Monday, September 30, 2019
Higher Education and Vocational Degree
Murray’s Essay On Education: What’s Wrong With Vocational School â€Å"What’s Wrong With Vocational School,†by Charles Murray is an Article that states Vocational schooling would be better off than a four year College degree. In Murray’s opinion, college should only be with those with a high IQ rate of 115 or higher and able to handle rigorous and challenging courses. If you are at an IQ below 110 it becomes an issue and you would be more successful in a Vocational program.This article calmly and rationally presents the notion that the population would be better served by the reintroduction of more training for careers in trade occupations becoming more prominent, therefore creating more job opportunities for people graduating with a vocational degree. Many students that graduate from a four year University do not learn what is needed to go into the working field. Murray states â€Å"For a few occupations, a college degree still certifies a qualif ication. This brings up the question, why do we pressure everyone to get a four year degree?In our society the college you go to means more than your actual qualification or talent you might have. Employers tend to pick a student that graduated from a university over that of a vocational school student just because of the name of the school not the talent the individual has. The degree itself also does not automatically qualify the student for the job and there are much faster and better ways such as a vocational degree for young people to provide credentials to employers.These credentials are needed in the job market for students with vocational degrees. As Murray says, â€Å"Finding a good lawyer or physician is easy but finding a good carpenter, painter, or electrician is becoming difficult. †The jobs needed such as an electrician or painters are those with vocational degrees. We often overlook some of the great jobs that don’t require a degree and are still very r ewarding. A vocational degree can bring just as much income sometimes even more than a four year college degree in half the time.We have a mindset that a four year degree is much more valuable than a vocational degree. As Murray conveys this is not true he used an example of a craftsman bringing intrinsic rewards with high income. Vocational degrees are becoming more susceptible in our community. A college degree is no more important than any other high tech occupation such as an NBA player or a cabinet maker. Many of our most high income people do not have a college degree and do not care because they are living happily without it.Murray states the social cachet of a college degree still remains but will erode over time when large numbers of high income people do not have college degrees. †Many employers are looking more at the evidence you are good at something without the benefit of a college degree and will increase more overtime. If this does continue our false outlook o f a college degree will diminish. As a society we look at the only way of becoming successful is going to a four university and look over vocational degree programs. Through Murray’s argument we learned tha
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Blanche Dubois and Tom Wingfield’s Struggle Between Fantasy and Reality
Blanche DuBois and Tom Wingfield’s Struggle Between Fantasy and Reality The two characters, Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire and Tom Wingfield of The Glass Menagerie, both share an intense struggle between fantasy and reality in their lives causing dependency upon alcohol. Blanch DuBois approaches as a high class Southern Belle who depends upon others to care for her, but in reality she thrives on her self-proclaimed royalty. Meanwhile, Tom Wingfield is a pessimistic character who deprives his life working at a shoe factory for his mother and sister while living in the shadows of his father. Both these characters also develop a dependency upon alcohol to overcome conflicts they are faced with. Blanche’s struggle occurs after losing all she had back home in Belle Reve except her trunk of clothes and props, but is exposed to the hash reality of the real world where she cannot cope and must depend on others. One example, such as Stanley Kowalski’s friend, Mitch, whom she instantly wants to marry to be saved from her current degrading lifestyle. â€Å"Ms. DuBois says that she is on vacation at the Kowalski’s, but in fact has lost the family mansion, Belle Reve, and her teaching position due to her sexual indiscretions, the last one with a 17-year-old boy while earning a reputation for sleeping with men indiscriminately, in the meantime pretending to be a Southern bell (Magill pars. 1-2). Blanche is so caught up in her fantasy world that she even had relations with the delivery boy, as well, so she may mask her age with youth and to have control of another. Tom finds himself struggling to fulfill his dreams of writing poetry. This is due to his working at the local shoe factory so he can support his family. â€Å"Mr. Wingfield is desperately unhappy in his warehouse job, and finds himself standing on the fire-escape to the apartment in his hopes of one day fleeing to pursue his dreams as his father did (Bloom pars. 15-16). Tom is always speaking of how he is held down from his hopes, goals, dreams, and ambitions stuck in the shoe factory making a lousy salary for his family, made up of a sick sister and delirious mother. Tom cannot accept the reality that surrounds him and is always contemplating about his dream life, which he is kept from achieving. Blanche, like Tom, abuses alcohol to escape her struggles between fantasy and reality. Blanche is noticeably an abuser of alcohol as she is found constantly sipping away at liquor to forget her past, which her conscience knows is guilty. Tom is said to be at â€Å"the movies,†meanwhile he is actually out at the bars all hours of the night. This is Tom’s way of temporarily escaping his home and forgetting his duties that trap and prevent him from accomplishing his goals in life. Neither character was in need of alcohol, but abused it to an intolerable level, where they consumed it when facing rough times or troubling memories that followed. Also, in both plays these two characters hid the fact that they ever even consumed liquor, while they were always drinking in complete denial. The two characters, Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire and Tom Wingfield of The Glass Menagerie, both share an intense struggle between fantasy and reality in their lives causing dependency upon alcohol. Blanche’s inability to cope with the real world alone makes her a weak character. She cannot live independently and has lost all that once made her life, back in Belle Reve, due to her confused relationship with a student of hers. Tom, on the contrary, has a strong character that is chipped away at over time due to the tormenting lifestyle he must live to support his family. After time this strong foundation of character diminishes as Tom wants to flee his stationary life back at home. 1. Magill Book Reviews 1990/03/15 2. Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations: The Glass Menagerie; 1988, p31-41, 11p 3. Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature; Letter D, pN. PAG, 1p 4. Tennessee Williams. A Streetcar Named Desire. Harold Bloom – editor. Publisher: Chelsea House. Place of Publication: New York. 1988. 5. Tennessee Williams. The Glass Menagerie. Harold Bloom – editor. Publisher: Chelsea House. Place of Publication: New York. 1988.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Qantas Airlines
Adel Dosmagambetova Maslow`s hierarchy There are always some points when we are talking about service and especially hospitality industry. When we serve our product, what our customers expect from us is our main purpose to provide. The company has to correlate the ability of their service and the expectations of their customers. They measure their product and customers` needs. (Anton & Petouhoff 1996)There are no doubts that matching both sides expectation we can provide satisfaction for our clients. However it is not always possible to satisfy all needs of your customer.Maslow`s hierarchy was created to show theory of needs in the psychology way and make a connection between each stages. Maslow used the terms Physiological, Safety, Belongingness and Love, Esteem, and Self-Actualization needs to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move through. (King,2009). We have analyzed our company and divided its needs into 5 main features. Qantas(Queensland and Northern Territ ory Aerial Services) is one of the oldest air company in the world, KLM is the only company elder.They provide their services over 90 years and the politic of this global, world famous company show us their ability to build and keep in touch with generations and customers expectation. The first stage of the hierarchy is physiological needs which include comfort of their customers, the second is their safety, the third is quality of service, the forth one is an image of the airways and the last one is self-actualization included personal experience. As it is mentioned above, first of all they provide comfortable seats, high quality food and straight flights, if it is possible.Qantas makes domestic and international ways as well, their flights operates to 56 metropolitans. However they don`t only specialized on air-service, they also have catering and Qantas holiday, where they provide high ranking service and unforgettable feelings. (About Qantas, 2012) The second stage is flexible s chedules, security of their belongings and their safety for sure. Qantas guarantees their customer their safety during the flights, security of their luggage and other belongings.They tried to make schedules maximum comfortable for every customer, counting that they usually make long-distance flights and their market is built by far-away flying. The third one is high quality services, with positive staffs, comfortable airports selection good matching places. For feeling welcomed for every customer they provide good service on their planes and they make training for their staff and even order branded uniforms. Airport is the first place where you get before or after flying and of course customer expect excellent services and suitable selections.It is great thing to be connected with one of the most famous and respected airports. The fourths stage one is about reputation of the airways. The customer wants being protection and perfect served, opinions and reputation of the chosen airli nes. They expect the company to promote them a high quality standards and popularity all over the world . â€Å"Success is getting what you want and happiness is liking what you get. †(Brown, 1992) To enhance the company`s reputation and branding Qantas has developed innovative and marketing ideas to boost sales by upgrading their planes and improve quality of advertising.To end with self-actualization we choose experience of Qantas` customer. The company provides unique types of services and make the flights for customer perfect. They try to show customer that with Qantas` they and their belongings in safety, and nowhere else customer will get such services. They make their experience by providing satisfactions of customer experience which allow them to fly only with Qantas and even special tariffs and Qantas club are support for them to fly Qantas.References list: Dr. Jon Anton & Dr. Natalie L. Petouhoff (1996) Customer relationship management. Skyway Drive, Santa Maria, An ton press Paul W. King. (2009) Climbing Maslow`s pyramid choosing your own path through life. Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, DB, United Kingdom H. Jackson Brown from the book Climbing Maslow pyramid. Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, DB, United Kingdom About Qantas, Retrieved from official web-site http://www. qantas. com. au/travel/airlines/home/au/en
Friday, September 27, 2019
ITIL Release process documentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
ITIL Release process documentation - Essay Example This process helps teams in responding to the irregularity of developing software (release). Notification sent to Release Manager: Information concerning events required conveyed to different users, such as beneficiaries, requesters, or managers. This information conveyed with the assistance of notification service of notification e-mail messages. Define and Priorities Release: The word release is applicable to illustrate a collection of approved changes to an IT system. It is described by the request for comments (RFCs) that it executes (UCISA 1-2). Releases need unique identification according to a system described in the release policy. The identification includes a reference to the change that it denotes and a version digit that will habitually have two or three sections. For instance, major releases: IT_System v.1, v2, v3, and minor releases: IT_System v.1.1, v.1.2, v.1.3 and emergency fix releases: IT_System v.1.1.1, v.1.1.2, v.1.1.3 (UCISA 1-2). Plan and Schedule Activities – Governance: The plan defines the scope and materials of the release, clients or users influenced by the release and risk evaluation and outline for the release. It also defines distribute and deployment approach, group responsible for the release and materials for the release and deployment (UCISA 1-2). Release team roles and responsibilities: The approach to effective team formation is creating harmony while appreciating the individuality capabilities of each team member. Team is accountable for a release; individuals are responsible for their commitments. Release core team consist of change owner, engineering manager, architect, quality assurance manager and program manager (UCISA 1-2). Document training, logistics and communication: Once the release and deployment strategy comprehended, the team develop the logistics and delivery strategies. The document for training, logistics and communication is created to generate harmony among team members. The logistics
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Sport Sponsorship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sport Sponsorship - Essay Example Sports sponsorship emerged and has developed based on the fact that most sports teams and events lack the financial muscle to sustain themselves and sponsors come in to assist. Businesses identify a promotion opportunity created by huge audiences sport events bring together. It would then see business associate with sport clubs and events that act as agents of business promotion for the sponsors. This is a mutually beneficial move as both the sponsored and sponsors gain advantages (Fortunato, 2013:88). There are, however, several issues that come along with sponsorship. Cultural factors may prevent successful sponsorship as the players culture may not synchronise with the sponsor’s promotions (Stotlar, 2009: 112). Additionally, negative associations in which many sponsors that promote two contrasting products may sponsor the same event or club. Also, sponsorship fits in which large companies are to be involved poses a problem. The mutual benefit that both the sponsors and the sponsored teams gain cannot be overlooked. It has proved to be a considerable force behind the development of sports across the world and it deserves to be recognised as much as possible. Sponsorship benefits both parties involved and, therefore, quite
Networking Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Networking - Coursework Example For example, security needs may entail authentication, encryption security levels and modes of detecting intrusion. Additionally, the costs involved in the three mediums are difficult to contrast due to the different costs involved such as- acquisition costs, installation costs and maintenance costs. For an entrepreneur who wants to establish a global satellite radio system, I would begin with using at least two GEO satellites strategically placed above the globe. This would enable the satellites to transmit signals to the radio satellite receivers. Additionally, the entrepreneur would have no interference since the satellites are placed directly above the earth and would orbit continuously. The frequency of the transmission would range from 5GHz to around 30GHz. A synchronous connection can be likened to a lift that stops every floor to allow people on and off from the ground floor to the tenth floor. The first four floors refer to the input messages, while the next six floors are responsible for producing data. The network chosen is a local LAN, which is wirelessly connected and also through coaxial cables. If additional media is required, a USB cable can be used for connecting to the network. In some instances, one may want to use an external hard drive. In such instances, the hard drive is connected either via the USB or
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
What an education mean to me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
What an education mean to me - Essay Example Education for her is confined to the realm of the observable, quantifiable and rational. Education occurs in the classroom mostly, and occasionally in the field under controlled conditions. I know a man in my mother’s neighborhood that is constantly learning. He told me that education and learning for the sake of understanding is enough for him. He reads classical literature and philosophy as well as all of the latest books on political science and environmental concerns. His mind is filled with the words of some of the greatest scholars that have lived over the past 1500 years. He works at a neighborhood corner shop stocking shelves and running the cash register. When I asked him why he didn’t get a better job he replied that a more demanding job would interfere with his education, and that he valued knowledge over money. The superintendent that works in my apartment complex told me once that he never read anything he couldn’t apply to his job. If it was a manual on fixing a trash disposal or direction on installing new lighting fixtures, then the reading was worth his time. He said that he really didn’t see the need for any education beyond the obvious needs of his career. Formal study beyond his career was a waste of time because it couldn’t earn him any money. Read a novel for enjoyment or enlightenment? Never. He’d rather play poker. I list these examples of people I have in my life and their attitudes towards education to illustrate why I am so conflicted about education in many ways, specifically my education and how I should conduct it. I respect all of these people and see the good and bad in the choices they have made relative to their own education. Summarizing my feelings about education is difficult because of the disparate examples, but as I learn more about the world and the people in it, I can see one thing clearly. I can see that an individual’s approach to their education (whatever that may
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Analysis of Red Hat Linux Operating System Research Paper
Analysis of Red Hat Linux Operating System - Research Paper Example Among other innovations, such as the Anaconda graphical installer and the firewall configuration tool Lokkit, Red Hat is an established name in the open source operating system market space. This may be due, in part, to its appealing graphical interface for users and the accessibility of its programmer interface, which is intelligently presented. By reviewing this interface, as well as some advantages and disadvantages of the operating system, why exactly Red Hat is a respected name in Linux circles may become clearer. Red Hat is ostensibly based on the design principles of simplicity, robustness, and security (Cunningham & Cunningham, 2007). Simplicity refers to simple abstractions and simple components, which leads to faster and more efficient use of hardware resources. Red Hat exemplifies this characteristic by focusing on a simple desktop for users to customize. Robustness refers to the ability of a system to resist failure after the addition of a new feature or component. When a system is multiprogramming, it is ideal if the system does not fail because it cannot adequately distribute resources to handle the increased load. Red Hat, because it has been developed and re-released over nine versions, is incredibly robust in handling large memory loads. Lastly, Red Hat is based on a secure design, which means Red Hat has extended Linux’s reputation as a secure environment, primarily by buffering overflows integrated in the standard software stack, smartcard authentication support, and SELinux security. The Red Hat Linux desktop consists of GNOME and KDE, which offer a wide range of features. The KDE desktop for Red Hat (in Figure 1), features a main menu icon at the lower left, which is a red hat. The desktop includes a number of files and folders, depending on what software is installed on the user’s computer. KDE is very similar to the standard Microsoft Windows format for the central desktop, particularly in how the standard option places the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, with a main menu button at the lower left, and desktop icons arranged vertically along the left side of the desktop. KDE uses a file management and web browser called Konqueror, which is a standard setting in Red Hat installations. Lastly, the KDE Control Center window allows for additional customization of the operating system for the user. In contrast, the GNOME desktop for Red Hat Linux (in Figure 2) is slightly different from KDE (McCarty, 2004). The principal dissimilarity is GNOME’s use of Nautilus, which like Konqueror, is the default file manager and browser. Another notable difference is GNOME’s use of a drawer, which is a clickable icon that leads to links to other launchers. GNOME also features a â€Å"Start Here†facility that allows for other kinds of configurations, including changes to peripheral devices, default applications, themes, GNOME’s appearance, and so on. A Red Hat Linux user is given a choice between the KDE and GNOME desktop interfaces. Beyond the basics of Red Hat’s desktop and user interface, however, one finds a rich array of tools for a programmer to manipulate and control his or her machine. The Unix shell in Red Hat, like an MS-DOS window, allows the user to execute commands. Again, beyond the desktop and point-and-click interface, the Linux shell is actually more sophisticated. The major elements of the programmer interface
Monday, September 23, 2019
How using Microsoft Excel helped you with this process Essay
How using Microsoft Excel helped you with this process - Essay Example With this, we can easily find the name of the customer, the amount, the invoice number or the receipt number that corresponds to the amount that will be disbursed. Moreover, if the firm wishes to maintain a minimum cash balance, it can easily be controlled with the help of Excel. It is for the reason that with Excel, the amounts are already shown and the formula can always be fixed. So with just a simple click and simple encoding of amounts, you do not have to worry about the accuracy of the balances anymore. Next to disbursements is the cash receipt. Likewise, it also forms part of the financial statements and it is a vital operation in the company. A firm cannot just disburse cash without getting something to replace it with. And this is where the receipts enter. Cash disbursements and cash receipts are the two important factors that make up the budgetary system. And without the balance for the both, the firm could face a huge problem. And the use of Excel in maintaining the cash receipts record is a good way to avoid this problem. The cash being received by the firm can be entered initially on the Excel and as time passes by, the firm need not to worry about the total amount that they have received during say, a month or a week. The Excel can do that on its own. And it is really helpful especially to the bigger firms. Likewise, the ability to maintain a systematic record and to find the needed file is another advantage of using the Excel in formulating accounting records. The very essence of preparing a financial statement is to show how the firm is operating – whether it operates very well or not. And so the check and balance scenario is commonly used in preparing the financial statements. Figures are needed to be balanced in order to finalize the financial statements. Excel can also be a tool in achieving this scenario. Mittal (2010) stated that the financial statements are collectively presented
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Firestick Farming Essay Example for Free
Firestick Farming Essay What is Fire stick farming? Fire stick farming is the traditional way Aboriginal people looked after the land and created fire breaks to ensure large destructive summer fires were not a threat. Communication Fire was a form of communication. When water supplies were running low one of the men would travel to where they knew the next source of water would be. On his way there he would take a fire stick and burn small patches of grass as he went. If the waterhole had sufficient water, he would build up a stockpile grass, wood, a few green leaves and branches. When he lit it the thick smoke would signal the family that it was time to shift camp to this new location. They could easily follow the freshly burnt out pathway to the waterhole. Hunting Fire was an important with hunting but was rarely used to actually kill animals directly. Instead, areas were set on fire in such a way as to direct animals to where they could be easily killed. Fire was also be used to smoke animals out of caves and tree trunks. After the fire would attract animals back to the area, once again providing easy hunting. In different parts of Australia different fire regimes were used and adapted to local needs Land Management Aboriginal people burn the land in the cool months when there are dark clouds. Fire was, and in some placed still is, used to ‘clean up’ the country. The men organized burnt patches giving the landscape an arrangement pattern of different aged grasses. Patch burning created good habitat for small game mammals such as Bilbies and Mala. They sheltered in the old grasses and fed of the new grasses. Fire stick farming is the traditional way Aboriginal people looked after the land and created fire breaks to ensure large destructive summer fires were not a threat. With the land burnt, new growth was promoted and soon became plenty, food could be gathered for several months after a fire.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Youth Drug Abuse In Hong Kong Social Work Essay
Youth Drug Abuse In Hong Kong Social Work Essay Drug abuse is nowadays a more and more urgency youth problem all over the world. As an international commercial city, Hong Kong is exposed to this social problem as well, which bring enormous social and economic cost to individuals, families, communities and the whole society there. It is really an issue which requires the public to pay much attention to. In this paper, the author introduced the contemporary situation of teenager psychoactive drug abuse in Hong Kong (including these young peoples population and age, as well as the tendency, the most often use chemicals and arenas), the negative impacts of drug taking on youths in the context of the timing points in human development. Then, the author utilized a bio-psychosocial model, discussed about the original risk elements conducing youth problematic behavior of drug abuse from three aspects: individual, family, and peers. At last, in terms with these relevant reasons, the author brought forward some suggestions for social worker profession, which may serve as useful strategies in coping with youth drug abuse in Hong Kong. Keywords: young, drug abuse, social work Introduction Literature review Definition Drug Is it a concept too simple to define? In fact, drug contains various components. After long-time being influenced by social-cultural context, it becomes more complicated to clarify. For example, is drug therapeutic, or not, or both? The World Health Organization (WHO) described drug in 1981 as any substance or chemical that alters the structure or functioning of a living being. Rassool went further on this phase in his book Alcohol and Drug Abuse (2001) as: A drug, in the broadest sense, is a chemical substance that has an effect on bodily systems and behavior. This includes a wide range of prescribed drugs and illegal and socially accepted substances. Many methods have been used to categorize drugs. For instance, counting in legal and moral, drug is divided into prescription medicine, illegal or illicit drug, and over-the-counter medication. However, they are often intersectional in actual society. Drug abuse Drug abuse, also known as substance abuse, has its public health definitions and medical definitions, all of which express an implication of negative value judgment (Jenkins 1999). In universal meaning, it refers to the taking of drugs without following medical advice or prescription, or the indiscreet use of dangerous drugs for non-treatment purposes. An estimation the UN made tells us there are over 50 million regular drug users all around the world. Though the total number shows a decreasing trend recent years, the age begin to use drug evidently constantly lower. How people take drugs? Existing researches state that Narcotic, Marijuana, Hallucinogen, Cocaine and Amphetamine are all gebraeuchlich drugs, while Cocaine is always reputed as the champagne of drugs and enjoys the greatest appeal for drug users. To further extend oral, smoking, inhalation or sniffing, injecting are the most often routes of drug administration. Drug abuse not only makes impairment on users physical and psychological health, but also brings a host of social and economic problems to the domestic families and the whole community. Furthermore, illicit substance misuse is usually companied with many other deviant behaviors, like alcohol, organized crimes, anti-social activities and so on. It is no surprise at all that drug abuse is a serious social problem now owning to its enormous social and economic cost. Young people Young people, also called young person, youth, shares a communal meaning with teen and teenager, but is different from another purely scientifically-oriented phraseadolescent. In fact, the term youth is ambiguously the time between childhood and adulthood, thus its age boundary line is varied all over the world. In Hong Kong, as a rule, people between 14 to 21 years old are considered as youth. Youth is a predominantly important phrase in human development. Naturally, it is the time that young people: are encountered with dramatic changes in physics, psyche, emotion and social network; commence self-identity forming; urge and begin to seize power on experiencing, adventuring, risk-taking and authority challenging; are particularly possible to be influenced by surroundings on behaviors and lifestyle; are not so close to family and parents as before while attaching importance to peer group membership and peer approval. As far as we can see from below, youths are resourceful, while vulnerable at the same time. Current situation of Youth drug abuse in Hong Kong As stated by the Central Registry of Drug Abuses report in 2008, while the total number of reported drug abusers continually declined, young people below twenty-one years old showed a dramatically-increasing trend: 1002 youths involved in drug abuse in 2002, and then decreased to 2186 in 2004. After that, the number ceaselessly rose to 2894 in 2007. It should be mentioned that the age of lifetime trying of drugs has been dropping apparently (The 2004 Survey of Drug Use among Students, November 2005; Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, HKSAR; Chan, Chu, Wong, Yu, 2005; Chen, et al., 2005; N. W. T. Cheung Cheung, 2005; Ho Liu, 2005; Laidler Pianpiano, 2005; Lam, Weng, Wong, Tse, 2004; Sung, 2001; Youth in Hong Kong Statistical Profile, 2005: report submitted to the Commission On Youth). However, we shouldnt overlook that the real number of youth drug use should be far more. Memo ammonia ketone, which is also called K Tsui, is young peoples most frequently used drug, following is ecstasy and cannabis. Additionally, they often enjoy drugs in their own or friend houses, or public disco/karaoke. All in all, youth drug abuse in Hong Kong is already an alarming matter which should be tackled as soon as possible. It has posed a great threat to the families, the government, and the whole society. Impacts on youths Drug use in teenager group is usually association with physical and psychological morbidity, social disabilities, and presented as a mixture of them. WHOs discovery (2003-04) may offer us a clear angle of view about drug misuse influences on young people: Physical Peri-oral and peri-lesions caused by inhalation or snorting; physical injuries incurred during intoxication; agitation after poly-drug or prolonged use; needle tracks, thrombosis or abscesses owing to intravenous use; withdrawal syndromes; changing in brain structure. Psychological Mood changes (especially depression and anxiety); confusion; personality disorder; depression on withdrawal of simulants; irritability as part of withdrawal syndrome; deliberate self-harm or suicide attempt; psychosis due to drugs effects on neurotransmissions. Social Deteriorating educational performance; family conflict; crime such as petty associated with intoxication, theft to provide funds, dealing as part of more serious association with drug culture. However, many problematic youths preferably evade reporting their drug abusing problem due to two main reasons. Firstly, young people pursue freedom and independence, and resist pressure from legal, family or society on their difficulties with drugs (Milgram Rubin 1992). Moreover, most early drug users do not look themselves as substance reliers so that they do not seek any professional treatments until the problem gets too serious to recover. Latent drug abuse may go further to be a lifelong problem for teenagers. Origin of youth drug abuse In the last half a century, there has been a surge of interest in, and a plethora of studies on substance abuse in youths. Foremost among these are studies on drug abuse. Several theories are in the way to explain the original reasons for youth drug abuse, such as moral theory, disease theory, genetic theory, psychological theories and socio-cultural theories. Integrating all of their conclusions related to the origin of youth drug abuse, it is not a single factor but a combined effect of several risk factors predisposing young people to use illicit drugs, which can be divided into five levels in accordance with bio-psychosocial perspectives: biological determinations, youth psychological development characteristics, interpersonal elements (include family functioning elements and peer influencing elements), community variables, and societal factors. Weiner (1992) made a splendid contribution on clarifying causes of youth drug abuse. He referred to the achievements of Brook with his collaborators (Brook, Nomura, Cohen, 1989; Brook, Whiteman, Gordon, 1983), pointing out that personality, family, and peer determinants are the most closely related factors for teenager substance abuse. On the word of Weiner (1992), one factor exerting a particularly strong influence can be sufficient enough for a young person to become drug-involved, even though the other two factors are minimal. The triad of primary elements-teenagers personal variables, family functioning, and peer relationships-serves as the center of bio-psychosocial model related to young peoples involvement into substance abuse. Thus, we will focus point on these three and go over community and society as well. Personal factors When negative psychological characteristics, personality and personal experiences work together, young individuals will inevitably have ability of resiliency weaken. In other words, they will lack coping skills in case of environmental challenges, and lean to drugs either voluntarily or passively. Psychological characteristics of developing phase As what has been discussed above, youth is such a time people urge to grasp any chance to take adventure, challenge authority and enjoy the pleasure of independence. So, it is understandable that young people consider taking drug as an approach to show recreation, to alleviate boredom, to feel confident, and to be hard (Home Office, 2007). personality It has been demonstrated that lower teenagers self-efficacy, self-esteem and sense of competence are, more stress-vulnerable they are (Cowen et al., 1990). When internal or external difficulties happen, the ones will have more risk to take drugs, get buzz so as to escape from their problems, which winds them into a bigger possibility of indulging psychoactive substance. personal experience Young people who have miserable personal experiences now or in the past are especially vulnerable to problematic drug use. These groups include: truants, those excluded from school, the homeless, those look after by local authorities or in foster care, young offenders, those involved in prostitution, children from families with substance-abusing parents or siblings and young people with conduct or depressive disorders (Lloyd 1998). Family functioning As the primary environment for individuals growth, family shares a powerful and intimate connection to youngsters involvement, exacerbation, and relapse of drug problems. Family calls attention here because it shares a codependent relationship with youth drug problem, which means while addiction affects abusers family, the family are making effect on individuals substance taking at the same time. According to Muisener (1994), four categories of factors related to familys function in teenager drug misuse are: Major family life: changes in family structure, family composition, geography, ethnicity, socioeconomic status Family dynamics: leadership, boundaries, affectivity, communication, and task/goal performance Family dysfunction especially substance-abusing parent(s) Family relationship especially relationships between parents and youths In considering these four, relationship factors are most consisted with the childrens drug using problems (Brook, Arencibia-Mireles, Richter Whiteman, 2001). Parenting practices including low or excessive monitoring, ineffective discipline, and poor communication with children are all imperative variables in youths initiation and maintenance of drug abuse problems (Liddle, Rowe, Dakof Lyke, 1998; McGillicuddy, Rychtarik, Duquette Morsheimer, 2001). Peer relationship In the phase of youth, peer group is able to be as important as youngsters second family, and makes heavy impacts on their values, beliefs, and behaviors through interpersonal relationships with each other. As like family environment, peer relationships also serve as a perpetuating environment for teenagers involvement into substance abuse, mainly by two categories: Peer crisis It is also called as peer shock by Elkind (1984), and can be broken down into three types: the shock of exclusion, the shock of betrayal, and the shock of disillusionment. Substance-abusing peers This peer cluster can be a strong influence in youngsters initial and ongoing usage of chemicals (Oetting Beauvais, 1986). Friends reinforce others drug habit through driving them into this group activity, encouraging them to carry on drug using, and fostering their denial of drug problem (Shilts, 1991). In most cases, peer crisis and abusing peers are interacting with each other. For example, a young man who has been excluded from other friends enjoying psychoactive drugs together will have to pay the price of participation into the shared group activity, so as to maintain the membership in this peer group. Later on, he will suddenly find that he is eliminated by other groups. In order to have sense of belonging, he has no other choices but to stay there and develop into a drug abuser. Additionally, peer influence may become more powerful in situations where a young person lacks support, understanding or affection from parental figures. Community and society As part of youngsters surroundings, communitywhich is composed of schools, community organizations, police departments and criminal justice systems, other local government institutions and servicescan also act as risk factors increasing their likelihood of using psychoactive substances. In a larger scope of the whole society, youth culture and music, social acceptability and the media, may also lead to teenagers initiation and continuation of drug misuse. More direct and special, illicit chemicals are accessibility for youths in Hong Kong society. It is worth mentioning there are extra elements in continued substance use. Rather than by rational decisions, the reasons why people dont cut out taking drugs may be more related to combined factors, such as individuals physiological dependence on psychoactive chemicals, chaotic use, psychological fear of withdrawal symptoms, social exclusions, mental health problems and other environmental elements. Such situation is very common for most drug misusers: they actually have tried to stop taking drugs, but are only able to rationally do this for short periods of time rather than everlasting withdrawal from illegal substances. Strategies for social work on youth drug abuse Basing on information from the Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, HKSAR, the Hong Kong government has taken a number of measures related to youths drug abuse into action. These include law requirement, policy reinforcement, and promotion activities. On the other side, the jointed work of social worker and doctors is another universal type in running drug treatment and rehabilitation programmes in Hong Kong, such as compulsory placement programme, counseling programme and substance abuse clinic. Nevertheless, as new drugs are endlessly brought in, or old drugs are experienced again by a new generation, all the efforts only have a short-term effect on substance abuse among young people, and continued progress in eliminating drug abuse has gradually slowed down as well (Johnston et al., 2008). Social work is such a profession best prepared to deal with social problems and assist disadvantaged groups. In terms with the original reasons of youth drug abuse, social worker may also initially handle this problem from three aspects: individual, family, and peers. Individual Prevention and health education This method is widely conducted by doctors, government, mass-media and community. It is mainly used in drug preventive process and emphasis publicizing knowledge of drugs, consequences of use and promoting antidrug use attitudes to public at large. Social workers bring professional features in this process. For instance, social work may host discussion, experiential activities, and group problem-solving exercises in school, communities, and other public places. Further causes probing Since variety of negative factors are able to bring young people risk for contacting illicit drugs, social workers should try them best to find hidden and real causations, and prevent or healing problematic individual through coping with latent issues first. Individual counseling can be conducted this part. Self-potency enhancing According to Shamai (1994), some personality traits can typify youth in distress, such as impaired self-control, low self-esteem, self-confidence and self-satisfactory, sense of coherence, low level of aspirations and little hope for the future. Empowerment is one of the major measures social work profession utilizes. Setting in substance addicted teenagers, what social workers can do includes to bring youths a positive attitude towards their drug dependence, to help them develop skills against peer influence and pressure, improve self-efficacy and self-control capacity. Cognitive-behavior therapy is considered useful in self-potency enhancing for youth involved in substance abuse, which processes of instruction, demonstration, practice, feedback and reinforcement. Personal and social skills training Individual resources are qualities that enable youth to contend with negative life events and stressful situations (Ben-Sira 1993; Lazarus and Folkman 1984). Social worker may work with organization such as youth centers, communities here. To assist young people, either who have already taken psychoactive chemicals or who have the danger for touching drugs, to gain personal anti-drug skills, social work will teach them how to reduce their anxiety, how to apply generic skills to resist substance-use influences, to establish non-substance-use norms, and so forth. Useful methods include recreational activities, behavioral rehearsal, resistance-skills training, and practice via behavioral homework. In terms with social skills training, communication, use of same age or older peer leaders, vocational training, social and assertive skills, participation in community service projects are all possible methods social workers can make use of. Family According to a recent view of environments role in addiction (Nader and Czoty 2005), owning a less stressful and more privileged environment may help individuals enlarge the protection from addiction or relapse during recovery process. In this way, teenagers original family should be considered as a recovery environment and a focus of treatment. While family recovery and family therapy are widely used in recent years, social workers roles there are mainly releasing risk elements associated to youth drug abuse, and assist families to offer continuum of care and support for problematic young people in drug recovery. Family recovery skills can be categorized into family addiction awareness, family development awareness and strengthening family dynamics, in which social workers can serve as assistances and organizers. Peers In or before the process of giving up drugs, most of these problematic teenagers are usually faced with exclusion from young persons who do not take illicit chemicals. However, to get out of drug abuse, they should complete dual challenges or missions: giving up former young companions, and making new friends with others who do not abuse chemicals. Rather than force youths to get out of old friends, social workers should assist youths to make new friends for his support and social needs. Group work is an effective method here. One is group treatment, which includes chemical awareness group and abstinence support group. Teenagers in recovery get together, share their experiences, thoughts, feelings, and skills to avoid drugs. They can also claim to give up taking chemicals, which is demonstrated an impactful way. About another kind of group work, several addicted young people will be planned to stay with others who dont take drugs. By sharing their experiences and decision to avoid chemicals, the disadvantaged ones will enjoy the chance to make new friends, as well as get support from them, which is extremely important in preventing their doom to relapse in recovery.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Street Child Causes, Effects and Prevention
The Street Child Causes, Effects and Prevention Also Street children as defined by the UNICEF: is divided into children on the street and children of the streets. Children on the streets are the children whose have home to live in, but they have a full time work or a part time work. Children Of the streets are the children whose home ties have been seriously weakened and who essentially live in the street (UNICEF, 1993, p.22). Children of the streets are which lives all there time on the streets or in other words children with no shelter except for the street. Also, a street child is defined as any boy or girl for whom the street in the widest sense of the word has become his or her habitual abode and/or source of livelihood, and who is inadequately protected, supervised, or directed by responsible adults( Lusk, 1989).according to Kopoka Children whose work on streets and take streets as a shelter, usually come from poor slums and squatter settlements where everything is precarious: Family financial situation, overcrowded schools and even safe place where they can run and play. Moreover, wars or armed conflicts cause the increasing of this problem where the children parents are killed and leave them alone with no shelter or place to live . On the other hand, there are children whose have guardians, but the guardians sent them to work to help the family, others are forced to work and live in streets. Even there are children from well to do families or middle class who run away from homes. The purpose of this essay is to show some of the causes and its effects considering street children problem, and analyse the solution to differentiate between good solution and bad solutions. Causes:- According to Lugalla and Mbwambo, 1995; there are lots of causes for this problem, some are natural and others are man-made. Children have lost contact with their parents or families, which results the loss of the children in the streets. Some children are the offspring of prostitutes. Some families reject their children if there are handicapped. Some respectable parent disowned their own child because he/she is an outcome of an affair. In those causes the background is not allows poor. Effects:- According to Harding, 2010; for every cause there is effect, and there are devastating effects on street children themselves and on the society they belong to. The children without education are without future, which means that they will not be able to defend their future and they will face lots of difficulties to have a better life. Moreover, being undernourished from such a very young age causes bad side effects on their health like malnutrition which effects there immune system and as a result shorter life expectancy. There are approximately 48 million young ones whose are not registered in their countrys archives, which represents around 47% of the child population around the world. 20 out of every 100 births in Latin America never registered. That mean that all of those 47% are not on paper which means they do not exist. This is a huge problem as those poor kids do not have identity, which exclude them from other right like the right to vote or the right to have a proper educati on or even low level education. Moreover, criminal gangs which really represent a huge disaster, as they use those unregistered children to do criminals and violence. Those children have no criteria to know what is right and what is wrong. They may expose themselves to very cruel situations like prostitution, sexual violations, drug consumption and other forms of modern slavery. According to Street children in the third world, having no access to basic needs always become an easy prey of flesh traders. The demand of street children is high among the pimps and the brothel owners because these children sell themselves at cheap rates. These children are at high risk because they neither use contraceptives nor ask the clients to use them. Thus the chances of getting pregnant or catching a sexually transmitted disease is high. A finite circle is problem, because when children grows to be adults. They will be the best shape for crime; there will be evil walking on his feet. There will be individual illiterate adults with low moral beliefs, with damaged psychology. Those lovely poor children in the past will be the evil which will oppress other helpless and innocent children. All of this means that street children of today will be criminals of tomorrow. Analysis of Solutions:- Street children are a huge problem and any solution, even if it is not good, it will at least push forward to solve this problem. ESCWA has developed good solutions which are 1. to understand better the situation of street children through research in the following areas: 1.1 Quantitative data at national level to assess the magnitude of the problem. The statistics need to be disaggregated by sex and age. 1.2 Qualitative and quantitative research to examine the root causes that put girls and boys at risk, among them street children. This research will need to examine the link between poverty, inequality, exploitation, violence and exclusion. 1.3 Qualitative research to examine the everyday lives of the street girls and boys and the attitudes of society and the government towards them. 1.4 Policy level research examining the effectiveness of existing policies, planning and legislation and institutional arrangements and budgetary allocation targeting street children. 2. To shift the approach to street children from legalistic to preventive, protective and rehabilitative interventions, through a focus on: 2.1 Root causes and not only on symptoms 2.2 The economic and not only the social sector 2.3 Mainstreaming as well as specific institutions and actions for street children 2.4 The rights of street children as citizens and not as charity cases or delinquents 16 2.5 Street children not only as victims but also as citizens with the agency to participate in decisions which target them. 3. To enforce and monitor all international and national commitment to children 3.1 To review that all items of international conventions such as those pertaining to childrens rights and elimination of child labour are translated into legislation and other procedures. 3.2 To review that all enforcement procedures are in place and are implemented. 3.3 To strengthen all monitoring and reporting systems relating to relevant international conventions. 3.4 To review and further amend the Child Law 126/2008 by removing all clauses that undermine its effectiveness and to put in place all the necessary procedures and monitoring mechanisms. 3.5 To review and amend articles pertaining to corporal punishment in a way that prohibits all physical violence whether at home, school, work or any other institution. 4. To establish clear mandates and lines of institutional responsibility for street children 4.1 Strengthen cross-cutting entities 4.1.1 To strengthen the establishment of a unit or department in the new Ministry for Family and Population with a clear mandate for responsibility for street children. This entity would be a catalyst advocating, legislating and monitoring the situation of street children. 4.1.2 To review and strengthen the role of what was previously the NCCM Technical Consultative Committee. 4.1.3 To strengthen the Child Protection Committee according to the amended Child Law through appropriate budget allocation, establishment of clear guidelines and protocols and awareness raising and training for the committee members. 4.1.4 To establish surveillance system such as a childrens Ombudsman 4.2 Establish responsibility of line ministries 4.2.1 To strengthen the role of economic sector ministries in addressing poverty, such as the creation of jobs for poor women and men. 4.2.2 To strengthen the monitoring systems of the Ministry of Labour in the area of child labour. 4.2.3 To lift all exclusionary conditions from access to education such as the rising cost of education, forced private tuitions by teachers, mistreatment of poor children in schools, corporal punishment and gender discrimination. 4.2.4 To establish effective internal and external mechanisms and multispectral interventions to identify children at risk and design suitable and sustainable interventions to reduce and eventually eliminate the risk factors. 4.2.5 To formulate a new Social Protection Strategy with the full collaboration of all relevant state institutions and NGOs that focus on the rights of the 17 child, with a dedicated budget and clear roles and responsibilities for its implementation and monitoring. 5. To devise a comprehensive child protection system that addresses the issues of all categories of vulnerable girls and boys in all their diversity of age, class, religion as well as family and regional background 5.1 To devise a Social Protection policy for vulnerable girls and boys. 5.2 To devise a Social Protection strategy translated into crossà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ cutting and sectorial programmes and projects and procedures. 5.3 To create realistic budget lines for the implementation of the various components of the Social Protection system. 5.4 To create clear institutional responsibility for monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the strategy. 6. To devise a National Strategy, programmes and projects specifically for street children 6.1 To evaluate the implementation of the National Strategy for the Protection, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Street Children of 2003, as well as all programmes and projects directly targeting street children. 6.2 To build on lessons learned and design a new Strategy in collaboration with key state institutions and NGOs. 6.3 To design innovative and participative programmes and projects that address the conditions and circumstances of children already living on the street taking into account that: 6.3.1 There is more chance of succeeding by helping children get off the streets through early intervention, before they establish their new street kid identity. 6.3.2 For those who have been a long time on the streets, it is possible to use participative methods and consult them in the design of the most effective activities. 6.4 To strengthen all programmes and projects that helps the reà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ integration of street children into mainstream society. 6.5 To put in place actions that address negative attitudes of both the general public and state employees towards street children. 6.6 To work directly with the police to address the way they perceive and treat street children 6.7 To solicit more resource allocation for items listed in recommendation 5 above from government and from bilateral and multilateral organisations. 7. To strengthen the advocacy role of civil society organisations working with street children 7.1 To strengthen CSOs ability to establish channels of communications with street children and to help make their voices heard. 7.2 To raise the capacity of CSOs working with street children in the area of advocacy and lobbying of policyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ makers and politicians. 7.3 To support civil society networks and strengthens their roles as advocates of the rights and needs of street children. Conclusion:- At last the author believes that street children are a huge problem that has a lot of causes which can be minimized and a lot of effects that are considered a real threat to all means of life, it is waste of man power which harm economy, it threats security and of course it is totally against human right .
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Augustine St. Clare of Uncle Toms Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe Essay
 Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin leaves little room for interpretation of the author's moral point of view. Yet, there remains one big moral question that is not as easily answered. This is the question of the character of Augustine St. Clare--a man who espouses great ideals on the evils of slavery,  yet continues to hold his own slaves. Is he a hero because of his  beliefs or a villain because of his actions? And just how important is this question to understanding and responding to the novel, as a whole?            If St. Clare were a minor character, showing up in just a chapter or two, as another stereotype, i.e. the southern slaveholder who doesn't like slavery, he could almost be dismissed as just another interesting element, one more point of view, on the issue of slavery. But St. Clare dominates over one third of this book--his speeches are Stowe's mouthpiece for her abolitionist politics. He and his moral ambiguity cannot be dismissed. In many ways, St. Clare is at the very center of this book. Not just literally and chronologically, but morally.  Josephine Donovan calls St. Clare, "one of the most interesting characters in the novel" (79). Elizabeth Ammons goes even further and calls him "the most tortured white man in the book" (175). Here is a man who knows what is right and wrong, has the power to do something about it, but does not.            In many ways, St. Clare is like Thomas Jefferson, a man who spoke out for freedom, who espoused many ideals and even publicly criticized the institution of slavery, but continued to hold all of his slaves up until his death. Jefferson... ...           Uncle Tom's Cabin." Criticism 31.4 (Fall 1989): 383-400. Lang, Amy Schrager. "Slavery and Sentimentalism: The Strange Career of            Augustine St. Clare." Women's Studies 12.1 (1986): 31-54. Railton, Stephen. "Mothers, Husbands, and Uncle Tom." The Georgia            Review            38.1 (Spring 1984): 129-144. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin: Presenting the            Original Facts and Documents upon which the Story Is Founded.            London: Thomas Bosworth, 215 Regent Street, 1853. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly.                   Anthology of American Literature: Volume I: Colonial through                       Romantic. Ed. George McMichael. New York: Macmillan Publishing,            1993. 1735-2052. Â
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Wendys History :: essays research papers
Wendy’s Frostys      â€Å" I opened the first Wendys restaurant because I felt that there should be a place where fresh hamburgers are made just the way the customer wants it.†That is as true today as it was thirty one years ago when Dave Thomas first spoke those words. People put their trust into Wendys everytime that they eat there. Infact Wendys is the only fast food place that offers the Frosty (Wendys Web Page).      November 15th 1969, in Columbus, Ohio, was a very phantasmagoric day in Dave’s life. He opened his very first restaurant naming it after his little baby girl, Wendy. He expected nothing more from his little family owned restaurant, but Dave decided to approach fast food in a different angel. On November 21st 1970 he broke new grounds by opening a new feature, the pick up window. Now he could do twice as much business at the same time. This idea expanded to all of the quick service industries. Over the next thirty ones years, Dave opened up over five thousand Wendys Restaurants, not only in the United States but in twenty-seven other countries around the world. With competition rising among other fast food places, such as McDonalds, Burger King, and Arbys. Promotion would be one of his great ideas (Wendys Web Page).      A garbage collector, Craig Randall, found a discarded Wendys cup. The cup had a peel off label for instant winners. Hoping to discover a coupon good for a free chicken sandwich, Craig peeled off the label to find that he instantly won two hundred thousand dollars towards a brand new home and became an instant celebrity. Craig’s whirl wind                Osborne 2 media tour included the â€Å"Tonight Show,†â€Å"Jay Leno,†and hundred of media outlets hungry for a new unbelievable story. This brought many new customers to Wendys to try their luck at the new game. Soon after many other fast food places tried the same promotion ideas and were also very successful (Pook, Cory).      Wendys features two main products, the chili and the Frosty. The Frosty is a cool creamy dairy desert that will also quench and thirst. Although is thicker than a milk shakes it isn’t quick as thick as Ice cream. In comparison to the other dairy deserts that the other fast food places sell, Wendys has the least fattening deserts of them all. The Frosty at Wendys has 330 calories in a twenty oz.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Human Relations Essay
1 In your opinion, do supervisors of entry-level workers rely more on soft skills or hard skills to accomplish their work? Explain. In my opinion, supervisors of entry-level workers rely more on soft skills than hard skills in order to accomplish their work. My reasoning in this is that â€Å"soft skills†often equate to â€Å"people skills†, or developed communication skills. When supervising entry-level workers, such â€Å"soft†skills in communication and working with people will be more beneficial to the supervisor than the technical knowledge or transferable skills referred to as â€Å"hard†skills. When supervising entry-level workers, the supervisor does not actually need advanced technical knowledge or skills relative to the job. Entry-level workers will not have, or necessarily need to learn, such skills and information from the supervisor. Instead, it is most important that the supervisor uses â€Å"soft†skills to maintain open communication channels to understand and respond to worker concerns and needs. 2 Why do people need soft skills in an era of high technology? People need soft skills in an era of high technology for several reasons. Technology is often a tool rather than a tutor or teacher; therefore, human help will always be necessary when workers and individuals are learning to operate new technology. I.T. support staff need to have soft skills in order to carry out their jobs, which involve dealing with people as well as dealing with technology. 3 Discuss two (2) ways that interpersonal skills related to the digital age are demonstrated while interacting with large numbers of people, as well as groups. Interpersonal skills relating to the digital age are demonstrated while interacting with large numbers of people in several ways. From social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, most people have developed the skill and awareness of â€Å"broadcasting†information or opinions to a large audience. Also though such social media, most people have developed an awareness of privacy filters – for example, in their use of digital technology they may choose to share certain information with a smaller subset of the entire group. 4 How might you improve your effectiveness as a team player in terms of people-related team activities? Discuss three (3) ways. I could improve my effectiveness as a team player by being a more active listener, consistently (i.e., listening attentively to everyone’s contribution instead of periodically â€Å"zoning out†when a certain person is speaking). I could also initiate, as the team members meet for the first time, sharing of each individual’s preferred gender pronouns – if PGPs are uniformly shared at the outset, and this creates a safe atmosphere and dynamic for any gender-nonconforming individuals in the team. Finally, I could make a concerted effort to default to a dynamic of trust, and remind myself that – even if a team member is expressing opinions or taking actions I disagree with – they almost certainly have best intentions.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Higher Education and Vocational Degree Essay
â€Å"What’s Wrong With Vocational School,†by Charles Murray is an Article that states Vocational schooling would be better off than a four year College degree. In Murray’s opinion, college should only be with those with a high IQ rate of 115 or higher and able to handle rigorous and challenging courses. If you are at an IQ below 110 it becomes an issue and you would be more successful in a Vocational program. This article calmly and rationally presents the notion that the population would be better served by the reintroduction of more training for careers in trade occupations becoming more prominent, therefore creating more job opportunities for people graduating with a vocational degree. Many students that graduate from a four year University do not learn what is needed to go into the working field. Murray states â€Å"For a few occupations, a college degree still certifies a qualification. This brings up the question, why do we pressure everyone to get a four year degree? In our society the college you go to means more than your actual qualification or talent you might have. Employers tend to pick a student that graduated from a university over that of a vocational school student just because of the name of the school not the talent the individual has. The degree itself also does not automatically qualify the student for the job and there are much faster and better ways such as a vocational degree for young people to provide credentials to employers. These credentials are needed in the job market for students with vocational degrees. As Murray says, â€Å"Finding a good lawyer or physician is easy but finding a good carpenter, painter, or electrician is becoming difficult. †The jobs needed such as an electrician or painters are those with vocational degrees. We often overlook some of the great jobs that don’t require a degree and are still very rewarding. A vocational degree can bring just as much income sometimes even more than a four year college degree in half the time. We have a mindset that a four year degree is much more valuable than a vocational degree. As Murray conveys this is not true he used an example of a craftsman bringing intrinsic rewards with high income. Vocational degrees are becoming more susceptible in our community. A college degree is no more important than any other high tech occupation such as an NBA player or a cabinet maker. Many of our most high income people do not have a college degree and do not care because they are living happily without it. Murray states the social cachet of a college degree still remains but will erode over time when large numbers of high income people do not have college degrees. †Many employers are looking more at the evidence you are good at something without the benefit of a college degree and will increase more overtime. If this does continue our false outlook of a college degree will diminish. As a society we look at the only way of becoming successful is going to a four university and look over vocational degree programs.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Rabindranath Tagore Contribution Towards Education
What are the contributions of Mahatma Gandhi in Education? SWASTIK Historical Development of Basic Edcuation Mahatma Gandhi explained the concept of Basic Education through a series of articles in his Harijan magazine in 1937. In the conference at Wardha after a detailed discussion about Gandhiji's articles the scheme of Basic Education took shape under the leadership of Dr. Zakir Hussain. The following four resolutions were passed. (i) Free and compulsory education should be given to all children for a period of seven years. (ii) The medium of instruction should be the mother tongue, iii) The process of education should be centred round some form of manual production work in the shape of a craft. (iv) This education should be self-supporting to some extent. The Central Advisory Board of Education set up a Committee under the Chairmanship of Sri B. G. Kher to suggest measures for implementing these resolutions. Then another Committee was appointed under the same Chairman to recommend action coordinating the Basic Education with higher education. The recommendations of both these Committees were approved by the CABE and included in the Report on Post-war Educational Development in India. Also read: Woman Unknown by Rabindranath TagoreIn 1944, although Govts, both at the national and state levels accepted Basic Education as the national pattern, progress in its implementation was not satisfactory. Merits of Basic Education (1) Work as a central place: Since work occupies a central place in life, it had an important place in Basic Education. Dignity of labour was emphasized by him and work was made an integral part of this education. (2) A new method of teaching: Through Basic Education Gandhiji introduced a new method of teaching. This method is to teach all subjects through crafts and taken as activity-centred meant to free children from tyranny of words and cramming. 3) Self-supporting education: As a corollary to craft-centred education, it was visualized by Gandhiji that schools need be self- supporting. The carfts organized scientifically would result in more production and the sale-proceeds must fetch a good income. (4) Socially sound system of education: Basic education was sound sociologically. The then class-labour and chasm between mental and physical labour and the spirit of dependence on others were required to be removed from the society. In short, Basic education was intended to eradicate many ills of the society. 5) Training for Citizenship: Basic education was providing for training students in democratic living and practices. It was aiming at forming positive attitudes, creating interests and appreciation, developing understanding and imparting skills in citizenship. On the whole, it was a training citizenship. Drawbacks in Basic Education (1) Selection of Crafts: Since craft was occupying an important place in Basic school curriculum, selection of a suitable craft was determining the success and efficiency of Basic Education. But most of the schools followed the trodden path or tereotyped process without bothering for the local conditions and needs. For example, in the areas where cotton was not grown and had to be brought from a long distance, weaving was introduced as a craft even in those areas. (2) The Principles of Correlation: In Basic schools every subject was being taught through a craft. The principle of correlation was tried to be adopted in all subjects, but in real situation it was done as a ritual without any sincerity or seriousness. In fact, correlation was a slogan and fiction. (3) The Idealism of self-sufficiency:It was complained that the schools cannot be made self-sufficient with the production by children. The concept of self-sufficiency was thought to be idealism and was not emphasized by most of the teachers and inspecting officers. Products by unskilled hands were not selling well and fetching adequate income. Rather Basic Schools were more expensive than traditional schools. (4) The Principles of Equality: Although Basic Education was visualized to be socially sound for removing the existing disparities, it was rather aggravating the situation.It was tending to be meant for the ch ildren of poor labourers and farmers only and children of high class families were not going to these schools. The gulf between poor and rich classes rather widened due to Basic Education. (5) Proper Orientation and Understanding: Basic schools called for highly qualified and well-equipped teachers for properly teaching subjects through correlation and organizing crafts with efficiency. But in fact many teachers employed in such schools were lacking proper understanding of the Basic Education principles and desired orientation with the idealism or values impregnated in the system.Present Condition Although Basic Education faced a sorry state of affairs many of its principles are still appreciated for their practical value and psychology as well as sociological importance. The Kothari Commission, 1964-66 endorsed a large number of its essential features like work experience, community living, community service, citizenship training, world brotherhood, social and spiritual values and integrating knowledge with experience and so no. After a lapse of more than three decades a National Education conference was convened by Shriman Narayan at Sevagram in 1972 where Basic Education was praised by many.A resolution was passed with consensus of all Education Ministers and Vice Chancellors who attended the conference, â€Å"education at all levels should be imparted through socially useful and productive activity, linked with economic growth and development in both rural and urban areas†. The Iswarbhai Patel Committee supported most of the principles of Basic Education with great stress on work education or socially useful productive work. The UNESCO Commission Report â€Å"Learning to Be†also used the term Basic Education for Primary Education and laid emphasis on many forms of social and economic activities to be organized in the schools.The Basic Education system has been hailed as â€Å"the ideal solution for the reform of teaching methods in Indian S chools†by Dr. Gunnar Myrdal, the celebrated author of â€Å"Asian Drama†and as â€Å"one of the most interesting and promising developments in Indian Education†by Prof. Castle the renowned writer of â€Å"Education for self-help†. It goes without saying that India would have been a happier place at present, if the useful features of Basic Education had been given effect to with sincerity of all concerned.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Door You Willing to Shut
Stephen King provides us with his own vocabulary as well as methods for isolating one’s mind and unlocking it to its utmost potential. His blueprint for writing involves isolation from mundane life, from thinking too rationally or dogmatically in order to get in touch with our creative side. Using the terms â€Å"the room†, â€Å"the door†and â€Å"the determination to shut the door†he maps out an environment, which helps him concentrate on his writing.Stephen points out that usually we need to find a comfortable place to write (in his case-his home). The next step is to get rid of all distractions (the shutting of the door) and then to set a certain goal, as well as to make sure that it is quite attainable. King believes, based on his own experience that the hardest part about writing is just to begin the task, writing â€Å"one word at a time†; once it starts its not overly difficult to maintain the flow of ideas and their transfer on paper.Pers onally I find the environment of a small cozy cafe preferable to that of my home in terms of shutting the door to various distractions that King talks about. The room and the determination to shut the door are more important to me when I write, then the door itself. When I write in a cafe, I do not control the environmentâ€â€the door  that is, I cannot shut it entirely, but I can control my focus on my work, in King’s own words it’s called the determination to shut the door.I’m not sure if I would be able to write to Metallica or AC/DC as King apparently can, but music in general if it is soothing, would not distract me. Just like King, I find the hardest thing is to begin, once I get going I do not feel distracted by my surrounding environment, I can focus and be completely absorbed by the writing task, creating a piece â€Å"one word at a time†.
Friday, September 13, 2019
The UAE 2 and 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The UAE 2 and 3 - Essay Example Nike Company was started by two visionary men that redefined the sportswear industry. Bill Bowerman worked as a field coach and Phil Knight was a middle distance runner at Oregon University. Phil Knight sent his footwear ideas to manufacturing companies in Japan after completing his MBA from Stanford University but his ideas were rejected. He was then associated with Tiger Shoes Company and sent free samples to his Oregon University field coach. The idea struck Bowerman and became his partner to form Nike Company (Nike Inc, 2012). The concept of CSR is the commitment of companies to act in accordance with ethical guidelines and to participate in economic development of the country to improve lives of the people. The main objective of a business is to earn economic profits, but if social objectives of the community are met then it can offer company with huge financial gains in the longer run. The companies that apply CSR must comply with norms, duties and laws of the particular society. Corporations have a duty towards a society as they have an impact on the decisions of companies. Ethical disposing of waste materials carried out by factories or strategic decisions made by a company are all counted CSR key activities (Schwartz, 2011). Nike has a strong ethical base for participating in community work and proving themselves to enhance the development of the society. Social objectives are maintained by the company to achieve them accordingly (Nike Inc, 2009). The company aims to minimize the utilization of toxic chemicals which are used as an ingredient to manufacture a product. Nike Inc has a stance that the wastes of toxic chemicals are damaging for the environment (Nike Inc, 2012). Nike support communities through innovation in their products and advocacy. The company has a target to invest more than 1.5% from the total amount of income before tax for community serving purposes (Nike Inc, 2012). Nike believes that corporate
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Mentoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Mentoring - Essay Example As the paper declares in several aspects, modern day relationships of mentoring are different from the past. In old times, the main objective of mentoring was just one-way transfer of extensive amount of information and awareness. The mentee used to be just a recipient and most of the times had little control or authority in this relationship. Their relationship used to last for certain days or months, and one mentee was only allowed to have one mentor. Moreover, Mentoring used to happen on only face-to-face basis. According to the report findings majority of the schools conduct number of extracurricular activities like swimming, baseball, football or soccer etc., there is no school with an extracurricular lab for computer having a computer coach to maintain it. The reactions towards various attempts to introduce mentoring for students of high schools have been spoilt with everything from lack of sympathy to opposition. An individual needs to have a teaching certificate in order to join a school as a teacher and not some new ideas or motivation. Another major barrier that female mentors come across everyday is gender barrier. From both physiological and social point of view female mentors are highly discouraged by the society. School districts with effective mentor programs actively seek accomplished veteran staff members to serve as mentors. Several stakeholders should discuss and contribute to the construction of a profile of the kind of person who would serve as a mentor. Several sources sug gest the kind of qualities to look for in a mentor.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Ophthalmic Care Delivery in Saudi Arabia Assignment - 70
Ophthalmic Care Delivery in Saudi Arabia - Assignment Example  Statistics indicate that this institution has considerably decreased the prevalence of blindness and other eye-related health problems, in the elderly, by over 10 percent in the past few decades (Alwadani et al. 2010). However, it has been noted that there are certain regions and communities with relative surpluses in the delivery of quality ophthalmic care and short put of ophthalmologists and ophthalmic subspecialists. These researchers employed written survey to collect data from ophthalmology residence. The written survey contained questions on medical education, demographic information, residency training, and career goals that affect their career choice (Alwadani et al. 2010). The results of this study indicated that the majority of ophthalmology respondents preferred practicing in urban settings (63%) such as Jeddah, Makkah, Riyadh, and Eastern area to rural settings (37%) such as Jizan, Hail, Asir, Madinah, Qassim and Baha (Alwadani et al. 2010). Additionally, 75% and 77% of the respondents were interested in practicing interactive research and surgery respectively (Alwadani et al. 2010). Research results summarize that most respondents are willing to practice in private sectors rather than public institutions. In this context, these authors recommend that the government should make an effort to encourage adoption of the ophthalmic practice in public institutions other than in the private sec tor (Alwadani, 2010). Additionally, training in sidelined ophthalmic subspecialties should be encouraged to ensure optimum ophthalmic care delivery to all Saudi Arabia citizens (Alwadani et al. 2010).
Discuss several (at least 3) recent methods of appraising employees Research Paper
Discuss several (at least 3) recent methods of appraising employees used at specific companies and organizations. Comment on the pros and cons of each - Research Paper Example The abilities, capabilities, talents and skills differ from one employee to the other. There is constantly some difference between the quality and quantity in the same work done by two different individuals. Performance appraisal has been defined as the process of recognizing, evaluating and increasing the work performance of employees in the organization, in order to efficiently achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. Performance appraisal is needed to appraise the performance of employees along with the organization to verify the development towards its preferred objectives and goals. â€Å"It is a vital component in recruiting and hiring employees where it is used to validate selection procedures†(Grote pg 8). Performance appraisal is considered highly crucial both by educational as well as practicing managers, as it is one of the most important human resource tools. Performance appraisal is a helpful tool in determining the provision of rewards such as higher wage or promotion, to the employees on the basis of their performance. It is a type of feedback given to the employees by the employer. Following are some of the methods of performance appraisal adopted by different companies. In this method, performance of an employee is compared with that of others, who are doing the same type of job. Performances are evaluated graphically and the employees are ranked in the range of top to worst for every performance. â€Å"It may also be done by ranking a person on his job performance against another member of the competitive group†(Performance Appraisal Tools and Techniques para 1). This method is considered to be beneficial for selecting the best performer among the top performers. For example, companies such as Microsoft in US use a ranking method, so that some employees, no matter what the circumstances, must be rated in the bottom 10%. Ford and
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The Wal-Mart Effect Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Wal-Mart Effect - Research Paper Example Thought Wal-Mart does not manufacture its products, it attains economies of scope because it has lower average cost in selling one or more products together than separately, thereby offering competitive low-priced products. Some mom-and-pop stores, on the opposite, focus on one type of brand or product alone, which reduces their economies of scope, and they cannot lower their prices without affecting their margins. Moreover, Wal-Mart has large and numerous stores with different product types and brands that allow it to shape critical economic factors that can affect purchasing behaviors. Fishman (2006) depicted the swift expansion of Wal-Mart: â€Å"Ten years later, by the end of 2000, Wal-Mart had opened 888 Supercenters, an average of seven new Supercenters per month, 120 months in a row†(p.8). The more shops that Wal-Mart opens, the more it is able to keep its prices lower due to product and sales volume. Hence, economies of scope is a large advantage that small shops cann ot easily beat; hence, they can die or have died due to lower competitiveness in pricing and variety.Aside from economies of scope, large companies can gain economies of scope. Wal-Mart and other firms generate cost savings because of their size in the industry. Wal-Mart has economies of scale because the average cost of selling falls as the volume of products sold increases. It can negotiate with, though some critics would call it â€Å"force,†suppliers to sell goods to them at a lower price since they can purchase larger volumes.
Monday, September 9, 2019
The Thorns of Becketts Endgame in modern or post-modern period Essay
The Thorns of Becketts Endgame in modern or post-modern period - Essay Example  This essay discusses that a play is a world where a playwright relies on the reenactment of the interconnections between and among the thematic content, form, and function. One type of form and function is deliberately chosen to strengthen and explain one specific theme chosen by the dramatist. Beckett’s application of symbolic characters and tedious sequential development triumphs in reinforcing the senselessness of life, death, loss of faith, helplessness, and horror which come together to depict the status of contemporary humankind in a world imperiled by nuclear warfare.  To discuss the language usage first, Beckett makes use of repetitive conversations and hollow clichà ©s to demonstrate the breakdown of communication. The miseries of every person are contained within himself and his effort to express them fails severely. Individuals cannot understand each other accurately and the effect of terror and the vicious activities of humankind are revolting. Beckett, th rough the exploitation of minimal language, expresses the incapability to communicate expressively. Numerous of the expressions made use of the characters denote extinction, death, lack of mobility and humorous events in the contemporary world.  The play’s setting is a sealed room representing the incapability of the contemporary individual to move without restraint. The characters are bonded to particular things. They are handicapped and reliant upon other people for their actions or movement. It is a representation of the captivity of modern humanity.Â
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Inconsistent Triad and Mind-Body Dualism (Philosophy) Essay
Inconsistent Triad and Mind-Body Dualism (Philosophy) - Essay Example One of the best answers to this triad that Mind-Body Dualists can draw forth is epiphenomenalism, which argues that the mind and body are indeed separate, but cannot interact. Although this argument does not one hundred percent clear up all concerns, it does more or less satisfy the argumentâ€â€the brain is then a physical object which controls the physical body, and the mind exists nonphysically but does not interact. There have been many ways of thinking about the interactions between the mind and the body throughout human history. Two of these are Dualism and Materialism. Dualism is the belief that â€Å"the body is material (physical) the mind is immaterial (nonphysical)†(text 59). In other words, our body is ruled by the laws of physics, or whatever law people thought existed at the time, and our mind is not ruled by that law. Instead, it stands above the law or apart from it in a spiritual or mental realm. On the other side of the coin is Materialism, a philosophy which holdes that â€Å"both minds and bodies are physical things†(text 59). According to a Materialist understanding of things, our minds are actually only caused by electrochemical processes in the brain which make it seem as though we are conscious. One of the strongest challenges to the ancient Dualistic belief is our Modern understanding of science and the physical world. Both these things â€Å"underwent a dramatic change in the seventeenth century†(text 60), leaving us with a much better idea of how things exist and what our place in the world is. We also now obviously have a much clearer science in regards to how the human brain processes and creates information. Drawing on our understanding especially of physical laws, chapter 5 of the text presents a strong challenge to Mind-body Dualist beliefs of a separate-but-equal non-physical mind. This challenge is an inconsistent triad, a sort of philosophical logic puzzle An
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Identity-Feminist Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Identity-Feminist - Term Paper Example Usually, the fear of unknown if women replaced men in the works they did, somehow brings about a difference between genders. Women empowerment is a great weapon from women to become independent from the oppression they have been from men (Kimmel, Amy & Kaler 2). With the mushrooming up of many gender activists and governments support, women became to get empowered and achieved their dreams. In a society that is gender based, fighting for the rights of women to be equal to that of men is really a hard task, but something still has be done. Therefore, any person who supports the rights of women in the society is usually a feminist. In this present generation, with much confusion originating from the aspect gender, still there is need for the minority and the oppressed gender to be given their rightful place in the society. It is high time women came up and proved themselves, but in order to reach there, much fighting for their rights have to be done. Recent researches have shown that t here exist little difference between man and woman and hence there is no need for gender inequality to exist. Today, gender being a very sensitive issue due to occurrence of gender based violence in most countries; careful attention has to be accorded to the empowerment of women (Kimmel, Amy & Kaler, 2). Gender on the other hand is defined as the relations between women and men, and can be both material and perpetual. In the past, people used to confuse gender as a tern that used to refer to women and men based on their sexual characteristics, but Holler and Miller try to give it another perspective from which to view gender. Emphasis is usually made on gender not to be determined biologically due to sexual characteristics of women and men like in the old times, but nowadays constructed from the social perspective. Society being the place where gender lays means it plays a key role in influencing gender. These two authors tried very much to show the relationship between gender and t he society and how the two are linked too. Gender is regarded as a vital organizing principle of societies and sometimes governs the process of reproduction and production, distribution and also consumption. Despite this definition, most people associate gender with women. This is not the case since gender addresses issues dealing with women, relationships between women and men, their roles, control and access of resources, labour division, needs and interests. Living in such times where the true meaning is not understood by many, much efforts will be needed in case of fighting for women rights. In a country constantly being struck by news concerning gender based violence, denotes the need to be more careful and sensitive while dealing with issues regarding women empowerment (Holler & Kimmel 24). From an analytical angle, Holler and Kimmel tried to not to be biased while speaking about gender like many people do. By introducing the feminist theory in their writing, proved to be femi nists. These authors are more concerned about changing the past notion in which gender was viewed and try to replace it with their current concept. It seems that these two authors were after changing people’s minds on how they handle the aspect of gender in the society plus add more concerning gender inequality (Kimmel, Amy & Kaler 20). There has always been an issue of gender inequality in many societies over the past decades. Gender inequality denotes the disparity between people because of gender. Gender systems are
Friday, September 6, 2019
Eco-feminism & political and social movement Essay Example for Free
Eco-feminism political and social movement Essay Eco-feminism can be defined a political and social movement which aims at combining feminism with environmentalism or, in other words, to unite deep ecology with feminist concepts. Actually, I have chosen eco-feminism as it draws relations between women oppression and degradation of nature. Environmental problems are of great concern now along with women equality. Nature is degrading and women’s rights are still discriminating. Therefore, eco-feminism argues that there is a strong link between degradation of women and oppression of women. Eco-feminism also explores the relations between sexism, racism, domination of nature and social inequality. It is known that eco-feminism originates from union of ecological thinkers and feminist which believe that social mentality is to blame for oppression of women and domination of men. It is directly related to abuse of environment. Eco-feminism is claimed to combine bioregional democracy with eco-anarchism. Eco-feminism strongly proclaims the importance of interrelations between humans and animals, human and insects, and the earth. Central idea of the feminism is that men ownership has resulted in dominator culture promoting food export, tragedy of the commons, abusive land ethics, exploitation of people and over-gazing. Land and animals are viewed only as economic resources and eco-feminism aims at fighting such positioning. The primary goal of eco-feminism is to re-define the views on productivity, attitudes of males and females towards nature and animals, as well as to prevent ill-using of animals and insects. The key figures in the development of eco-feminism are Carol Adams, Helene Aylon, Judi Bari, Mary Daly, Monica Sjoo, etc. For example, Carol Adams is interested in relations between feminism and vegetarianism. In her works she wrote that women ahs to abuse their rights to provide men with the best food. Summing up, the primary goal of eco-feminism is to explain associations between degradation of women and degradation of nature. Works Cited Eco-feminism. Available at http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Ecofeminism. Accessed April 20, 2008 List of Feminists. Available at http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_feminists. Accessed April 20, 2008
Thursday, September 5, 2019
10 Day Placement Assignment Analysis From Snap Social Work Essay
10 Day Placement Assignment Analysis From Snap Social Work Essay SNAP is an organisation that was set up in June 2008. It is a collaboration of six organisations Orwell Housing Association, Anglia Care Trust, Epic Trust, Ipswich Housing Action Group, Family Action and Together- Working for Wellbeing. Each employee of Snap is affiliated to one of the main organisations and is an employee of only one of the partners. All six organisations tendered, and won the contract to provide CARA (Central Access Referral Agency) and non accommodation based housing support. The collaboration of the agencies ensures a diversity of skills, knowledge and experience. SNAP is responsible for support throughout Suffolk apart from those in the Waveney area. These referrals come through CARA but are then transferred to Flagship Housing to provide support. SNAPs primary aims are to prevent homelessness, to support people to develop skills that will facilitate independent living and to prevent or assist an individual from being admitted to institutionalised accommodation. The support SNAP provides may be accessed by anyone over the age of 16 as long as they are eligible to receive public funds and have needs that are housing related. SNAP supports people for a maximum of two years, up to three hours a week. The needs and progress of the service user are reviewed every 13 weeks. If the service user still requires support after two years or is deemed to have ongoing requirements then they are referred to other agencies that will provide this. Each organisation that is involved in SNAP, has their own policies and mission statements. The values that SNAP have taken as their own are those of respect, integrity, honesty and trust. There is no mission statement that applies overall, as each employee of SNAP is employed by one of the six agencies, and it is the mission statement of that agency that applies to the individual employee. SNAP has six support planning principles. The first of these is that the support provided is individualistic. This is a traditional social work value originally put forward by Biestek (1961). This value means that the worker should recognise and understand each service users unique qualities and situation and take these into account at all times. SNAP also advocates person centred therapy. This approach originated from Carl Rogers (Rogers, 1942) and is from the humanistic school of psychology. This theory involves the process of providing the service user with unconditional positive regard, empathy and openness as it is these that empower the service user and facilitate their ability to solve their own issues. SNAP works in an inter-professional manner. Referrals received by SNAP are from a multitude of agencies due to the diversity of service users and their needs. SNAP is only able to support those who have difficulties in maintaining a tenancy and anything that does not fall within this remit requires SNAP to signpost the service users to other agencies. Furthermore, the support provided may involve SNAP liaising with other agencies that may be relevant in the service users life. All SNAPs interventions are Task centred (Reid Shyne 1969). SNAPs support is classed as short term even though it can continue for up to two years. Task centred approach to intervention is usually done on a much shorter term basis, usually six weeks. SNAP and the service user both agree their roles and responsibilities during the support; this is in the form of a document that makes clear to the service user and the support worker, what each will do during the support. This is signed by both at the onset of support. This is in line with the task centred approach and makes clear what difficulties need to be addressed and eachs role in doing this. As all of SNAPs service users are experiencing problems with regard to housing, this problem solving approach is both practical and relevant. At each 13 week review, SNAP ensures that progress is being made and the service users needs are reassessed. Some of the referrals that are made to SNAP, involve service users in a crisis situation, pa rticularly if imminent eviction is likely. The task centred approach is similar to crisis intervention (Caplan Lindemann -Kanel, 2003, p.14) although crisis intervention has a more psycho-dynamic approach, promoting psychological growth as opposed to task centred theory, which is more based on the understanding that a crisis provides the motivation to act. Both crisis intervention and task centred approaches involve problem solving. SNAP treats its service user in a non judgemental manner. This is one of Biesteks (1961) traditional social work values requiring that the worker does not judge and neither approve or disapprove of the service user. During my shadowing this has been the case. Due to the nature of SNAPs intervention, being short term housing support, it is difficult to set up committees or long term client groups that have an input into the organisation and how it is run and the future development. However, SNAP do regularly send out questionnaires to service users in order to ascertain whether the service they have received has been useful and whether the service users situation has improved. It has also been suggested that a Mystery Shopper type exercise be undertaken in order to ensure that service users are receiving the best service possible at the point of contact. At each review, the client is asked whether they have been happy with the service they have received from SNAP. They are asked whether their situation has improved, not improved or worsened since support started. They are also asked if they have any suggestions as to whether SNAP could improve their service or whether there is anything that they feel they could do that they are not already doing. It has been decided that as part of my Observational placement task of undertaking an interview with a service user, I will use this part of the review as questions for my placement interview. On an operational level, SNAP is entirely user led, due to its task centred approach. As each client is reviewed on a regular basis, there are opportunities throughout the intervention for service users to be able to give feedback at varying points through SNAPs involvement. It is difficult to give service users a strategic role in the organisational development due to the short term nature of the intervention. Whilst shadowing with the support workers, I saw many examples of good practice. Each support worker that I shadowed with was empathetic and appeared to build good relationships with the service users they were assigned to. They appeared to be non judgemental (Biestek), dealing with sex offenders and expressing a level of sympathy for their inability to rebuild their lives following a conviction. There appears to be high levels of oppression towards the more vulnerable referrals. The benefits agency itself made many service users feel powerless and this was acknowledged by the support workers who then called the agency on behalf of the service users. This was anti- oppressive and illustrated this value to me very clearly. Another area that I will identify as good practice, were the recording of interventions, and contact made with both the service user and others who were connected to them. Each support worker that I shadowed appeared to make an entry on the computer system after every telephone call made and letter sent as well as after every visit. It would appear that this was done; ensuring information regarding each intervention was up to date and complete. This complies with Section 6.1 of the Codes of Ethics that states that: As a social care worker, you must be accountable for the quality of your work and take responsibility for maintaining and improving your knowledge and skills by maintaining clear and accurate records as required by procedures established for your work; Whilst shadowing LC, we found that a service user was going to make a possibly fraudulent Housing Benefit Claim. Once the service user told LH of their intention, LH advised that this would be fraudulent and told the service user that she should not be doing this. The service user stated that she was going to and so LH stated that they would be unable to support the service user if this was the course of action that they intended to take. The service user decided to follow LCs advice. This showed honesty and integrity on the part of LC, in accordance to Section 2 of the Social Work Codes of Practice as well as SNAPs own personal values of integrity and honesty. After being in the office with various support workers, it was apparent that at times there were not enough desks and computer terminals for all those in the office to be able to use. Although this did not happen all the time, it did happen regularly. It may be an idea to perhaps invest in some more. Furthermore, again, not all the time, but regularly, it was not possible to sign into the operating system due to the maximum amount of users being logged on to the computers. I have never seen this IT issue before and it struck me as being unusual. I was advised that more licenses have been purchased so the problem is not as great as it was in the past. Although addressing this issue would obviously alleviate any delays in using the IT, making Snap more efficient and effective, it may not be enough of an issue to warrant the economic investment that would be involved. It could be said that as SNAP is a relatively new company, and with the other established organisations bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, SNAP is well placed to cherry pick the best practice from each. SNAP appears to be an efficiently run organisation. The staff appear to be knowledgeable and have the best interests of the client in mind. There are clearly defined systems in place at each level of intervention, including the recording of information.
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