Thursday, November 28, 2019
Ge Honeywell free essay sample
Honeywell’s Failed Merger GE, while only encompassing a limited stake in the aerospace industry, nevertheless faced challenges in its merger with Honeywell due to its market share in the Large Regional and Large Commercial aircraft segments. Additionally, the â€Å"portfolio effect†of the merger and GE’s potential to reach â€Å"end to end†monopolization of the value chain through the bundling of its financing arm (GE Capital), its leasing subsidiary (GECAS), and Honeywell’s avionics manufacturing and MRO capabilities worried European Commission regulators. This merger would be categorized as both vertical and horizontal. As a horizontal merger, the companies overlap within the â€Å"installed base†large regional aircraft segment. GE is a manufacturer, financer, servicer leaser and buyer of engines for this segment and Honeywell is a manufacturer and servicer of the same. Vertically, there is integration with GE Capital to finance a finished â€Å"bundle†of GE engine and Honeywell non-engine aerospace equipment (avionics) parts. We will write a custom essay sample on Ge Honeywell or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The most significant synergies created by the merger were derived from the combined engine manufacturing capabilities of the two companies and the complementary services each company provided to the other to control the value chain. First, GE’s vertical integration of financing through GE Capital created a competitive advantage for GE to sell engines at a discounted rate, allowing it to win contracts. This advantage was perpetuated, since the airlines benefitted from commonality in the fleet. Honeywell would be helped tremendously by this financing advantage and the ability of both companies to bundle both the engine and avionics products together would put them at a distinct advantage in project bids. Specifically in the â€Å"installed base†segment, airlines would be incentivized to make one bundled purchase of both sets of equipment, which would not only generate revenue for GE in the short run but also go a long way in securing future contracts with airlines due to the benefits of standardization. Table 1 shows estimates of the value of 20% revenue growth by Honeywell as a result of this synergy. Second, MRO synergy would enable GE to continue to grow its aftermarket services business, which had quickly grown into the majority revenue share by 2000. The addition of Honeywell would broaden the scope of the service contracts to include avionics products, and reinforce the incentive for airlines to purchase GE / Honeywell products. Table 2 shows Honeywell and GE combined revenue growth of GE as a result of this synergy. Finally, the combined manufacturing capabilities of the two companies in the large regional aircraft segment provides fixed cost savings for each company and especially Honeywell by merging management expertise and manufacturing capabilities. Table 3 shows the reduction in COGS for Honeywell as a result of this synergy. Table 4 shows the combined benefits of all three synergies. Market Definition of GE’s dominance in the large jet engine segments was a benefit to GE because the European Commission did not segment it further to just regional aircraft, nor did the Commission separate the MRO market into its own segment, of which both Honeywell and GE had significant market share (although its divestiture was cited as a condition in the DOJ ruling). To GE’s detriment, however, the Commission defined the market in terms of â€Å"installed base†engines that were still in production and did not include those out of production. Also, the calculation of market share in joint ventures hurt GE in the market share calculations. Most of the Commission’s concerns in the merger seemed to revolve around the potential of the merger to force competitors such as Rolls Royce and Pratt amp; Whitney out of the market, which would then lead to â€Å"market foreclosure†. I believe the DOJ took a longer term perspective of the market, and the Commission’s refusal to include out of service aircraft is an indicator of this line of reasoning. In my view, and perhaps the DOJ, GE’s ability to sell engines and avionics at a lower price than the current competition may be an advantage but it is certainly not anticompetitive. There is nothing preventing the other companies from making a better engine or a cheaper engine in order to sway standardization trends. If anything, these efficiencies are a benefit to the consumer as the cost saving are passed on from the airline. Recommendations I believe the merger should have been approved because the market effects of the conglomerate actually increase efficiencies in the market – savings which can be passed on to consumers. Further, the merger does not create any new products- the competing engine manufacturers are more than capable of continuing to produce engines that compete with GE and Honeywell, if not on price then on functionality or any other aspect. That said, I also recommend the divestiture of the MRO arm of both GE and Honeywell, not only because the role in servicing could create a conflict of interest, but because it is outside of the realm of both company’s core competency. The continued revenue growth of the MRO arm could threaten to sap resources from more innovative projects.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Pre-Pottery Neolithic - Farms and Feasts Before Pottery
Pre-Pottery Neolithic - Farms and Feasts Before Pottery The Pre-Pottery Neolithic (abbreviated PPN and often spelled as PrePottery Neolithic) is the name given to the people who domesticated the earliest plants and lived in farming communities in the Levant and Near East. The PPN culture contained most of the attributes we think of Neolithicexcept pottery, which was not used in the Levant until ca. 5500 BC. The designations PPNA and PPNB (for Pre-Pottery Neolithic A and so forth) were first developed by Kathleen Kenyon to use at the complex excavations at Jericho, which is probably the best known PPN site. PPNC, referring to the terminal Early Neolithic was first identified at Ain Ghazal by Gary O. Rollefson. Pre-Pottery Neolithic Chronology PPNA (ca 10,500 to 9,500 BP) Jericho, Netiv Hagdud, Nahul Oren, Gesher, Dhar, Jerf al Ahmar, Abu Hureyra, Gà ¶bekli Tepe, Chogha Golan, BeidhaPPNB (ca 9,500 to 8200 BP) Abu Hureyra, Ain Ghazal, Çatalhà ¶yà ¼k, Cayà ¶nà ¼ Tepesi, Jericho, Shillourokambos, Chogha Golan, Gobekli Tepe PPNC (ca 8200 to 7500 BP) Hagoshrim, Ain Ghazal PPN Rituals Ritual behavior during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic is quite remarkable, indicated by the presence of large human figurines at sites such as Ain Ghazal, and plastered skulls at Ain Ghazal, Jericho, Beisomoun and Kfar HaHoresh. A plastered skull was made by modeling a plaster replica of skin and features onto a human skull. In some cases, cowry shells were used for eyes, and sometimes they were painted using cinnabar or other iron-rich elements. Monumental architecturelarge buildings constructed by the community for use as gathering spaces for those communities and allied peoplehad its very first beginnings in the PPN, at sites such as Nevali Çori and Hallan Çemi; hunter-gatherers of the PPN also constructed the significant site of ​Gà ¶bekli Tepe, an apparently nonresidential structure built for ritual gathering purposes. Crops of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Crops domesticated during the PPN include the founder crops: the cereals (einkorn and emmer wheat and barley), the pulses (lentil, pea, bitter vetch, and chickpea), and a fiber crop (flax). Domesticated forms of these crops have been excavated at sites such as Abu Hureyra, Cafer Hà ¼yà ¼k, Cayà ¶nà ¼ and Nevali Çori. In addition, the sites of Gilgal and Netiv Hagdud have produced some evidence supporting the domestication of fig trees during the PPNA. Animals domesticated during the PPNB include sheep, goats, and possibly cattle. Domestication as a Collaborative Process? A recent study at the site of Chogha Golan in Iran (Riehl, Zeidi and Conard 2013) has provided information concerning the apparently wide-spread and perhaps collaborative nature of the domestication process. Based on the exception preservation of the botanical remains, the researchers were able to compare the Chogha Golan assemblage to other PPN sites from all over the Fertile Crescent and extending into Turkey, Israel and Cyprus, and have concluded that there might very well have been inter-regional information and crop flow, which might account for the nearly simultaneous invention of agriculture in the region. In particular, they note that crop domestication of seed plants (such as emmer and einkorn wheat and barley) seems to have arisen throughout the region at the same time, leading the Tà ¼bingen-Iranian Stone Age Research Project (TISARP) to conclude that inter-regional information flow must have occurred. Sources This Guide to Prehistory is part of the Guide to the Neolithic and the Guide to European Prehistory. Garrard AN, and Byrd BF. 2013. Beyond the Fertile Crescent: Late Palaeolithic and Neolithic Communities of the Jordanian Steppe. The Azraq Basin Project. Oxford: Oxbow Press.Goren Y, Goring-Morris AN, and Segal I. 2001. The Technology of Skull Modelling in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB): Regional Variability, the Relation of Technology and Iconography and their Archaeological Implications. Journal of Archaeological Science 28(7):671-690.Haber A, and Dayan T. 2004. Analyzing the process of domestication: Hagoshrim as a case study. Journal of Archaeological Science 31(11):1587-1601.Hardy-Smith T, and Edwards PC. 2004. The Garbage Crisis in prehistory: artefact discard patterns at the Early Natufian site of Wadi Hammeh 27 and the origins of household refuse disposal strategies. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 23(3):253-289.Kuijt I. 2000. People and Space in Early Agricultural Villages: Exploring Daily Lives, Community Size, and Architecture in the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 19(1):75-102. Lev-Yadun S, Abbo S, and Doebley J. 2002. Wheat, rye, and barley on the cob? Nature Biotechnology 20(4):337-338.Pinhasi R, and Pluciennik M. 2004. A Regional Biological Approach to the Spread of Farming in Europe: Anatolia, the Levant, South-Eastern Europe, and the Mediterranean. Current Anthropology 45(S4):S59-S82.Riehl S, Pustovoytov K, Weippert H, Klett S, and Hole F. 2014. Drought stress variability in ancient Near Eastern agricultural systems evidenced by d13C in barley grain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(34):12348-12353.Riehl S, Zeidi M, and Conard NJ. 2013. Emergence of agriculture in the foothills of the Zagros mountains of Iran. Science 341:65-67.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Catholic Reformation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Catholic Reformation - Essay Example The leaders sold them to the people using lies saying that whoever bought a luxury would get out of purgatory whereas any person you bought for would escape hell’s fury. Martin Luther however believed in going to heaven only by believing in Jesus Christ. This outcry from the professor scared the Pope because the people realized they do not require any human involvements for them to go to heaven (Mullet, 2004). The translations of the bible, especially the New Testament into other languages that people could understand and the following of the older testament’s Judaism by the church were the other causes of this reformation. There was evidently a lot of corruption among the high level clergy at the time (Hulme, 2004). These events led to the reorganization of the church immediately after the pinning of the ninety five notions by Martin Luther on the day of All Saints. This activities brought a lot of friction between him and the pope resulting in his trial in the year 1521. The trial resulted in his excommunication and the eventual spread of reorganization across the entire German state. This new movements arose without involving the direct influence of Martin Luther (Hulme, 2004). The Christians in Zurich, Switzerland, also revolted under Zwingli who also spread the gospel of the standard of rationalization through faith (Mullet, 2004). There was also an emergence of the radical reformers claiming that the standards of authority in spiritual matters must be put to use without concessions. In France, John Calvin led his people through his forceful influences to serve the church and the state as one organization. This he said would have to be forcefully done for the magnificence of God. The spread of the reformist factions in England was more about political issues than spiritual issues (Mullet, 2004). This resulted in the formation of the Anglican church after the pope’s refusal to grant the King of England a
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Anti-Discrimination Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Anti-Discrimination Act - Essay Example The dream of peace and prosperity is only imaginary if we do not acknowledge each other's identity. We share different cultures and beliefs inherited from our forefathers. It is one's sovereign right to gain entry to a job of choice that he has been prepared for. Title VII allows every man to share equal rights in the workplace by prohibiting racial discrimination of workers. Gone are the days when colored workers are separated from the whites. Asians and Mexicans are no longer restricted to work anywhere they like. Everyone is given the opportunity to exercise one's profession or training despite his racial origin. Title VII creates inter-dependence among men of different cultural backgrounds to share their expertise in the workplace thereby affording the country a stable economic stature. Employers can not also restrict the allowance of an employee's right to practice his belief. Religion bequeaths to man, a sense of right and wrong; which for centuries has been passed from one generation to another. Title VII recognizes the importance of religion in man's existence thus; employers are expected to extend willful allowance of an employee's observance of faith within reasonable accommodation. An employer can not fire a worker, because his prayer offends him or his religion is too eccentric.
Monday, November 18, 2019
A key historical development such as the development of the tripartite Essay
A key historical development such as the development of the tripartite system or the introduction of comprehensive education - Essay Example The British transition provides an excellent way for the study of the effect of a comprehensive system as compared to selective schooling system on the student's achievement. In the traditional British school system, scholars would attend an academically selective grammar college at age 11, or they would attend a secondary modern school, which used to be academically less hard. The tripartite system had its disadvantages and also its advantages but the criticisms made it necessary to development of comprehensive education, which was friendlier to the students and all the scholars involved. Starting within the Nineteen Fifties, there was once dissatisfaction with choices on the local level, and a few native authorities began to experiment with comprehensive colleges. In 1965, the local authorities requested the Local Education Authorities (LEAs) to make plans to convert to a comprehensive education system. The implementation went on slowly, with sooner growing, more Labour leaning LEA s moving to comprehensive colleges more quickly while Conservative leaning Authorities implemented the amendment extra slowly. Presently there are still few conservatives offering grammar schools as an option INTRODUCTION National school programs range extensively within the quantity of skill tracking of scholars they provide in secondary school. Some education systems are based on comprehensive systems, where students of all abilities go to similar schools, although there is typically some tracking within the schools. Other systems channel students at an early age into different school types based on academic standards (tripartite system). The British idea is appealing since it involved a significant and a well defined change in terms of the ability of secondary school scholars, thus offering a potential way to assess the importance of comprehensive education system on student achievement. Comprehensive education is an education system where selection is not based on academic found ation or competency. A tripartite education system was created by the 1944 Education act and provided the basis of a state funded secondary school sector. The structure was to have three schools, which were grammar school, secondary technical school and secondary modern school (Education Act 1944). In the essay, we are going to discuss why Britain switched to the comprehensive system from tripartite system and the setbacks and advantages of the comprehensive system. We are also going to look at the key areas in the development of the comprehensive education system and the factors which lead to its implementation. Comprehensive education can be looked at as an improvement of the tripartite system, but it also has its own disadvantages. Historical development of Comprehensive Education from the Tripartite System in Britain The 1944 Education Act or the Butler Act brought about the tripartite education system which was found on the belief that at eleven years of age it was possible to measure intelligence of a child, the basis of this is to make a choice on the activity, or career the child might be suited to. Children sat the 11+ exam which was made up of English, Math and IQ tests. Those who passed were deemed to be more academic and would then proceed to secondary grammar school while the other would go to lower level grammar school. By the early 1960s, many LEAs were devising and reorganizing plans to end the traditional
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Inhibitory Effects of Low Power Radiofrequency
The Inhibitory Effects of Low Power Radiofrequency Inhibitory effects of low thermal radiofrequency radiation on physiological parameters of Zea mays seedlings grown Mihaela Răcuciu1, Cora Iftode2 and Simona MiclăuÃ…Å ¸3 Abstract. The inhibitory effects of low power radiofrequency field on physiological parameters of Zea mays plantlets developed from exposed seeds were obtained in present experiment. Identical biological samples of 30 Zea mays seeds with a uniform genophond were exposed to a continuous wave at a frequency of 1GHz, inside a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) cell, for different exposure times between 0 and 8 hours, and then let to germinate. By numerical dosimetry computations, an average specific absorption rate (SAR) of energy deposition per sample of 0.47W/kg was obtained and SAR distribution over the sample was determined. The assimilatory pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total carotenoid pigments) and average nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) contents in the green tissues of all experimental samples as well as in the control plants were assayed by spectrophotometric methods, after 12 days of plant growth. Decreased levels of all assimilatory pigments and nucleic acids were obtained for a ll exposure durations, as compared to the control sample. Also, it was found that the enhanced exposure time had an inhibitory effect on the growth of the 12 day old plantlets. Introduction The scientific interest about the effects of high frequency electromagnetic fields on biological materials, especially plants, dates since the 19th century [1]. Not a few of the earlier experiments on plant material have been focused on the effect of radio frequency electromagnetic fields on seeds. In many cases, the short exposure resulted in increased germination rate and stimulation of seedlings growth [2]. Ponomarev et al. [3] investigated the influence of low intensity microwave radiation on the germination of cereals (winter and spring wheat, spring barley, oats), observing an increasing of germination rate for all the treated seeds. Khalafallah et al. showed in their experiment that the germination grains and growth rate of exposed maize seedlings, significantly increased compared to the control. Also, photosynthetic pigments levels, total soluble sugar and total carbohydrates were positively affected by 945MHz electromagnetic field exposure [4]. Jonas reported that the action of microwave radiations on Zea mays seedlings damaged the photosynthetic system and led to significant increase of the carotene and anthocyanin production [5]. Tkalec et al. exposed Lemna minor L. plants to 900 MHz electromagnetic field and then was observed a decreasing of the plants growth for 2 hours exposure, even if the germination rate and the root lengths not changed significantly [6]. M. Ursache et al. [7] exposed Zea mays seedlings at 418 MHz electromagnetic field for relatively short exposure times (1 to 4 hours), and observed increasing of the photosynthetic pigments levels. L. Oprică [8] has studied microwave treatment with power density under 1 mW/cm3 on rapeseeds and concluded that the exposure determined variations of catalase and peroxidase activities depending on the age of the plants and time of exposure. Sandu et al. [9] studied the 400MHz electromagnetic field influence on the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) seedlings. Chlorophyll a as well as chlorophyll b level was found to decrease and chlorophyll ratio was decreasing logarithmically to the increase of daily exposure time on the electromagnetic field. Rou x et al. [10] showed that a non-thermal 900MHz electromagnetic field is able to evoke rapid accumulation of some transcripts (like Ca2+ receptors) that are known to play a role in the early events of plant responses to stress in tomato plants. The present study aimed to quantify the effects of low-power 1GHz electromagnetic field action on Zea mays seeds, by assessing of the photosynthetic pigments and nucleic acid total level in seedlings developed from exposed seeds. The seeds exposure took place in a well-controlled environment and was seconded by a proper microwave dosimetric analysis. Materials and methods Biological material. Considering its economic importance for agriculture and food industry the popcorn seeds (Zea mays) were chosen as biological material. In order to diminish the putative genophond variations in this experiment were used seeds from a single plant with vigorous biological features from an experimental micropopulation. Irradiated seeds germination occurred on porous paper support, in darkness and closed Petri dishes, environmental conditions being kept under peer control (temperature being 24 ±0.50 C and 98% humidity). After germination the young plantlets development was conducted in the same controlled laboratory conditions (t=23 ±0.50C, illumination -11h: 13h light/dark cycle and 90% humidity) and the culture medium of young plantlets was daily watered with the same amount of deionized water. Exposure system and modelling-simulation. Biological samples composed of 30 Zea mays seeds each, having a uniform genophond, were exposed one by one (in a Petri dish) to 1GHz microwave, inside a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) cell, for different exposure times between 1 hour and 8 hours (Fig. 1). The TEM cell was model IFI CC-104SEXX (Instruments for Industry, USA) and at the input port the incident power Pin=11.5W was delivered from a radiofrequency signal generator model Hameg HM 3184-3 through a power amplifier Ophir 5150. At the output port the cell was terminated by a 50 ohm matched impedance. In this way, a relatively uniform electric (E) field strength distribution was obtained in a large volume between the floor and the septum of the TEM cell [x], at the place where the sample was exposed. A modelling-simulation step followed, in order to obtain the specific absorption rate of energy deposition (SAR) in the sample. The validation of the approach [x] showed that in general a good agreement between measured and simulated SAR is obtained. In present case, the simulation was made in CST Microwave Studio. The simulated TEM cell and the sample disposal inside it is observed in Fig. 1a, while in Fig.1b the distribution of the seeds in the Petri dish during exposure is indicated. Getting primary data from the real sample, each corn seed was then modelled as a little ellipsoid, with the axes of 10.80.41 cm, and with an average mass of 0.317g. The mass density of a corn seed was of 1.8628g/cm3. The dielectric properties of the seeds were extracted from [xx], by considering an average of 23% relative humidity of the sample. So, the dielectric data for Zea mays were: relative permittivity real part which is related to the stored energy, was ÃŽ µÃ¢â‚¬â„¢r=7.15, relative permittivi ty – imaginary part, which is related to the dissipation (or loss) of energy was ÃŽ µÃ¢â‚¬ r =1.52, and the electric conductivity was ÃÆ'=84.510-3 S/m. (b) Fig.1. The modeled TEM cell and the disposal of the corn seeds sample inside it, for uniform exposure to 1GHz/11.5W: a) the position of the Petri dish inside the cell during the exposure; b) the disposal of the seeds inside the dish Analysis methods. The assimilatory pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total carotenoid pigments) and average nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) levels in the green tissues of all experimental samples as well as in the control plants were assayed by spectrophotometric methods using a JASCO V530 spectrophotometer UV-VIS device provided with quartz cells of 1cm width, after the 12 days of plant growth. Using the Lichtenthaler and Welburn’s method [11], the assay of the assimilatory pigments extracts (in 80% acetone) was performed, while the assay of nucleic acid level (in perchloric acid 6% extracts) was carried out accordingly to modified Spirin’s method (Spirin [12]; Struchkov et al. [13]). Spectrophotometric measurements were performed at the wavelengths of: 663nm, 646nm and 470nm (versus acetone 80%) for the assay of chlorophylls (Chla, Chlb) and carotenoids pigments (Car) from green tissues and, at 260nm and 280nm (versus perchloric acid 6%) in the case of nucleic ac ids. For obtaining of photosynthetic pigments levels, the formulas from Lichtenthaler and Welburn [11] were applied while the calibration curves (based on the spectral readings to the mentioned wavelengths) were used in the case of nucleic acids. The biological material, used in the analysis conducted in this study, was consisted of green tissue obtained by mixing up the green tissue from the all young plantlets grown from each experimental group (sample). It was used the same amount of fresh green tissue mass for each experimental sample. Plant individual length was measured with 0.1cm precision and the average lengths and the standard deviations were calculated for each batch of test seeds. Using the Student test, the confidence interval was calculated for every batch of plantlets for the confidence levels P = 90%, 95% and 99%. Since chlorophylls ratio revealed the response of the LHC II system (Light Harvesting Complex II) to the external stimuli, these experimental data offered the main insight into the photosynthesis complex processes (Ort et al.[14]). Statistic analysis. Statistic analysis of the experimental data, resulted from the three repetitions of the whole experiment, was accomplished by means of ANOVA test applied using MsExcell soft package to evaluate reliability of modifications induced by electromagnetic field exposure in comparison to the control ones as well as among the samples corresponding to different exposure time, considering the significance criterion of 0.05 (p value). Results and discussions The SAR distribution, obtained in the simulation (Fig.2), was not very uniform, varying between 0.27-0.65W/kg, with an average value SARavg=0.47W/kg. With this SAR value, and by considering a specific heat of the corn c=3350 J/kg.degC, an expected temperature increase due to microwave exposures between 0.50degC and 4.04degC is expected, when no heat exchange would take place between the seeds sample and the environment. This would conduct to a low-thermal effect. Fig.2. SAR distribution along the 30 seeds probe exposed in the TEM cell at 1GHz The average lengths of plantlets and afferent standard deviations were calculated for each batch of test seeds and represent in Figure 2 in function of electromagnetic field exposure time. It was found an inhibitory effect on plant growth under the 1GHz electromagnetic field action with enhanced exposure times. The confidence interval was calculated for every batch of plantlets using the Student test, for the confidence level P = 90%. All length plantlet results are statistically significant in comparison to control. Fig.2. The average length of 12 days old plantlets in function of exposure time The contents of photosynthesis pigments (a and b chlorophylls and total carotenoids) in the green tissue of young Zea mays plantlets (aged of 12 days) for experimental samples in Fig. 3 are presented. The chlorophyll a level, the main photosynthesis pigment, was found decreased for all electromagnetic field exposure times used in this experiment comparatively to the control sample (plants growth was performed only in deionised water presence) (statistically significant in relation to the threshold of 0.05). Fig. 3. Assimilatory pigments level in Zea mays plantlets versus 1GHz electromagnetic field exposure time. (Chl a –the content of chlorophyll a, Chl b – the content of chlorophyll b, Car – the content of total carotenoid pigments). The total assimilatory pigments contents had the same variation to the increase of exposure time of electromagnetic field action on 12 days young plantlets that was observed for chlorophyll a level. The chlorophylls ratio (chlorophyll a / chlorophyll b) is considered the best indicator upon the photosynthesis process efficiency (Ort et al.[14]) which provides indirect information on the enzymatic aggregates of the Light Harvesting Complex II (LHC II) from the photosynthetic system II located in the chloroplasts membranes. A slight variation of chlorophylls ratio was observed for enhanced exposure time only for the greater exposure time (8 hours) was observed decreased value, with 22% than unexposed sample value (statistical significance was ensured relatively to the threshold of p Fig. 4. The effects of electromagnetic field exposure on chlorophylls ratio (Chl a/Chl b) From results, it was observed for relatively small exposure times a tendency to accumulation of more chlorophylls than carotenoids while for enhanced exposure times (between 4 and 8 hours) this tendency has been changed, observing an accumulation of more carotenoids than chlorophylls at plant level. Chlorophylls to carotenoids ratio decreased with 1GHz electromagnetic field exposure time (Fig. 5). Fig.5. (Chl a+Chl b)/Car level for the plantlets provided by electromagnetic field exposed seeds The nucleic acids average content in young Zea mays plantlets after 12 days of grown developed from 1GHz electromagnetic field exposed seeds is presented in Fig. 6. It was observed that for increasing electromagnetic field exposure time the nucleic acid biosynthesis was inhibited (about 75 %) in comparison to the control sample (plants developed from unexposed seeds). Applying the t-test to compare control and test sample, data for the average nucleic acid level statistic significance (p Fig. 6. The level of DNA and RNA for the plantlets provided by electromagnetic field exposed seeds Conclusions References [1] P. A. Ark, W. Parry, â€Å"Application of high-frequency electrostatic fields in agriculture,†The Quarterly Review of Biology, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 172–191, 1940. [2] V. N. Tran, â€Å"Effects of microwave energy on the strophiole, seed coat and germination of acacia seeds,†Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 277–287, 1979. [3] Ponomarev, L. I., V. à †¢. Dolgodvorov, V. V. Popov, S. V. Rodin, à Å ¾. à  . Roman, The effect of low-intensity electromagnetic microwave field on seed germination (in Russian), Proceedings of Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, 1996, 2, 42–46. [4] A.A. Khalafallah, Samira M. 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Toyota Supply Chain Essays -- Business Management, Lean Manufacturing
Introduction The business environment is increasingly becoming competitive and challenging. In the recent past, manufacturers have found themselves facing the threat of dwindling profit margins due to unfortunate global events such as the 2007 global financial crisis and the on going Europe economic crisis. The need to improve operation efficiency so as to ensure current and future investment yield the highest rate of return has therefore become extremely important. Manufacturers are now actively engaged in, managing their costs, Research and Development, adopting best procurement strategies, among other Actions. While such actions might eventually lead to positive results, additional business value can be achieved through proper management of the supply chain (Waymer, Ivanaj & Mussa 2009; Krivda 2004). To support this assertion Krivda (2004) cites the findings of AMR Research Inc. According to this research, companies that have adopted proper supply chain operation and management enjoy greater performance as determined by various financial measures. Specifically, excellence in supply chain can result in relatively accurate demand forecast therefore making such companies realize higher profit margin by approximate 5%, a 15% percent lower inventory, a stronger â€Å"perfect order rating†rating of up to 17%, and a comparative shorter cash-to-cash cycle time of about 35% (Krivda 2004). Generally, a superior supply Chain is an important and unique source of competitive advantage. Its importance is especially illuminated in Multinational companies such as Toyota. Putting this into consideration, the question that now begs for an answer is whether Toyota’s supply chain is effectively serving the organization. Without a doubt, Toyota ha... .... 68-73. Womack, J., & Jones, T. D., 1996, Lean Thinking. New York: Simon and Schuster. Supply Chain Digest, 2010. Supply Chain News: Is â€Å"Lean†to Blame for Toyota’s Recall Issues? SupplyChainDigestTM , [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 December 2014]. Supply Chain Digest, 2010. Growth and Global Expansion Put Strains on "the Toyota Way" SupplyChainDigestTM , [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 December 2014]. Teresko, J., 2001. Toyota’s New Challenge. Industry week, [online] Available at:>[Accessed 22 December 2014]. Waymer, L., Ivanaj, V., & Mussa, L. (2009).International business: Critical considerations. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Creative Writing – “Relief”
he phone rang. It broke the silence of my seething rage. Its high piercing sound irritated me for some reason. I wanted to scream. Lisa wouldn't normally cause me to feel that way (maybe it wasn't just Lisa, but she had been getting to me recently). As twins we were supposed to share a special bond, and usually we got on really well. Despite being only four minutes older than Lisa, I often felt strangely protective of her. With curly blonde hair and brown eyes we looked totally identical, but the similarities ended there. Lisa's favourite word was change; new outfit, new boyfriend, new hairstyle and so on. I was calmer. I had two very close friends – Hannah and Angie, and a steady boyfriend – Adam. That was another part of the reason why I was at home and in such a state. I had just got to the party, after being held up with my friend Laura, who was upset about family problems. Things between Adam and I had not been going well recently, and tonight he had arranged to meet me at six, so we could talk. It was nearly seven. I feared the worst, but friends do come first. However I was not prepared for the scene that met my eyes. I stood transfixed. Something sharp went straight through my heart. There stood Lisa and Adam, alone. Two of the people closest to me, I could not believe it. I ran. A huge bubble of emotion was trying in vain to escape from with in me, but it didn't seem to know how. I could feel tears welling up. I wanted to scream, hit someone, collapse in a heap and break down and sink into the ground all at once. Then my emotions quieted and he silent tears began rolling down my cheeks. I reached the deserted bus stop, when the bus came that was deserted too. My whole life seemed deserted. As soon as I was home I dialled Hannah's number then the grim realisation hit me: All my friends were at the party, my parents were out, my older brother – Phil was out. A fresh wave of rejection, anger, betrayal and total emptiness swept over me, and suddenly I felt very tired. I peeled off my clothes and went to bed. How could Lisa have done that? It wasn't something she would do. Borrowing my clothes? Yes. Shirking chores? Yes. Forgetting favours I asked her? Yes. Trying to sort out my love life with some crazy scheme and making it worse instead? Yes. But stealing my boyfriend? No. Adam? Did the last 10 months mean nothing to him? What about all the special times we had shared together? What about all the â€Å"I love you†s? I felt the bubble return. That was when the phone rang. I left it to ring. It cut off, and then rang again. This time I answered: â€Å"Hello†â€Å"Hello, is this the Scott house?†â€Å"Yes†â€Å"Who am I speaking to?†â€Å"Ali†â€Å"Alison? This is Hertfordshire police†What on earth could the police want? A new emotion hit me: Fear. I listened with trepidation. â€Å"There has been an accident on the railway bridge; Blue Ford Fiesta, young driver, medium build, blonde curly hair. We believe it to be your sister†Lisa. It was Lisa. â€Å"Where is she? Is she ok?†I asked. â€Å"She's at Princess Alexandra hospital. I think it's best if you get yourself up there as soon as possible. Your parents are there already.†I ended the conversation. I walked over to Sarah's to see if her parents drive me. I didn't think about it, I just did it. I couldn't think. Val and Mike were out. I went over to Helen's Helen's mum asked no questions. I couldn't have answered even if she had. She drove me in silence. It was only a twenty minute journey although it seemed to last forever. I was not crying. A strange numbness had come over me. I couldn't think or do or feel anything. There seemed to be a gap where my stomach was and my heart was beating so loudly the whole of Sawbridgeworth could probably hear. Finally we reached the hospital. Helen's mum put her arm around me and led me. Somehow she knew where to go. All my resentful thoughts about Lisa had melted. I felt empty, small and absolutely terrified. I found myself sitting in a green chair. It was a sick green, the green you always find in hospitals. I could see my dad looking grave, his arm around my mum, who was silently crying. Suddenly I noticed there was an arm around me, it was Adam's. I shook it off. A doctor stood by me; he held a glass of water and a small round white tablet. He was telling me to take it. â€Å"Where's Lisa?†I asked â€Å"They did all they could for her. She wanted to tell you something. She kept calling â€Å"Ali, Ali†all the time she was conscious. She said that she loved you. We think she was driving to see you. She was driving very fast, the roads are icy†He said He didn't need to tell me anymore. I knew. Lisa. Lisa was dead. Lisa was dead. It was my fault. I began to cry. â€Å"Ali, take the pill. You need it†It was Adam's voice. I could see Charlie and Amy sitting by him, looking concerned and upset. There was something odd about that, but I couldn't figure out what. I couldn't take the pill. They didn't understand. I had killed my sister. If I hadn't gone off she never would have driven to see me. They couldn't make me take drugs to numb the pain until there was none. â€Å"Alison, this is hard enough on your parents as it is, take it for them†coaxed the doctor I looked to my dad â€Å"Ali, this is hard on all of us, especially you, take the tablet, darling†he said in a hushed tone. Time passed in a blur. I had no idea if it was day or night, or how long I had stayed in my room. My mum kept bringing me those white pills. I was numb. I slept, cried, and just sat for hours, overwhelmed by shock, guilt and sheer emptiness. One morning my mum came in and asked me to come and see Lisa's room. I followed her and my dad. For no apparent reason I was now feeling scared. My mum opened the door. It felt as though it symbolised something but I didn't know what. I gasped. Lisa's room, usually strewn with clothes, makeup and everything else under the sun, was tidy. Moreover all her stuff had been removed and it had been redecorated. I couldn't take it. I broke down. Lisa was like my other half, I was incomplete without her. It was like being half dead. My dad looked at me; I could see it hurt him even to do that. Would it always be like this? Would I serve as a constant reminder of Lisa? â€Å"Ali,†a voice called. It was a familiar voice. It was Lisa. Was I dreaming? I closed my eyes and opened them again. I was lying in my bed. Lisa was shaking me. â€Å"Ali, you left the party. I didn't get a chance to tell you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I just looked at her, utterly bewildered. I reached out my hand and touched her. â€Å"You're alive, â€Å"I murmured. She looked a me briefly as though I was insane, then carried on, â€Å"Adam was waiting for you, and you didn't come. It was my fault things were going badly between you two, so I pretended to be you to make it all better. I was going to tell you, but I couldn't find you. I worked out what you saw, and I'm sorry.†â€Å"But Lisa, you're alive†I stammered. This time she looked at me even more quizzically, so I explained what had happened down to every last detail. â€Å"Ali,†said Angie gently, â€Å"it was a dream, it must have been. We're all fine, your mum and dad are out, and remember Charlie moved to Belgium in August.†I was totally dazed. I felt as if I had been asleep a few hundred years, instead of a few hours. â€Å"So Lisa isn't dead and she never went with Adam,†I said uncertainly. â€Å"I can't believe you even thought such a thing!†exclaimed Lisa. â€Å"Oh Ali, I'm so sorry†â€Å"Everyone's downstairs, I'll go down and explain. You come when you're ready.†said Angie. I couldn't restrain myself any longer. I whooped and threw my arms around Lisa, who looked shocked but pleased. My relief was so immense. I would never hate Lisa again. I was close on euphoric. I slipped my arm through Lisa's and we went downstairs. Amy and Miranda had made up some sandwiches, and after all that had happened I think we all needed them. I was still incredibly tired, but I felt the sudden urge to hug everyone. My emotions were running so high. When I hugged Adam he stroked my hair and whispered, â€Å"I'm sorry about everything that happened. I love you.†Before I knew it he was kissing me deeply. Charlie phoned to say â€Å"Happy new year.†Everyone looked so happy now. As Lisa said, â€Å"It's like a dream.†We all laughed. It felt so good. Relief.
Friday, November 8, 2019
empowered addiction essays
empowered addiction essays It is about 1:30 in the morning, and the insomnia bug hits you. You cant go to sleep and you dont want to wake your roommate up by turning on the T.V. You jump off the top bunk, inaudibly and put your slippers on. But wait a second, where are you going to go. All of a sudden an image appears in the corner of your hazy eyes. You can literally see a glared message. You relax yourself and finally recognize that it is the screensaver you programmed on the computer. All of a sudden you jump in front of it and by the push of one button, you are off on the Internet super highway. I know that I am not the only one addicted to it. If you're an Internet user, you know who you are. They are among many of us in society, although many may choose to not acknowledge that they too, frequently use the Internet. As I logged on to AOL, the infamous voice rang you got mail. I quickly turned down the speaker. I then went in and entered a chat room about the recent tragedies. As soon as I loo ked over to the clock at the nearest convenience, it read 4:30. The craving for the Internet hits many CBU students. The addiction begins innocently. At the start, you are not even aware of the possibilities that may form from your excessive computer use. You begin to take an avid interest in e-mailing with your friends and family. Once the novelty of keeping in touch with your colleagues wears off, and researching starts to bore you, you may possibly expand your computer usage to chatting. Yes, chatting. It is something that is becoming more acceptable in our lives, but it is still looked down upon by many skeptics. Chatting through the Internet involves choosing an appropriate nickname for yourself (IE: Fisherman), and then finding a room where you feel compelled to spend time in. Once you've entered the room, other fellow chatters may say, "Hello...a/s/l (age/sex/location) please." At CBU, all comput...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Learn How to Conjugate Reposer (to Rest) in French
Learn How to Conjugate Reposer (to Rest) in French Meaning to rest, the French reposer will be a useful addition to your vocabulary. The verb will need to be conjugated, however, if you want to say things such as rested or resting. This lesson will introduce you to the essential conjugations youll need for reposer. The Basic Conjugations of Reposer Reposer is a regular -er verb, which means it follows the conjugation pattern of the majority of French verbs. If you have studied words like tomber (to fall), poser (to put), or any other regular verb that ends in -er, this lesson should be relatively easy. The indicative mood is the best place to begin. This includes the basic present, future, and imperfect past tenses which are used most often in French. The catch is that you need to memorize a new word for every subject pronoun within each tense. Step one in any conjugation is identifying the verb stem (or radical). For reposer, that is repos-. To this, a variety of endings are added that correspond to the subject and the tense. Using the chart, you can find which endings are required. For example, I am resting is je repose while we will rest is nous reposerons. Present Future Imperfect je repose reposerai reposais tu reposes reposeras reposais il repose reposera reposait nous reposons reposerons reposions vous reposez reposerez reposiez ils reposent reposeront reposaient The Present Participle of Reposer The present participle of regular -er verbs is very easy to form. All you have to do is add -ant to the radical. For reposer, that produces the word reposant. Reposer in the Compound Past Tense Passà © composà © is the French compound past tense and its used frequently, so its very good to know. Forming it is rather easy as well. Begin by conjugating the auxiliary verb avoir into the present tense to match the subject. Youll then follow that with the past participle reposà ©, which does not change with the subject but does indicate that someone has already rested. For example, I rested is jai reposà ©Ã‚ and we rested is nous avons reposà ©. More Simple Conjugations of Reposer When youre uncertain if the act of resting will take place, you can turn to either the subjunctive or the conditional. The main difference here is that the conditional says the resting will only happen if something else occurs as well. The passà © simple and the imperfect subjunctive are literary tenses. Youll find these almost exclusively in formal writing. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je repose reposerais reposai reposasse tu reposes reposerais reposas reposasses il repose reposerait reposa repost nous reposions reposerions reposmes reposassions vous reposiez reposeriez repostes reposassiez ils reposent reposeraient reposrent reposassent If you want to tell someone to Rest! or use reposer in a similarly assertive statement, the French imperative can be used. This is one of those rare times when you dont need the subject pronoun, so simplify it from tu repose to repose. Imperative (tu) repose (nous) reposons (vous) reposez
Monday, November 4, 2019
Account for the fact that Britain was the richest country in Europe Essay
Account for the fact that Britain was the richest country in Europe between 1870-1914 - Essay Example Military might was a blessing in disguise for the country since it could later heavily rely on its pervasiveness and efficiency to trample on its predicaments and rise to the mighty British Empire. The author records that the British militarism at one point facilitated extraction of taxes such that it surpassed that rate applied by France especially during the Napoleonic Wars, at the height of the French dominion. This marked the protracted rise of Britain, to a greater height than the mightiest European power could afford. Within the short historical period of reorganization, Britain had amassed the power that a political giant needs to position itself in the world economy arena. In order for an economic giant to handle abundance, it has to undergo the relevant infrastructure modification one of which is political might according to Mann (1987). The British navy was soon the envy of any political establishment, and its might sooner enabled the tramping over the world in a successful manner than the other European compatriots and in a more timely opportunity. Militarism could enable the British leadership to set any financial agenda without fear of subjects’ protestation, for instance high taxation incidence that could go as high as 35 per cent. Tight financial controls of the territory coupled to the efficient and pervasive militarism were the necessary ingredients to pursue a takeover of France’s territories before anyone could notice. It could only take a well established country to absorb and integrate the mixed fortunes of eighteenth to nineteenth centuries’ shifts in economic cultures. Efficient stabilization during the changes occasioned by agrarian and industrial revolutions to maximum benefits needed a stable economy like Britain had evolved to be. Adopting the transitions while cautiously sticking to helpful practices of the former regime happened particularly well in Britain. By the mid nineteenth century, British economic
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Relationship between history, theory, and doctrine in the Essay
The Relationship between history, theory, and doctrine in the evolution of military tactics - Essay Example Military Tactic and Strategy Military tactics are the means and art of which an organization of army employs techniques and weaponry to defeat the enemy during battle (Clausewitz, 1832). It is the lowest level of military planning, followed by operational, and encompassed by the highest level which is military strategy. Military strategy has evolved to mean more than war time but now encompass even peace time and the strategies involved to prevent war itself (Lider, 1981). Previously, Clausewitz (1832) defined military strategy as â€Å"the deployment of the battles as the means toward the attainment of the object of war,†(12). Hart (1980) also re-joined with his description as â€Å"the art of distributing and applying military means to fulfil the ends of policy,†(page) both of which imply armed violence. However, it is also notable that strategy meant more that the use of armed violence but covered policy, political, economic, ideological and techno-scientific means of nations in pursuit of victory (Lider, 1981). Earle (1944) included in military strategy even activities of peacetime to encompass non-military factors of economic, psychological, moral, political, and technological aspects to become an art of controlling all the resources of a nations and its allies to secure vital interests against enemies, perceived or otherwise. It integrates all military efforts and policies as a â€Å"grand strategy†for peace and war time. War is the object of which should be prevented or prepared for in peacetime. Osgood (1962) also defined military strategy as â€Å"nothing less than the overall plan for utilizing the capacity for armed coercion – in conjunction with the economic, diplomatic, and psychological instruments of power – to support foreign policy most effectively by over, covert and tacit means,†(5). Third definition of military strategy included both the means and the ends so that it uses the entire state power o r its aggregate potentials to attain the whole or majority of its political goals (Lider, 1981). Holloway (1979) added in the grand strategy all elements of a society’s power to support its security objectives with the main one being the prevention of â€Å"the loss of our way of life†(19). Principles of Military Tactics There are a variety of military tactics employed in battlefield. One of them is the United States’ Army’s version which trains soldiers of the following: Simplicity in a tactical plan maintains simple concept and execution where failure points are avoided. Direct tactics can make other people understand fully their actions and the part of others. This will aid them in contributing to the success of a maneuver. Surprise will keep the enemy wondering and can be employed using subtle appearance in urban self-defense, stealth and deception in battlefield, or any daring action which is least expected by the enemy camp. Speed is doing as fast as possible whatever is needed and be ready for the next long before the enemy has time to react on the first. Security considers safety at all times with its rear and flanks to keep the enemy from doing what the combatant wants to do to them. Violence of action will destroy the will of the enemy to fight (Curahee, 2008) The principle of military tactics also cover the main objective, which is a particular aim such as disengagement from an advancing enemy or maintaining movement through protection of advancing troops. Principles also employ various practical tactics that include
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