail Price RS. 320/- Pricing Strategy for â€Å"Deal 6†From KFC Manufacturing cost RS. 140/- 5% marketing cost ( Per. Unit ) RS. 25/- Total cost RS. 165/- 15% G. S. T +15% RETAIL MARGIN RS. 45/- Total retail Price RS. 210/- Project Report On Chapter No # 2nd Situation Analysis Department of Business Administration Preston University Peshawar KFC History KFC is an internationally renowned fast food industry in the world. They have the main ambition to increase maintain the quality in fast food industry. Their aim is to capture the fast food market. Basically they want to provide their products to anyone that is why they expanding their branches in all over the world. They want to increase their profit through giving maximum satisfaction other better facilities to people that they want. Now after catching such a marvelous position in the International Market, KFC is introducing a new item â€Å"Boneless Fried Chicken†, with even more attractive and charming taste. Company’s Overview Colonel Harland sanders, born September 9, 1890, actively began franchising his chicken business at the age of 65. Now, the Kentucky fried chicken business he started has grown to be one of the largest retail food service systems in the world. And colonel sanders, a quick service restaurant pioneer, have become a symbol of entrepreneurial spirit. More than two billion of the colonel’s â€Å"finger lickin’ good†chicken dinners are served annually. And not just in America. The colonel’s cooking is available in more then 82 countries around the world. When the colonel was six, his father died. His mother was forced to go to work, and young Harland had to take care of his three year old brother and baby sister. This meant doing much of the family cooking. By the age of seven, he was a master of a score of regional dishes. Ate age 10, his first job working on a nearby farm for $2 a month. When he was 12, his mother remarried and he left his home near Henryville, Ind. , for a job on a farm in Greenwood, Ind. He held a series of jobs over the next few years, first as a 15-year-old streetcar conductor in New Albany, Ind. , and then as a 16-yearold private, soldiering for six months in Cuba. After that he was a railroad fireman, studied law by correspondence, practiced in ustice of the peace court, sold insurance, operated an Ohio River steamboat ferry, sold tires, and Operated service station. When he was 40, the colonel began cooking for hungry ravelers who stopped at his service station in Corbin, KY. He didn’t have a restaurant then, but served folks on his own dining table in the living quarters of his service station. As more people started coming just for food, he moved across the street to a motel and restaurant that seated 142 people. Over the next nine year, he perfected his secret blend of 11 herbs and spices and the basic cooking technique that is still used today. KFC Pakistan KFC is the world’s No. 1 Chicken QSR and has industry leading stature across many countries like UK, Australia, South Africa, China,USA, Malaysia and many more. KFC is the largest brand of Yum Restaurants, a company that owns other leading brands like Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, AW and Long John Silver. Renowned worldwide for it’s finger licking good food, KFC offers its signature products in Pakistan too! KFC has introduced many offerings for its growing customer base in Pakistan while staying rooted in the taste legacy of Colonel Harland Sander’s secret recipe. Its signature dishes include the â€Å"crispy outside, juicy inside†Hot and Crispy Chicken, flavorful and juicy Original Recipe chicken, the spicy, juicy crunchy Zinger Burger, Toasted Twister, Chicken Bucket and a host of beverages and desserts. KFC also has great tasting vegetarian offerings that include the Veggie Burger, Veggie Snacker and Veg Rice meals. In Pakistan, KFC is growing rapidly and today has presence in 10 cities with close to 60 restaurants. Values of KFC Focus all our resources to our restaurants operation because that is where we serve our customers. Reward and respect the contributions of each individual at KFC. Expand and update training with time and be the best we can be and more. Be open, honest and direct in our dealings with one and other. Commit ourselves to the highest standard to the personal and professional integrity at all times. Encourage new and innovative ideas because these are the key to our competitive growth. Reward result and not simple efforts. Dedicate ourselves to continuous growth in sales, profit and size of organization. Work as a team. Project Report On Chapter No # 3rd Company Branches Department of Business Administration Preston University Peshawar Situational Analysis Current Products Kentucky fried chicken  · Zinger burger  · Krushers  · GameBox  · Twister  · Boxmaster  · Chicken Bucket  · Hot wings  · Fries  · Corn on the cob  · Zing Kong  · Snacker(chicken veggie)  · Veggie Feast  · Soft Drink  · Coleslaw  · Chicken Thali  · Veg Finger  · Snack Box  · Sundae  · Soft Twirl  · Brownie Sundae KFC Original Recipe 6 cups Crisco Shortening 1 eggs well beaten 2 cups Milk 2 cups Flour 2 teaspoons ground pepper 3 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon MSG 1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder 1 dash paprika 2 Frying Chickens cut into 6 pieces Place shortening into the pressure cooker and heat over medium heat to the shortening reaches 400F. In a small bowl, combine the egg and milk. In a separate bowl, combine the remaining six dry ingredients. Dip each piece of chicken into the milk until fully moistened. Roll the moistened chicken in the flour mixture until well coated. In groups of four or five, drop the covered chicken pieces into the shortening and lock the lid. When pressure builds up cook for 10 minutes. KFC Outlets in Pakistan Islamabad . 11 United Bakery Building, F-6/2, Super Market, Islamabad. For Delivery: Ph: 111-532-532 Chicky Fun Area Karachi †¦ SA-2, See Breeze Centre, F1-17, Block 5, Kh-e-Roomi, Clifton, Karachi. For Delivery: Ph: 111-KFC-KFC (111-532-532) Chicky Fun Area Peshawar . University Road, Burjaman Plaza Near Shadman Chowk, Peshawar. For Delivery: Ph: 111-532-532 Chicky Fun Area Lahore †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 160/2, Block 2, Phase-1 LCCHS, Lahore For Delivery: Ph: 111-532-532 Chicky Fun Area Hyderabad . Unit No. 1, Shah Latifabad, Thandi Sarak, Hayderabad. For Delivery: Ph: 111-532-532 Chicky Fun Area Project Report On Chapter No # 4th KFC’s Mession Philosophy Department of Business Administration Preston University Peshawar Philosophy of KFC the CHAMPS program Champs stands for our belief that the most important thing each of us can do is to focus on the customer. It stands for our commitment to provide the best food and best experience for the best value. CHAMPS stand for the six universal areas of customer expectation common to all cultures and all restaurants concepts. The CHAMPS These are: Cleanliness Hospitality Accuracy Maintenance of Facilities Product Quality Speed of Service CHAMPS is the philosophy to ensure that the customer has the consistent quality experience in every restaurant, everyday, on every occasions and you will be playing role in delivering CHAMPS to our customers. Mission of Statement â€Å" To be the leader in western style restaurants through friendly service, good quality food and clean atmosphere â€Å" Goals of KFC Build an organization dedicated to excellence. Consistently deliver superior quality and value in our products and services. Maintain a commitment to innovation for continuous improvement and grow, striving always to be the leader in the market place changes. Generate consistently superior financial returns and benefits our owner and employees. To establish in Pakistan our position as leading WQSR (Western Quick Service Restaurant) chain, serving good value. Innovative chicken-based products. Consistently, providing a pleasant dining experience, with fast friendly, in a clean and convenient location. At all times we must be dedicated to providing excellent and delighting customers. Project Report On Chapter No # 5th Product Issues Department of Business Administration Preston University Peshawar Product Issues General description: Features: Quality Control Over Ingredients Every Chicken Tested K N’s state-of-the-art Quality Assurance Lab monitors the entire integration process from livestock to feed and on to preparation of ready-to-cook and cooked products. Every Chicken Certified HACCP – K N’s ensures food safety by implementing the international HACP (Food Safety System) and enjoy the unique privilege of being the first and only HACCP certified company is Pakistan producing chicken and chicken products. Free from diseases and bacteria, drug residues and other contaminants. Quality Assurance Certificate Director General ( Research ) has issued quality assurance certificate for the chicken used by KFC. Packaging We are asked as many questions on our packaging as our products by our customers. The packaging for KFC products is chosen according to performance against three key criteria: Heat Retention Moisture removal Grease absorption The packaging material and carton design are all adapted to maximize performance against these three criteria. Recycled Paper All our clamshells and chicken boxes contain as much recycled material as it is legally allowed. By law we are required to have virgin fibre board in any part of the packaging that is in contact with food. Any virgin fibre comes from board suppliers who use pulp bought from managed forest in Scandinavia. This ensures that any wood cut for paper production is replaced with new plantings. Environmental Concerns Over and above ensuring our packaging is supplied via recycled or renewable resources; KFC are enthusiastically complying with the new environmental directives on recovery and recycling of packaging waste. Litter We at KFC UKI are aware of our responsibilities to the Management of Litter and all our packaging carries the ‘Keep your Country Tidy’ signs. Branding This research measured and compared the brand identity of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in Pakistan. Brand identity was defined as the customer impressions of four different KFC identity elements properties, products, presentations, and publications. A survey of young consumers in the countries (n = 795), showed that the respondents were more apt to eat within KFC restaurants, and spend more time doing so, than the Americans. The Chinese also had much more positive impressions of KFC. Brand identity impressions were correlated with overall customer satisfaction and with future patronage intentions for both groups. These findings support a model where differences in cultural frames of reference lead consumers to actively localize the brand identity of this nominally globalized product. Four Forces-Analysis Entry For the current Pakistan market for fast food, it is not difficult for a fast food restaurant to enter the market. However, it would be extremely difficult to take over already running major fast food chains dominancy in Pakistan or even make a significant amount of profit. While there are enough people in urban Pakistan for any restaurant to survive, KFC holds the first-mover advantage into the non-veg food specialty food segment that gives them free reputation. Customers, especially children who are used to going to KFC as a treat or reward from their parents or grandparents, are not going to want to go to other restaurants they’ve never heard of. The brand name is already established. Also, there is already a large variety in the numerous western-style dining places in Pakistan , such as McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Dominos and Subway, and any new fast-food entrants would just be presenting something very similar to what’s already there. While small Neighborhood restaurants generally have low barriers to entry, these are the barriers to entry for similar restaurant businesses to enter the fast-food chain market. Buyer/Supplier Bargaining Power The customers of KFC, especially as individual buyers, have almost no bargaining power because if only one customer threatens to no longer eat at KFC, the store is not going to lower its price because the cost of losing one customer is not very great. The suppliers, like the buyers, have very little bargaining power. In terms of food, KFC, upon its move into Pakistan, urged many of its U. S. suppliers to also extend branches into Pakistan. KFC also began helping local suppliers by giving them technological support to improve their products. This is a brilliant strategy because the supplies that KFC would otherwise need to import from the U. S. can now be obtained domestically, and if the U. S. suppliers decide to raise their prices, KFC can easily switch to the local suppliers. This gives us a brilliant strategy. With this strategy, KFC created competition among its suppliers, lowering the supplier bargaining power. In terms of human resources, labor cost is extremely low because the supply of non-skilled workers great exceeds the demand for them. With so little buyer and supplier bargaining powers, KFC is able to have a very tight control over its prices and expenditures. Substitutes and Complements As mentioned above, there are a few major competitors in the fast-food industry in Pakistan for KFC, namely McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Dominos and Subway. The substitute products, in this case, would be burgers, pizza, and sandwiches. Though they are competitors, their primary products differ greatly from each other, in that they sell, chicken, burgers and fries, pizzas, and sandwiches, respectively. Traditional Pakistan dining, home-cooked meals, and grocery stores with ready-to-eat foods are also substitutes, as families could choose any one of these over fast food for a meal. These substitutes are definitely considered healthy as compared to the fast food chains. Even foods from street vendors count as substitute goods. While other fast foods serve as substitute to KFC, they can also serve as complements for fast foods as a whole. If the general price of fast foods goes up,KFC’s price rises as well, and the same can be said of the quantity sold of these products, which make them complements to each other. KFC also sets up stores located near popular tourist attractions, so tickets to these tourist spots are also complementary goods because the more people tour these attractions, the more customers KFC will get. Rivalry Unlike what one would expect, KFC has little rivalry with similar fast-food chains in Pakistan. The primary reason is that their core products are different, as in they sell different kinds of fast foods with very different tastes and styles. For example, if KFC raised its price for chicken by a small amount, Pakistan chicken lovers who may not be as accepting to pizzas (many Pakistani people strongly dislike the taste of cheese) are not going to switch to Pizza Hut just because the price for KFC increased. In addition to that, these restaurants have such different target customers that the fluctuation of price for one restaurant is not going to affect the others. For example, a full meal at KFC ranges about Rs. 100, whereas a full meal at Pizza Hut can cost over Rs. 300. The drastic difference in price assures no price competition between these restaurants. Project Report On Chapter No # 6th Current Target Market Department of Business Administration Preston University Peshawar Current Target Market Promotions In Pakistan KFC not advertise there products too much because people KFC due to its reputation in other countries. They promote their products through special packages. They promote there products through billboard, pamphlets and through other promotion strategies. Segmentation KFC has divided the market of Pakistan into distinct groups of customers with different demands, tastes and behavior who require separate products or marketing mix. In Pakistan the niche marketing is being used for particular classes of people. They have made segments of the market on the following bases. Demographical Behavior Geographical By using these three bases they segmented the market as under. Demographical Basis In demographics their first segment is consisted of the income factor i. e. high income, average income and low income. Behavior In behavioral aspect they segmented the market on the basis of quality, taste and price. Following are the different possible segments in this regard. Taste conscious Quality conscious Class conscious Combination of price and quality Geographical Basis On the basis of the geographical factor we have divided our market in three main segments. Urban areas Sub urban areas Profile criteria: 1. Gender: KFC is for each gender both male and female. 2. Income: Everyone can use the KFC service upper and middle class . 3. Age: age limitation for using this product above 15 4. Occupation: By profession also everyone can use this product means businessman student workers and other peoples. 5. Education: It has no need more education that why the person who know something can easily enjoy with this product. 6. Family life cycle: KFC is suitable in every stage of life like single married couple and also those who have children can use this product. 7. Lifestyle: This product is used in every level of social class like upper, middle class. 8. Attitude : When the customers once buy this product after that they can use the product continuously. 9. Purchasing decision: Often KFC changes the purchasing decision of customers because of its good attributes. 10. Geographic region: Geographically KFC is used in every part of the country as well as all over the world. Product positioning Customer perceive this product as a unique product that other are not giving . Attitudes The attitudes of the public is very good people like our this new product like others. Purchasing process: Many people come from home to eat this , and some make impulse decision as they saw it . Market Coverage Strategy KFC will be using differentiated market coverage strategy. It means that different marketing mix will be used for different age groups. Target Market For Fast Food After evaluation of various segments, KFC has decided to target the market of Urban and Sub-urban Areas of Pakistan. Product usage People are educated and they want variety in their diet. Normally people of rural areas don’t take fast food. On the other hand people of urban areas take fast food. Income of the people of urban areas is normally high and they can afford to purchase such products, which are slightly higher in price as compared to prevailing prices of local food in the market. People of Urban Areas are more quality conscious than the people of Rural Areas. In Urban Area there lived people from every walk of life and profit generation is easier than in Rural Areas. Population density is higher in Urban Areas as compared to Rural Areas, so the number of customers are more in Urban Areas. Economic Analysis of Market A market in this context refers to a number of all actual and potential buyers of a product (Kotler et al 2003). These buyers have a need to satisfy their needs through exchange . These needs make up the demand for particular products and services. Several components must be considered, as all these components have a direct or indirect impact on KFC’s success. Changes in the below described components over the last couple of years have led to big changes in people’s attitudes towards healthy food. It explains why Australians today want to eat healthy and nutritious-rich food in order to keep themselves healthy and that KFC must adjust their range of product and their company image to appeal to these new expectations, people have . Macro environment KFC operates in a larger macro environment of forces that creates opportunities, but also threats. (Kotler et al 2003). A company such as KFC usually cannot influence trends in the macro environment, as they affect people and organisations on a larger scale. However, KFC has to carefully examine macro environmental trends and must create competitive responses to such trends. There are six major macro environmental forces KFC has to take into account. Micro environment The microenvironment consists of all forces that are close to KFC, and on which KFC has an impact. They directly affect KFC’s ability to serve its customers. (Kotler et al 2003). Three major components influence KFC’s micro environment: Competitors Because the fast food market in India is highly competitive, KFC faces a wide number of direct and indirect competitors. KFC’s main competitors are fast food chains such as McDonald’s and Domino’s, which are already well established throughout Pakistan . McDonalds’s in particular is a direct competitor, as they have already successfully introduced their Salads plus line , which directly targets ‘healthy food’ conscious Pakistanis. But, there are a number of other competitors that is also focusing on ‘chicken’ types products. All this competition makes it quite difficult for KFC to maintain or even broaden their customer base. However, with the introduction of a new and healthy product range, KFC can differentiate itself from most competitors and will gain a competitive advantage. Customers KFC’s customer market consists solely of the consumer market (Kotler et al 2003). KFC’s products are bought by individuals (males, females, singles, and families). Therefore, the product range KFC offer should appe
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