Friday, January 31, 2020
Global Warming Essay Example for Free
Global Warming Essay In this entire article I will be discussing global warming, especially its effects on glaciers and on environment. Before discussing the effects of global warming it is important to understand what actually global warming is? It is defined as an average increase in earth’s temperature due to which the frequency of disasters like droughts floods and earthquake increases which accounts for the accumulation of green house gases in the atmosphere. There are various reasons for global warming and one of the most alarming causes is green house gases which include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous and water vapor. In recent years the proportion of these gases has increased massively due to industrialization and modernization. Now a question arises that how industrialization led to this massive increase? And the answer is excessive use of road vehicles which emit loads of carbon dioxide besides this we have cut all the plants by roadside which could take in carbon dioxide. Another reason is intense deforestation, which has further increased the ration of carbon dioxide in air. Also burning of fossils for the purpose of generation of electricity is one of its causes. What are Glaciers? Glaciers are formed by snow which overlap over the period of time forming a thick ice mass. These ice masses with the rise in temperature begins to melt and again forms a fresh layer of snow and this how the glacier gets bigger over time. They have been the largest source of fresh water and reservoirs after oceans. Glaciers are there in each continent of the world. Effects of global warming on Glaciers: In recent years the worrying factor is rapid melting of glacier due to increased temperature as compare to snow which replaces it, however if this continues the glacier will vanish soon. This is one of the serious effects of global warming thus resulting in a change in the mountain environment and which in turn is likely to bring about an intense change in the climatic condition of earth which will further bring change in habitats. Melting of glaciers will considerably increase the water level of seas and oceans because of which small countries are expected to sink and the water will overwhelm on the coastal areas. Like glaciers of national parks are shrinking inch by inch, day by day with the passage of time like all other glaciers around the world due to warm temperature. The change are not sever or harmful on day to day basis but will result in huge and devastating disasters over decades. Besides, glaciers add beauty to the environment and warm temperatures are melting these glaciers and eroding the natural beauty. More than half of the well known glaciers of national park have shrunk while many of the small glaciers of park have disappeared. Antarctica has and will suffer a lot from melting glaciers. Increased temperature in Antarctica region have warmed to 4. 5 degrees Fahrenheit in last few years which is considered as the highest and most rapid increase around the world. Another astonishing fact is the collapse of ice- shelves in Antarctica which had been stable for 20,000 years. Melting of glaciers worldwide has become a hot issue these days and its prevention cost is extensively high and is estimated at 3% of world GDP. Another argument by a Chinese glaciologist zhang wenjing is, glaciers are able to absorb heat during the global warming process and can reverse the effects of global warming. He further added that 20 square million kilometers of world’s glaciers and huge oceans will not let this phenomenon to increase rapidly. However another report claims that Himalaya glaciers are retreating by 10 to 15 meters on yearly basis due to rise in temperature and can have adverse effects on the social, economical and ecological system of its inhabitant as they are the main source of water. Effect on Environment: Effect on climate: Scientists believe that by 2050 the temperature of the globe will heat up within 2 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit. Scientists have developed models to forecast the change in temperature simpler models are able to forecast variation within a region whereas typical models are expected to measure changes across hundreds of thousands of square miles and it has predicted that all the European countries are anticipated to follow a similar climatic projection despite of the fact that each country has unique rainfall, seasonal and snowfall patterns. Furthermore the summers in mid-latitude will become drier. These effects may disrupt the civilization and biosphere. As the temperature increases the oceans will evaporate more yielding more clouds and rainfall. According to an author jonathan wiener of â€Å"The Next One Hundred†every year 500,000 of water rise and fall between sky and ocean and it is believed that about 25,000cubic kilometers will increase as a cause of global warming. The excessive amount of rain is expected to fall in areas where it is not required, subtropical areas are probable to experience heavy rainfall and floods whereas temperate zones will face droughts. On contrary for countries like Canada warmer climate indicate extended growing seasons with comparatively more rainfall which will ensure improved crop production in many areas. However in Western Europe and California snow packs are estimated to melt soon bringing in more rainfall and river water especially in spring season leaving behind a drier weather for crops when required essentially. Birds and Animals: Global warming is likely to affect the length of season, winters will become too short. This will imbalance the entire system and will greatly affect bird and animals as in winter birds get hide and definitely it will further disturb their feeding schedule and time particularly in young birds and the accessibility of food for them. Some animals consider climatic changes as a signal for migration or preparing themselves for other season but global warming will give rise to confusion in animals because of this chance of losing their migratory routes increases. Farmers: The farmer plant seeds according to the season and nature of the crop keeping in mind the desired amount of rain necessary for its production as mentioned earlier that global warming enhances the probability of cyclones, droughts, thunderstorm and other natural disasters which heavily affect the yield production. Moreover, by climatic changes the seasons get affected and so the rainfall because of which it is hard to predict the sowing and harvesting timings of the crop. This will lead to the scarcity of food and will have hazardous effects on living lives and will create panic in the society. Species: Due to global warming species are getting extinct like golden toad and harlequin have vanished and there is a great threat to number of other species to disappear as a result of global warming seeing that for many species cold weather is more conducive, hence global warming is creating trouble for their survival. a number of variation has been observed in animals as they respond significantly to warmer climate. Their behavior pattern shows that they have began to shift their population toward north and higher altitudes. A study was conducted in California on small butterfly and approximately 150 areas were catered, study showed that the number of butterfly decreased in southern region as compared to northern regions which proves that butterfly prefer cooler zones. Increase in Diseases: As of global warming numerous diseases have emerged, they are the product of amplified temperature because bacteria can live better in an elevated temperature and also multiplies easily in favorable conditions like mosquito production have increased which in turn add to malaria disease due to this global warming. Now we can well imagine how dangerous this global warming could be? We are gathered around so many diseases which are nothing but simply an effect of global warming and we are unaware of the fact that our live is also endangered. If it continues to happen the life expectancy will decrease and death rate is estimated to double up to 300,000 deaths per year within 25 years particularly in high altitude regions. Effect on Vegetation: Global warming will also affect the availability of vegetation on the earth surface like tundra vegetation is soon expected to alter to temperate, cold and evergreen forest and woody type of forest will increase as a reason of increased precipitation. Hence there will be a drastic change in the variety of vegetation available in an area and this is expected to bring a change in inhabitant of that area. Effect on marine life: Marine life is very much sensitive to the changes, changes in climate; sea level and length of the seasons stamp an adverse affect on these innocent lives. A survey was conducted to check the responsiveness of marine live to the changes in water level and it was found that many of the marine species tend to disappear or die due to increase in water surface, few of the specie for whom warm water is favorable their population can strike gigantic levels. Most threaten changes are predictable to reflect in coral reefs and they are probable to die off. This melting of polar ice will end up harming many animals. Acidified water: Oceans all around the world absorb carbon dioxide produced by all living organism, burning of fossils and through all other human activities that gather on the bed for the formation of limestone or chalk. It is said that oceans have observed 50% of all carbon dioxide evolved from human activities ever since 1800. Carbon dioxide when combined with water forms a weak acid called carbonic acid and green house gases have said to lower the PH ( acidity) of water by 0. 1to8.2 units on a 14 points scale and it is expected to decline further by 0. 5 by 2100. Increased acidification will have an injurious affects on corals and other marine lives especially ones with calcium carbonate shells, and also in the reproduction of fishes and their food planktons. References. Glaciers Melting and Species Extinction. mht Global warming Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. mht http://www. rpi. edu/~ngok/Global%20Warming/effects. html http://www. sierraclub. org/energy/articles/glacier. asp http://www. effectofglobalwarming. com/ http://www. bloggernews. net/1749
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
The Old Man And The Sea :: essays research papers
Relationship, External Nature and Dignity in The Old Man and The SeaMan has always suffered his most to achieve his goal. However if one doesn't experience the danger; will not be prepared to handle his problems. Experience is a part of life which gives man his true identity. Does this identity comes from one's luck or struggle? Relationships on the other hand interpret strength and dignity. Ernest Hemingway has shown this through Manolin's behavior. He is a young boy who follows Santiago and listen to his wisdom. If this dignity is eliminated will it effect there relationship? Santiago's fight with nature symbolizes the troubles of existence. Does this mean that the outer existence is nothing but a perilous world? Relationship, External nature and Dignity are the major themes in The Old Man and the SeaA very important relationship in the novella The Old Man and the Sea is that between Manolin and Santiago. Manolin supports Santiago and helped him to confront his greatest challenge. Manolin proves this when he says, "I would like go fishing with you. I would like to serve you in some way" (p. 15). Manolin is the first person who appreciates Santiago's experience and skills. He wants to be like Santiago and be a skillful fisherman (p.24). Manolin's concern for Santiago is very significant to their relationship. It keeps the united even after a huge difference in their age. When Santiago returns after loosing his spectacular catch, it's Manolin who cries at the sight of the wounds "he saw the old man's hand and started to cry" (p. 122), and vows that he will never allow the old man to fish alone again. Therefore' Manolin has proven his relationship to Santiago through his moral respect. The danger confronting Santiago in the external nature represents the troubles of existence. Heminway's, The Old Man and the Sea represents many meanings to the out side existence. The marlin for example represents struggle, trouble and the last challenge Santiago went through. Santiago's struggle as a fisherman with marlin also symbolizes durability by putting up such a struggle. Accomplishing or obtaining something doesn't always end one's journey. Once Santiago hooked the fish (marlin) he still has further complications (p.57). First, the fish might dive to the bottom and break the line; second, it might die, and sink (p.72). The sharks bring him more trouble afterwards. The cost him to loose his stuff, "He took my harpoon and my rope (p.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Aggression in Humans Essay
There are many different reason why a person may act aggressively towards other human being. The person may act this way because of his background or the way he/she was brought up in life. A person does not; act this way based on natural feeling alone. Is more like a melded, learned behavior. A human being must have both environmental and instinctual factors in order to show aggression. Some of a person’s natural instincts are to desire food, reject some things, escape from danger, fight in a dangerous situations or when challenged. As well also sex desire, care for the young, control, and to accept substandard status. This combination of both instincts and environment determines a person’s behavior and actions throughout life. This is based on the theory that everything human beings do would have to be learned from other human beings. Aggression must be learned as we grow. It is not just simply there from the moment of birth. A person behavior is something that is taught to him rather than being an unmanageable instinct. For example, a newborn baby is breathing because it is an uncontrolled reaction. But on the other hand, a father may tell his young son to beat up the school buly who is picking on him. As a result, the boy is dealing with the situation by using violence. In order for a human being to display aggression, violence and anger, it must be driven by an instinct interacting with that person’s surroundings. The word instinct is defined as â€Å"an inherited or innate psycho-physical disposition which determines its possessor to perceive, and to pay attention to, objects of a certain class, to experience an emotional excitement of a particular quality upon perciving such an object, and to act in regard to its particular manner, or, at least, to experience an impulse to such action.†This definition, explains that people have different reactions for different situations they are put in. Therefore, an individual is expected to act a certain way when he is encouraged to do so from his surrounding environment. For example, an Eskimo does not have an inborn instinct that allows him to survive in his climate. He has to work with his people in order to survive when he is at a very young age. Furthermore, when people are brought up in a society, they learn a certain way of life and traditions. These customs are usually taught to them because it’s part of their society’s way of life, even if some of the customs may be brutal and horrible to others. For example, cannibalism is distasteful to us, but in some prehistoric cultures, to eat an enemy is to gain his or her strength. This aggressive behavior was taught to the people of this culture and is the cause for its existence. People need to have contact with aggressiveness in society in order to act aggressive. For example, there was a tribe in New Guinea, who were violent warriors that were always fighting and killing each other. The children of these people learned this aggressive act from their parents and then acted in the same way. A parent’s method of child rearing has a huge impact on the child’s aggression. For example my own brother found a way, which will convince my parents to buy him what he wants. All he has to do is cry and if he doesn’t get what he wants he will start smashing, kicking and throwing thinks that he find around him. Moreover, when a group of people are isolated, their behavior does not change unless they interact with other people. There was tribe made up of a group of people who were completely isolated fro the rest of the world. They did not show any signs of aggression due to the fact that they had no words for weapon, aggression, anger or war. All they did was gathering food. So the tribe and had no use for weapons. The tribe only used knives and other things that might be thought as weapons or tools to gather food. They even rejected the spear, the bow and arrow because they could not use them to gather food. There could not been anything in their genetic makeup that made them act in an aggressive or peaceful manner. This was just their way of life that was taught from generation to generation, to gather food which was needed to survive. The source of human aggression lies in factors such as society and culture. Aggression is a learned emotion that is built up on different factors in a person’s surrounding environment. It the combination of environment, society and culture that creates aggressive behavior. It is the person’s instincts that are the basis for the three. While one tribe is a peaceful group of people, and the other a group of aggressive warriors. Both of the tribes had the ability for aggression and peaceful life but it was their environment, society and culture that have driven them to choose totally opposite paths.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Essay about Critical and Creative Thinking - 1108 Words
Critical and Creative Thinking COM/600 2013 Critical and Creative Thinking Critical thinking is an important and valuable skill to have. Critical thinking affects both your professional lifestyle as well as your personal lifestyle. Critical thinkers should encompass skills needed to thoroughly analyze all the variables in a problem. During critical thinking, decisions should be based upon logic, and relevant and accurate data. Problem-solving and decision making is part of our everyday lives. It is important to use critical and creative thinking when solving problems and making decisions. Without thinking critically, you may miss out on important details that may help you come up the best solution or make the best†¦show more content†¦Employers often require evidence that applicants have received a degree from an accredited school or program (Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, 2010). I did not want to spend the next four years obtaining a degree from a school whose standards are not up to par or a school whose programs have not been recognized as valid by the US Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. The next important factor that was critically assessed and compared was the areas of study that each school offered. When selecting a school it was critical to ensure that the school provided the area of study that I was planning to pursue. Since I was interested in the working in the helping profession, it was important that I selected a university that offered a quality Human Services curriculum. This critical assessment eliminated one school, leaving two addition schools for me to assess and distinguish which one I would attend. Lastly, I considered the cost and location of the university. It was very important that I attended a university that was affordable and not too far from my hometown. Critical thinking assisted me in determining that it would not be beneficial to attend a school that would cause me to take out a great amount of student loans that I may not be able to pay back. One of the most important reasons for attending school is to be able to liveShow MoreRelatedCritical and Creative Thinking2382 Words  | 10 PagesCritical and creative thinking is regaining its popularity in the global education scene. This resurgence in popularity can be attributed to the demands of the evolving economic, political, social and technological world in the 21st century. The competitiveness of the global market demands corporations to constantly innovate. To do so, corporations need employees who are able to think critically and creatively. Barren of natural resources, Singapore depends on its human population for economic survivalRead MoreCreative and Critical Thinking Essay1254 Words  | 6 PagesKnowledge is generated through critical and creative thinking. 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