Friday, May 31, 2019
The Continental Congress :: History
The Continental CongressThe Continental Congress met in one of the most conservativist of the seaport towns from which the revolutionary movement stemmed. Philadelphia patriots complained that there was more Toryism in Pennsylvania than in all the colonies combined certainly the Quakers who dominated the province were more concerned in putting down radicalism at home than resisting tyranny from abroad. The character of the delegates who assembled in Philadelphia in September 1774 was likewise a good augury to the conservatives. The Continental Congress was composed of the ablest and wealthiest men in America Chatham pronounced it to be the most honourable Assembly of Statesmen since those of the ancient Greeks and Romans, in the most virtuous propagation.John Adams calculated that they were one third Tories, another Whigs, and the rest mongrels and he found Trimmers & Timeservers upon every side. Fifth columnism was at work, as the patriots soon learned patronage the best efforts of Congress to preserve secrecy, the British government was informed of all its proceedings (Stephen Sayre to Samuel Adams).The work of the Continental Congress soon demonstrated that the American nobleness was divided against itself and that this division worked in favor of the triumph of radicalism. In May 1775, Congress resolved that these colonies be immediately put into a state of defense reaction the Massachusetts militia was taken over by Congress an army of twenty thousand men was ordered to be raised and George Washington was name to command. Congress directed that paper money be printed and in July 1775 Benjamin Franklin drew up Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, which, although too bold to be entered upon the journals of Congress, were openly discussed by the members.The liberties enjoyed by the colonists prior to 1763, which before Lexington seemed fully ample for American prosperity and happiness, now appeared to many Americans little better than slavery. Good God, exclaimed a Virginian, were we not abject slaves (in 1763)? We wanted but the name. . . . It was not till 1763 that we were openly insulted, and treated as slaves (Virginia Gazette, Purdie) By returning to 1763 fundamental grievances would be untouched American passel and manufactures would be cramped by British restrictions colonial laws would have to be approved by the British government and Americans would always be peeled and despoiled for the benefit of English pensioners and courtiers. Moreover, the sacrifices already made for American liberty would have been in vain if such a poor palliative were accepted as the terms of peace (Principles and Acts of the Revolution).
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Comparison of Sound of Waves and Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea :: comparison compare contrast essays
Comparison of Sound of Waves and sailor Who expend From Grace with the Sea in that location argon many similarities between Yukio Mishimas The Sound of Waves and The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea, but in that respect atomic number 18 also some important differences. The endings of the two novels wait to oppose each other, however some of the imagery and characters personalities in the novels make them very similar. In Sailor, one of the main characters is named Ryuji. He is a sailor, and later a father, and plays a central role in the novel. In Waves, Ryuji is use as the name for a character again. However, this Ryuji is non seen often in the action -- he is instead a medium through which the two main characters are forced to communicate. The Ryuji in Waves is also a young boy, while in Sailor he is a weathered man. In both novels, the Westernization of lacquer is used as a motif. In Sailor,Fusako is the proprietress of an import shop and her home and lifestyle a re both very Western. This Westernization is something that would lead to the eventual downfall of Ryuji. In Waves, Churiko, a more western- holding, college-educated girl, is the character that creates the problems which must be overcome. It seems that Mishima is trying to communicate to the readers that Westernization is not a good thing for Japan. In real life, we know that Mishima did think this was true. He would commit ritual suicide for his beliefs about the emperor. The ocean is of course of central wideness in both novels. Surprisingly though, the two novels do not share the same view of the ever-changing force. In Sailor, Ryuji describes the sea as, another kind of prison.(16) In Waves, Shinji, the main character, feels surprisingly free when he first ventures onto the sea Im free he shouted in his heart. This was the first time he had realized there could be such a strange sort of granting immunity as this.(150) Another contrast between the two books deals with the end ing. In Sailor, it is the fulfillment of love that causes the ending of Ryuji, the heroic seaman. When Ryuji finds Fusako he stops his work as a man of the sea and chooses to work in her store to make her happy. In Waves, the young lovebirds are not destroyed by the sea as Ryuji was, they are united by it.Comparison of Sound of Waves and Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea relation compare contrast essays Comparison of Sound of Waves and Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea There are many similarities between Yukio Mishimas The Sound of Waves and The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea, but there are also some important differences. The endings of the two novels seem to oppose each other, however some of the imagery and characters personalities in the novels make them very similar. In Sailor, one of the main characters is named Ryuji. He is a sailor, and later a father, and plays a central role in the novel. In Waves, Ryuji is used as the name for a character again. However, this Ryuji is not seen often in the action -- he is instead a medium through which the two main characters are forced to communicate. The Ryuji in Waves is also a young boy, while in Sailor he is a weathered man. In both novels, the Westernization of Japan is used as a motif. In Sailor,Fusako is the proprietress of an import shop and her home and lifestyle are both very Western. This Westernization is something that would lead to the eventual downfall of Ryuji. In Waves, Churiko, a more western-thinking, college-educated girl, is the character that creates the problems which must be overcome. It seems that Mishima is trying to communicate to the readers that Westernization is not a good thing for Japan. In real life, we know that Mishima did think this was true. He would commit ritual suicide for his beliefs about the emperor. The sea is of course of central importance in both novels. Surprisingly though, the two novels do not share the same view of the ever-changing force. In Sailor, Ryuji describes the sea as, another kind of prison.(16) In Waves, Shinji, the main character, feels surprisingly free when he first ventures onto the sea Im free he shouted in his heart. This was the first time he had realized there could be such a strange sort of freedom as this.(150) Another contrast between the two books deals with the ending. In Sailor, it is the fulfillment of love that causes the death of Ryuji, the heroic seaman. When Ryuji finds Fusako he stops his work as a man of the sea and chooses to work in her store to make her happy. In Waves, the young lovebirds are not destroyed by the sea as Ryuji was, they are united by it.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Not here :: essays papers
Not hereMost people think that the U.S. constitution was just ratified and there was no arguments over its passing. In accompaniment there was almost enough opposition that it came very close to not being passed. It was the Hamiltonians vs. the Jeffersonians in almost all cases. Even before the United States record was ratified there was debate over whether or not to bear a strict interpretation or a loose ane. There was as well as debate over a States right to nullify a law. As memories of Shays insurrection and the reality of the Whiskey rebellion came to the front the issue of undue force became an issue. One of the other major issues during this era was the debt and the national bank.Although the constitution was passed there was much debate over whether it should be a strict or loose interpretation. Hamiltons federalists thought it should be loose and Jeffersons democratic-republicans strict. If it was strict then the federal disposal would only have the powers specifical ly given to it beca use of goods and services of the tenth amendment. Too justify it being loose the federalists used the elastic clause (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18) and then they could decide what was obligatory and proper. Hamilton thought that the only way to protect states sovereignty and at the same time have a national government would be to have a strong central authority.The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions brought to the front a very important matter of concern, a states right to nullify a law. The federalists tell that if a state could nullify a law then what did the laws mean. The democratic-republicans thought that if a law hurt a state unduly then it could be nullified. Resolved, the Kentucky Legislature declared in its opening paragraph, that whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force. Supreme authority in America, it argued, was held not by the federal government but by the people and the s tates, and Congress and the president had only those powers clearly delegated to them by the Constitution. This issue would not be settled until the civil war This is one of the pivotal moments of politics at that time the federalists were thrown out in 1800 mainly because of this.Another cause for concern about the new government was the use of undue force. The democratic-republicans thought that Washington used too much force in putting down the whiskey rebellion.
Analysis of Abbey Tomb, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, and To Aut
Analysis of Abbey Tomb, The get it on Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, and To Autumn By using the first or second person a poet creates a sense ofdirect dialogue with the reader. What is your response to this view?By the use of the first or second person a poet can establish aconnection between the character and the reader because the poet canaddress the reader directly. The poems I have chosen to study areAbbey Tomb by Patricia Beer, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrockby T.S. Elliot and To Autumn by John Keats.Beers use of the first person in Abbey Tomb creates the sense thatthe monastic is confiding in the reader. In addition the link betweenreader and the Beers character is enhanced because the monk istalking through time, which makes the reader feel involved because themonk is intrusting the reader with his grievance that has lastedbeyond the grave.I told them not to ring the bellstheir tombs look just as right asmine, it could be seen here that the monk is arduous to get the fina lword to the reader as time has worn away the truth and there is no onealive who knows he was right. This overly implies his frustration thatthe other monks did not listen to him because his complain is madedirectly to the reader.With the use of the first person Beer is able to create what resemblesa first overtake account of the incident, which is being retold to thereader. We stood stillstaring at the door, the monks were waitingfor the Vikings. We heard them passing byonly I could catch thesound of prowling meneverybody else agree to ring the bells, themonks then think the Vikings had left and decided to ring the bellsagain we see that the monk is trying to prove he was right byem... ...logue with thereader, regular(a) though the poem is written in the second person becauseis addressed to Autumn, as proclaimed in the title of the poem. Keatsmakes no reference to the audience throughout the poem, butpersonifies Autumn sitting careless, thy hair soft-lifted and bya cider-press, with patient look, thou watchest. Therefore thisdemonstrates that a poem can be written in the second person andcontain no sense of a direct dialogue with the reader. I believe that the statement is too specific some poems in the firstor second person, like Abbey Tomb, are purely expressed to thereader because the use of I can create the sense of a conversation.On the other hand, in the love song of J.Alfred Prufrock and moredirectly in To Autumn, another character is addressed beside thereader which weakens the sense of a direct dialogue.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Moore’s Proposed Proof for an External World :: Philosophy Literature Essays
Moores Proposed inference for an External World In his Proof of an External World, Moore puts onward several supported hypotheses in regards to the nature of the existence of things outside the self. Primarily, Moore discusses hands his argument is that if he can produce deuce hands then it follows logically that both hands must exist. Furthermore, Moore puts forth the theory that if hands exist then this alone is proof of an external world. In opposition to Moores opinions will be found three main arguments firstly that all of Moores evidence is based upon sensory input, secondly that the justness of one fact based on the truth of another fact forms an Epistemic Circle in this case, and finally that the evidence out forth by Moore, even if proved, does not necessarily prove the fact that he is attempting to prove. Moores Proof of an External World is based on the fact that he has twain hands. Moores argument for the existence of these hands is as fol lowsI can prove now, for instance, that two human hands exist. How? By holding up my two hands, and saying, as I make a certain apparent movement with the right hand, Here is one hand=, and adding, as I make a certain gesture with the left, and here is another=. And if, by doing this, I have proved ipso facto the existence of external things, you will all see that I can also do it now in numbers of other ways there is no need to multiply examples.1Moores evidence for the existence of hands is based whole upon data received from the senses, yet in no way at any time does Moore even put forth any proof in support of the assumption that his senses are indeed functioning correctly and are not in fact deceiving him. Take for example the argument put forth by Descartes that reads as followsI will suppose therefore that not God, who is supremely good and the source of truth, but rather some malicious daimon of the utmost power and cunning has employed all his energies in order to decei ve me. I shall think that the sky, the air, the earth, colours, shapes, sounds and all external things are merely the delusions of dreams which he has devised to ensnare my judgment.
Moore’s Proposed Proof for an External World :: Philosophy Literature Essays
Moores Proposed consequence for an External World In his Proof of an External World, Moore puts forth several supported hypotheses in regards to the nature of the introduction of things outside the self. Primarily, Moore discusses hands his argument is that if he can produce two hands then it follows logically that two hands must exist. Furthermore, Moore puts forth the theory that if hands exist then this al bingle is proof of an impertinent world. In opposition to Moores opinions will be found three main arguments first that all of Moores evidence is based upon sensory input, secondly that the truth of one fact based on the truth of a nonher fact forms an epistemic Circle in this case, and finally that the evidence out forth by Moore, even if screend, does not necessarily prove the fact that he is attempting to prove. Moores Proof of an External World is based on the fact that he has two hands. Moores argument for the existence of these hands is as followsI can prove now, for instance, that two human hands exist. How? By holding up my two hands, and saying, as I make a certain gesture with the right hand, Here is one hand=, and adding, as I make a certain gesture with the left, and here is another=. And if, by doing this, I have proved ipso facto the existence of external things, you will all see that I can also do it now in numbers of other ways there is no enquire to multiply examples.1Moores evidence for the existence of hands is based entirely upon data received from the senses, yet in no way at whatsoever time does Moore even put forth any proof in support of the assumption that his senses are indeed functioning correctly and are not in fact deceiving him. Take for example the argument put forth by Descartes that reads as followsI will suppose therefore that not God, who is supremely good and the source of truth, but rather some malicious demon of the utmost power and cunning has employed all his energies in order to victimise me. I shall think that the sky, the air, the earth, colours, shapes, sounds and all external things are merely the delusions of dreams which he has devised to ensnare my judgment.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Compare newspaper articles: “Asylum meltdown” (the sun 20/01/03) with “The fight for tolerance” the (guardian 20/01/03)
As part of my GCSE Citizenship coursework I had to comp ar two newspaper publisher articles Asylum meltdown (the cheerfulness 20/01/03) with The fight for tolerance the (guardian 20/01/03) and discuss to an extent their point of views, their language, effectiveness, typographic techniques, and persuasiveness on the issue and because give my point of view, explaining clearly my ideas with references to evidence.The sun gives an angry report of the increasing number of asylum seekers and the immense irreversible damage this is ca utilise our economic administration shaking its very foundations. The article is completely one sided i.e. anti asylum seekers, labelling them all under one group illegal immigrants who are causing consternation and most are Muslims (Algerians, Ethiopians)To get its point across it uses exaggerated facts and charts which will only help it get its readers angry and outraged. It used couched in vocabulary, designed to shake up anti- asylum seekers feeling s. It describes asylum seekers with words or phrases such as illegal immigrants that swarm into Britain, claiming benefits at the expense of tax payers, taking advantage, using Britain as weakling , asylum madness, etc.It uses bold letters to emphasise the failure of our government to control the hassles , fails, generous handouts, time for execute.The sun has titled its article Asylum meltdown reflecting that the point needs to be cracked, asylum seekers need to be sorted and the government needs to be revived.They used a picture effective in its train to support a negative and imbalanced article. The picture shows asylum seekers masked and crossing barriers, a representation of the border of the country, showing us that instead of using the gate they are coming in illegally.Its banner Read this and get angry is bold and highlighted summarising the whole article. The article is about how, now its time for action against asylum seekers, for they are going to hightail it our ec onomy to a downfall. The whole affair is causing us great loses, it implies as new school, houses and hospitals would need to be build to suffice the added demand on these already stretched resources. The letter to the Prime minister is the pushing object of the article.The guardians fight for tolerance takes a different likely on the issue. It says that the panic over asylum seekers is only the first part of a war that will be waged against liberal values. M. Bunting is saying that this problem over asylum seekers is not something that is new only has always been the case, that is, natural fear like at the time of the Nazis. The newspapers are making the situation worsened (like the Sun) by exaggerating and interpreting the wrong ideas. One minute the Algerians were considered terrorist the next moment all the asylum seekers are illuminateed as terrorist. Not just one but lots of newspapers are doing this which is causing unwarranted panic. It does not matter if an immigrant cha nges his name today, for he cannot escape the racial suspicions surrounding asylum seekers.Today there is a risk of interracial terrorism it does not matter which side of the political system a person stands. There are two sides to the problem, asylum seekers take on the right to seek help and asylum but under the suspicion of terrorism. The fact that Islamic foreigners can be terrorist seems frightening. As the economy grew, many fantasy that things would improve but that does not seem to be the case. Liberal views have led to many problems for they have no qualms about allowing people of different run and nationality to immigrate but doctrine religious intolerance. The in secularity needs to be lost, what remains is to ask is individual freedom is more important than national security?The protector places a rational argument which lays out facts and historical data than is asking the reader to exercise his mind and be tolerant.The readers of the guardian are the middle class w ell educated people who would not accept the Suns point of view since it is bias and directed towards the lower working class individuals who are sheep that are lead.The Guardians language is to stir intellectual abilities. They have a sophisticated vocabulary and a complex argument. The poster they use is quite reprehensive of a disaster or a chaotic situation. The poster is screaming out What is the world coming to?Both the sun and the guardian have a different target listening and are persuasive in their area. The sun is for the lower working class as already understood and thus it is stirring its readers just to believe what they read. The sun does not allow its readers to think for them selves and they will not think for themselves. The sun exaggerates and is unbiased. The guardian though is asking its readers to think and thus they both have a different point of view with different motives and aims. Therefore it is debateable as to which of them is more persuasive.I personall y am a strong supporter of the guardians article which argues that what we are doing is wrong. As a nation we need to consider our security and safety but we cannot class all asylum seekers as terrorists for they have rights over us and we need to understand their pain or suffering that have lead many genuine asylum seekers here, which we cannot understand sitting in a centrally heated house with all the basic luxuries and talking. Thus we need to fight for tolerance.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Simul8 in Supply Chain
pic PLYMOUTH BUSINESS SCHOOL COURSEWORK COVERSHEET GROUP WORK NAMES and NUMBERS of students in the group (2 Students) 1. El-Iraki, Youssef (10448517) 2. Badr, Noureldin (10445226) MODULE CODE MBM5204 MODULE NAME Logistics, append Chains, Systems and Methods Lecturer Professor Dongping Song DEADLINE 11th February 2013 WORD COUNT 1,657 By submitting this piece of assessment the group confirms that all the work is thoroughly and adequately endorse and referenced, and has been completed in accordance with the University and Programme Regulations.Table of Contents 1. 0 Introduction3 2. 0 Current pretending Model3 2. 1 Clock Options3 2. 2 The warm-up flow3 2. 3 Results compendium dot4 2. 4 The number of trials used4 2. 5 Results psychoanalysis4 3. 0Pooling Resources5 3. 1 The impact of pooling resources5 3. 2 Comparison between initial fashion sticker and pooled model6 4. 0Usefulness of Simulation Model in Business Context6 4. 1 Simulation and decisiveness make6 4. 2 Researcher R ecommendation8 5. 0 Bibliography9 6. 0 Appendices11 1. 0 IntroductionSimulation is one of the three quantitative analysis solutions and it is essential in logistics decision making (Ghiani, et al. , 2004). Simulation model can answer what if questions in existing system as for this case, the business needs to know and evaluate performance if devil stores and four drivers can be pooled to compare the results and the influence of the bestow kitchen stove performance, in order to give an optimal supply-production-distribution system decisions. The researchers used SIMUL8 program to fulfil the simulations and d novel the predictable models needed. . 0 Current Simulation Model 2. 1 Clock Options The business is working daily from Monday till Friday by which the shifts are kickoff from 900 till 1700 (8 hours/day), and the time is set up in hours to monitor the start time and the length of each day. 2. 2 The warm-up period The warm-up period is crucial when building up simulation fo r manufacturing models, because there is no work-in-progress in such industries at the beginning of the plow (Concannon et al. , 2007).Robinson (2007) stated that there are various methods to mould warm-up period in the simulation model such as the model of run-in for a warm-up period until it reaches a steady state and then the data are deleted and the model of a genuinelyistic initial condition at the start of the run. The first model was taking into consideration when determining the warm-up period and has shown that the warm-up period is 280 hours. It is worth adding a 20% to the normal warm-up period as a safety margin (SIMUL8, 2013).The table below shows the exact warm-up period after running and monitoring the simulation model. Figure (1) Warm-up period pic 2. 3 Results collection period The result collection period is usually chosen to reflect an appropriate operating period. In this model the period set to 1600 hours = 40 weeks. The researchers decided to choose 40 week s as statistically n ? 30, it is important to use large sample size to be more than accurate and it is prerequisite to produce results among variables that are heartly different (Freeman, et al. , 2010). 2. 4 The number of trials usedAfter running the simulation model, it was important to generate the results required to help the company analyse the produce data accurately. The more trials used, the more accurate the results will be. Approximately 3000 trials for both initial and pooling models are conducted to give sufficient accurate results needed for the company. 2. 5 Results analysis Appendix (2) illustrates the results that conducted after running the simulation of model 1. The average time in system is 110 hours due to many reasons in the supply chain which affects production plan that get to poor delivery performance.Although the main objective of any manufacturer is to decrease lead-time in order to satisfy customer and grasp better delivery performance. Drivers perf ormances are 91% and they are considered as an important resource to deliver finished goods to end customers at the chasten time. The waiting ploughshare of the available vehicles is set to be 2% which cannot be considered as a factor that hinder the efficiency of customer delivery. However, the working percentage of vehicles can be enormous factor that affect customer delivery.As shown in appendix (2), vehicles are only operating at a 79% of its total working ability. Since the warehouses hold finished goods and is considered to be an inventory, therefore it is crucial to minimise the capacity of the warehouses to achieve greater financial success. Appendix (2) shows that the average queue size of both warehouses is nearly 16 units whereas the maximum capacity of the warehouses is 50 units, thus the capacity of the warehouses are goodly used. Average queue time of the available warehouses is some other factor that must be taken in the prior considerations.An average of 34 hours is spend to deliver orders from warehouses to customers and this can be nearly 30% of the completely time spent in system. The rule of thumb declares that once the goods are manufactured, it must be delivered as quickly as possible to reduce retention costs and to satisfy customers. Pooling Resources 3. 1 The impact of pooling resources Pooling resources is a possible method to improve service performance without adding any other resources. Pooling help to reduce the variability of data collection, however pooling of customers adds variability to the system and no efficiency will be gained (Vanberkel et al. 2010). Furthermore, it helps to reduce the average queue time in system for the products it is optimal to schedule the shortest job first and to give priority to short jobs (Downey, n. d. ). Thus, it can reduce inventory holding period and costs. This method used in the model is called FIFO (first-in first-out). 3. 2 Comparison between initial model and pooled model 1- There are dramatic changes after pooling warehouses, the queuing time dropped from 34 hours to 15 hours composition queue size decreased from16 units to 15 units.As a result the average time in system declined from 110 hours to 88 hours, thus it can lead to better customer service, saving storage costs and save time as well. 2- After pooling the drivers, it has influenced the waiting times of the vehicles to increase slightly from 2% to 2. 4%. While drivers function has improved significantly to rise from 91% to 93%, therefore drivers after pooling can respond quickly and flexibly to customers. Usefulness of Simulation Model in Business Context 4. 1 Simulation and decision makingThe simulation model can help the real-world companies to provide efficient production and distribution systems as stated by Tunali et al. (2011). SIMUL8 has become the preferred tool as it brings solutions for production planning and scheduling to thousands of engineers that cast complex supply chains and dis tribution systems such as Chrysler, GM, Ford etc. (SIMUL8, 2013). SIMUL8 is easy to use and support numerous critical decisions making every yr because it enables to grow accurate and flexible output more rapidly.Moreover, it helps bridging the ERP gap by creating brisk and feasible production plans (Concannon et al. , 2003). Analysis and assessment of business processes development of what if scenarios and export to murder platforms, such as workflow management and ERP systems are the key advantages of simulation modelling, because it enables the integration of these functions easily and more accurately (Verma et al. , n. d. ). As a result, decision making can be easily overtaken and this is the reason why thousands of companies use simulation modelling to optimise their supply-production-distribution systems.Chrysler saved $5 Million by using Simul8 software system which helped them to identify the best performance and bottleneck lines, thus it assisted them to slow it down. Simul8 also reduced the manpower on these assembly lines which have saved $ 600,000 per year as labour costs. On the other hand, the researchers could not identify the best performance and bottleneck lines because it needs Simul8 professional software which is used in real world companies and the need of historical data is crucial to be more realistic when identifying the bottlenecks in the supply-production-distribution systems (Simul8, 2013).The researchers used Simul8 education software in this case and they effect out after pooling warehouses and drivers, significant results are achieved such as reducing inventory (from 16. 7 units to 15. 5 units) and the time of finished goods spent in the warehouse was also decreased significantly (34. 5 hours to 15. 9 hours). As a result, the lead-time dropped from 110 hours to 88 hours. Furthermore, drivers economic consumption increased from 91. 1% to 93. 6% after pooling the resources (drivers).Thus, the business could react more respons ively to customers and achieve enormous financial success because of their drivers flexibility (Velverde et al. , 2000). According to McLean and Leong, simulation models can help manufacturing and operational departments to determine which new technologies need to be used, organise labour shifts and materials management required for each production stage and modelling of supplier relationships (McLean and Leong, 2001). Table (1) Usefulness of Simulation Model Usefulness of the Simulation Model Business Context Current Simulation Model Support the operation of supply chain through what-if A trial of approximately 3,000 runs were conducted to compare the available manufacturing model results Perform capacity planning analysis usable capacities for warehouses in the initial model were set to 50 each, but it was planned to pool both warehouses together to have a capacity of 100 which delivers enormous results.Maximum batches for trucks and availability% of drivers were set which helped for planning the distribution process of the model Establish the required resources for production and material Determine and manage the required raw materials needed for assembling the product handling (How many raw materials needed from each supplier) it can also be set on which statistical distribution used to supply these values materials as the simulation runs mightiness to evaluate overall firm performance Every stage of the production and distribution process are evaluated such as working%, waiting%, utilisation of drivers, queue sizes, queue times, etc. As a result, this can elp evaluate the performance of the company and assist the top management in taking the in good order decisions 4. 2 Researcher Recommendation By using SIMUL8, the researcher suggested to add value to the company even after pooling their resources which affected in significant results. The researches created new model and recommended to add one more vehicle with the same am ount of resources that are available (drivers, warehouses) to compare with the previous results. The following table shows even more effective results as customers received their orders in less than the time spent by using only 2 vehicles.It has also shown that drivers utilisation increased significantly from 93. 2% to 97. 9% and this is due to a huge reduction in waiting times of drivers. Finally, warehouses queue size and queuing time have decreased to meet nearly the maximum efficiency by which slight amount inventory holding and very tiny amount of time is spent inside the warehouse where most of the finished goods are ready for delivery to customers once arrived. Table (2) Results of adding extra vehicle pic 5. 0 Bibliography Concannon, K. Elder, M. Hindle, K. Tremble, J. and Tse, S. 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Saturday, May 25, 2019
Simulation Experimentation
7.5 Simulation ExperimentOnce the base push and pull supposed accounts were validated and verified, the following measure was to make up ones mind on builds that could be included in the simulation survey and their full point scene. So, the simulation experimentation was carried in twain phases.7.5.1 Initial ExperimentThe sign experimentation was used to make up ones mind the degree of variations to be made and for confirmation of patterns. A immense with the present position, following fluctuations were considered for initial experimentation.Layout alteration layout alteration with alterations in machine location and cell layoutSetup cultivate 25 % less and 50 % lessAverage dress out to mend ( MTTR ) 25 % less, 50 % less and 25 % morePull puzzle 100 % production as per agendum and no FGI available, 100 % production as per docket and existent FGIRejection 25 % less and 50 % lessLoad and unload powder store 25 % less and 50 % less.Table 7.6 Con successivenesss of mated T- test for past informations cogency of push type simulation theoretical accountJ948336256 0.370.0872.04477550230.1780.6970.408 405823570.7760.004 4.555J8109226631.0850.3191.08574911380.790.1321.741 34315860.3050.588-0.573J7-159022040.1220.105-1.90914512210.6330.7640.31417352696-0.0330.141.702J6135539420.0280.3980.914024530.9470.0572.347-9534124-0.0740.563-0.612J5199056750.4860.3890.928222221120.5990.0322.78323257940.570.9190.106J4114659710.0890.630.508158717140.6590.052.4494417322-0.50.8790.159J3939713869-0.1040.1231.793-18772610.6130.948-0.068-9584113260.2230.066-2.239J2122543590.9650.4850.7442955120100.6850.5390.6511730104570.7060.6770.438J1208776080.9760.4950.7262650224310.740.7650.313563187730.7630.9390.079Stat. ParameterMeanStd. Dev.Correlationp-valuet-valueMeanStd. Dev.Correlationp-valuet-valueMeanStd. Dev.Correlationp-valuet-valueComparison betweenPlanned- ActualPlanned- push theoretical accountActual- push theoretical accountProduction sequence high to low volume and low to h igh volumeHandiness 25 % less and 25 % moreRaw Material Schedule current natural stuff procurance program, agenda deliverys after 5 yearss, with and without opening RMI, 5 % extra stuff procurance, with current bringing popular display, 100 % bringing measure and bringing public presentation7.5.1.1 Layout AlterationsThe layout to be used for the JIT organisation should hold maximum visibleness, lower limit walking, minimal stuff handling, facilitates monitoring of work come ining and go forthing the cell and workers can conveniently collaborate to smooth flow and address jobs. Schonberger ( 1982 ) , Korgaonker ( 2005 ) and other research workers have stressed on the usage of streamlined U shaped layout and formation of fabricating cells found on group engineering ( GT ) attack. The current layout of the immediacy machine broth is a combination of U-shaped and L-shaped layout. The country of the mechanical press store is 625 m2including the country required for imperativeness machines, rework country, racks for hive awaying the dies and tooling which is non excessively large for the stuff and tool motion. The P9 machine was the lone machine outside the close U-type. The operator and the stuff have to be placed in the gangway. So, consequently the machine P9 was shifted in topographic point of P6, which is non creation used. The infinite restraint besides does non let the change of current layout into the fill in U type layout.The layout was analyzed to verify the locations of the machines within the given layout. From-To chart showed that the current layout produces minimal backtracking.In order to use group engineering ( GT ) attack, two types of cells were formed. As shown in Table 7.7, two cells were formed based on fabrication properties and by switching some of the trading operations performed on machines P5, P7 and P8. The measure of constituents J5 and J8 is in reality less as comp atomic number 18d to occupation J1, J2 and J3. So, it would n on be advisable to save the machines P5, P7 and P8 entirely for these two occupations. So, it could be considered that the imperativeness store with 11 machines formed one cell.In another attack, the simulation theoretical account was developed in which the machines with similar capacities were grouped together to organize the cell as shown in Table 7.8. The start-off bin of a batch selects the first available imperativeness in the cell assigned to that operation. If none of the imperativenesss be available, the bins wait until a imperativeness is available. afterwards a imperativeness has been selected, all bins in that batch will be routed to the selected imperativeness for that peculiar operation. The production public presentation of this layout was compared with the base push theoretical account stand foring current scenario. It was observed that monthly production of J2, J3 and J5 is drastically trim piece the addition in the production of J1, J8 and J9 is really fringy. Similarly, lead apparel additions drastically and machine use besides reduces. thereof, both the attacks have shown negative tendencies of steps. So, it was decided to follow the current layout as the best suited option.Table 7.7 cubicle formation based on fabrication propertiesCell No.Press machines in the cellJobs manufactured in the cell11, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 127 machines1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 97 occupations24, 5, 7, 104 machines5, 82 occupations.Table 7.8 Cell formation based on machine capacityCell No.Press machines in the cellCapacity14, 540 Short ton2780 Short ton33100 Short ton42, 8, 9110 Short ton51, 10, 11, 12160 Short ton7.5.1.2 Line BalancingLine satisfaction is a particular job for assorted type of production ( Schonberger, 1982 ) . The imperativeness store to a lower place consideration was analyzed for available and require figure of shots. The depth psychology is presented in Table 7.9 for the month of January. It can be observed that the shots remain unutilized or bal anced. The analysis for all the seven months showed similar tendencies except for the month of February and March. For the invention of computations, the overall minimal shots available were considered which are well lower than available for high volume occupations like J1 and J2. So, line reconciliation was besides non a disquiet for the imperativeness store.Table 7.9 Capacity analysis for the month of JanuaryImperativenessJobs utilizing imperativeness and corresponding measureMin. CapacityMin. parts / xxiv hoursRequired shotsBalance shotsOccupationQtyOccupationQtyOccupationQtyOccupationQtyP1J21128J3245250350013732127P2J12246J2112825035003374126P3J21128J3245J4316J772333466217612901P4J8157J815730342423143928P5J3245J3245J540840056008984702P7J4316J5408J815730342428813361P8J12246J21128J772385539034461944P9J12246J4316J9101J9101286400427641240P10J5408J9101J910125035006102890P11J21128J3245J9101J9101250350015751925P12J21128J6273J62732002800167411267.5.1.3 Production SequenceThe constitu ents to be produced by imperativeness store includes some high volume occupations such as J1, J2, and J3 and some low volume occupations such as J7, J8 and J9. The sequence in which these occupations are scheduled affects the public presentation of imperativeness store. The simulation was carried out by scheduling the production from high to low ( on the footing of production volume ) and from low to high. The consequences indicated that in both the instances production lessenings and WIP increases drastically. So, the current attack of assorted type sequencing was maintained for push and pull theoretical accounts. Raw Material Procurement ScheduleIn the initial experimentation of push type simulation theoretical account, some cases of stock out state of affairss were observed. If the natural stuff measure in the computer memory was less than the twenty-four hours s demand, the theoretical account calculated the figure of full bins that could be produced utilizing the bing natural stuff in the shop. The balance was added to the following twenty-four hours s order.Current procurance of natural stuff is in immense tonss bring forthing higher RMI.The public presentation of the sellers in footings of adhering to the measure and trimming of bringing is really good. Average On clip delivery public presentation is 99.24 % and the right quantity public presentation is 95.50 % . Even though, the seller public presentation is moderately good, the works experienced arrests due to non-availability of material on the one manus and high stock list of natural stuff on the other.So, the sweet procurance agenda was developed to avoid the stock out state of affairs with minimal assertable natural stuff stock list. Assorted options such as agenda bringings after 5 yearss with and without opening RMI were considered. Still, some occasions of stock out were observed. So, 5 % extra stuff was added to the procurance measure in order to counterbalance for possible get ri d ofions. Opening natural stuff stock list at the beginning of the simulation was assumed. The bringing public presentation in footings of musical note and bringing timing was modeled as per paradigm execution. Setup TimeSetup clip decrease is the most of present moment technique that enables JIT refillings. The set out-up clip is the elapsed clip from when the last portion of the current tally is completed until the work centre starts running the first good piece of the following tally. absolute setup clip consists of the clip required readying, mounting and unhorsing, focus oning, dimensioning and puting measure, and test tallies and try-ons. For the imperativeness store under consideration, the sloshed set-up clip is 14.4 proceedingss, the maximal being 30 proceedingss and the lower limit is 10 proceedingss. Along with the other parametric quantities related to the apparatus procedure, apparatus clip depends on the tunnage capacity of the imperativeness and weight of the dies. Some larger machines like 3,000 dozenss with 35 ton dies, the universe criterion for set-up is 10 proceedingss, whereas Toyata was able to accomplish the set-up for similar machines in 3 proceedingss. The maximal capacity of the imperativeness in the imperativeness store is 160 tones and lower limit is 40 tones. Compared to the criterions, presently the set-up clip is really high.The survey of set-up procedure at the imperativeness store under consideration reveals that it uses the traditional manner of puting dies. All the dies are stored in the rack built really near to the machine cell. Tooling needed for puting up is kept near to the rack. Forklifts, wires and ropes, and skidding methods are used to interchange the dies. Lot of accommodation work is performed to do a good portion during attempt outs. international set-ups are kept ready most of the clip, but still on that point are issues such as deficiency of be aftering due to some of import and pressing orders du e to reshuffle of production agenda, unorganised readying and eventually, some hapless executing of the conversion. Sometimes, it is further deteriorated due to miss of preciseness equipment, no set control bounds, wear and rupture on tooling, fixtures, equipment, deficiency of criterions or mention points and non-documented work methods. The clip required for machine accommodations, foot races to run into needed dimensions or fictional character facets is besides high. Other discretional clip taken by the compositors besides adds to the apparatus clip.The set-up clip can be reduced significantly through focused and problem-solving low-priced attacks such as organizing a cross-functional squad separation of external and internal apparatuss standardisation of internal apparatus processs usage of standardised parts, tools and fixtures decease clamping system that works with a assortment of die sizes mounting line up blocks usage of preset-positions, gigues and fixtures, lasti ng mention lines and ram accommodations.For the imperativeness store under considerations, the note of current apparatus patterns and the setup clip required thereof, there exists a big potency to cut down the set-up clip based on the countries for possible betterment. For the intent of repairing the per centum decrease in apparatus clip, the simulations were conducted at 25 % less and 50 % less and 25 % more. With the 25 % decrease, alterations in production, lead clip and WIP was non much and discernible. Besides, the alterations reflected could be due to the random contemporaries of apparatus clip harmonizing to the exponential distribution. So, for the intent of change overing the system to JIT, the apparatus clip was reduced clip by 50 % , which is rather possible and practical. Rejection RateThe quality of the constituents being produced by the imperativeness machines is really of import public presentation index. For the imperativeness store under consideration, the mean rejection rate is 3.33 % , the maximal being 4.5 % and the lower limit is 2.0 % . The high per centum of rejection leads to decrease in concluding production measure, bit, rework and increased cost. Due to unfitness to run into the production agenda because of higher rejection rates, less handiness and higher MTTR, the company has to often run into the marks by overtime. In the imperativeness store, factors impacting reject rate are die quality ( design, wear and care ) , preventative care, proper apparatus, procedure monitoring and operator expression.Some minor undertakings related to constituents of halt pedal and door beam were successfully completed at the imperativeness store. It shows that some more continual betterment undertakings can be successfully put to death to cut down the rejection rate. The simulation theoretical account was run by cut downing the rejection rate by 25 % and 50 % . The decrease in rejection rate provides seeable alterations in the end produc t. The betterment undertakings completed besides indicate that the decrease in rejection rate of 50 % is accomplishable by domineering analysis, betterment and control. Supplier Quality ManagementAs mentioned above, the sellers are reputed and have a really good record of bringing clip and measure. On the quality forepart, the providers are executing moderately good. Out of 118 bringings over 7 months 69 times at that place was no rejection at inward subdivision. For staying 59 times, the mean credence was 91.54 % . The w bunker batch was rejected merely one time and was non considered in RM agenda. The natural stuff required for the imperativeness store is cut from the procured sheets. So, there are some rejections after shearing due to dimensional and geometrical issues. Supplier quality direction is ensured by puting rejection of inward stuff to zero. Equipment Development for reducing in MTTREquipment design and development are really betterments to the productio n procedure itself as it has a direct and significant impact on the cost, quality, and production clip of merchandises. Simple equipment is easy to manage and later reduces the MTBF, MTTR and improves handiness. Few alterations were made in the bought out machines to ease easy care, to cut down MTTR and better quality of production. These alterations are as followsPower relays were often neglecting due to fluctuation in electromotive force. Relays were mounted inside the machine near the electric motor and were taking a long clip to mend. The location of the relays was changed and was brought outside of the machine. The replacing clip was reduced from 40 proceedingss to a few proceedingss.For the safety of the operator and to avoid idle shot, exposure detectors were mounted. It reduced the opportunities of accidents and perturbations.The jobs of hiting, cleft, thinning and furrows were reduced by utilizing a customized padding cylinder.The breakdown frequence of the bracket of the stacker was reduced by developing new apparatus.The shock absorber pins were responsible for doing the hole oblong and faulty. The bearing country was increased by replacing the earlier little home base with a bigger diameter. Once it was successful in one machine, it had been horizontally deployed to all the machines.The review and care of the clasp assembly was hard and clip consuming because of its location and weight. The squad developed the keeping mechanism for 160T machine which was utile to skid the constituents, cut downing the clip for review and care.Together with the above alterations, rapid motion of the random-access memory during the return shot could besides be implemented. The observation of the causes of dislocation showed that the happenings of electrical jobs were frequent. The failure of parts such as contactors, spiral, relays, coppice, fuse, switches, wires, etc. was the major beginning of dislocation. Depending on the frequence, the spares could be made avai lable in the box attached at the back side of the machines. It would ease easy handiness of the same for look intoing and replacing.Therefore, decrease in MTTR by 25 % and 50 % were simulated for initial tallies of the simulation. 50 % decrease in MTTR was selected for concluding experimentation to hold noticeable alterations in the public presentation indexs and to suit for random coevals of values. HandinessSimilarly, the losingss in the production clip were due to decease dislocation job, machine startup, quality defect and rework losingss, velocity losingss, manpower deficits, apparatus and accommodation losingss, stuff related job, seek out and minor arrests, power inaccessibility, and interrupt down losingss. It showed that assorted grounds were lending to the loss in handiness. The apparatus and trial clip could be reduced as explained in apparatus clip decrease. The preventative care of imperativeness machines and dies would cut down the arrests due to machine disloca tion and die failure. The breakdown losingss and other care related losingss could be reduced by implementing preventative care. The computerized care information system would bring forth the agenda of care for each hebdomad which included hebdomadally, half annual and annual care activities. This information would be helpful in put to deathing the scheduled care. The preparation of the operator, formation of care and development squads would assist in bettering the handiness the machines. So, it could be considered that the handiness could be improved by 25 % . Loading and Unloading clipIn other patterns such as burden and unloading clip, independent care was besides looked in. Loading and droping was done manually. The mean loading clip was 3.70 seconds while droping clip was 3.58 seconds. Use of turn uping pins, pokayoke, proper workstation design, stuff provender and storage system could be used to cut down the burden and unloading clip. Therefore 25 % decrease was assume d in lading and unloading clip. Autonomous CareCare that is performed by the machine operator instead than the care rung is known as independent care. It includes undertakings such as lubricating and fastening machine parts, cleansing, and reviews to observe abnormalcies and possible malfunctions at the earliest. Extra 15 proceedingss of clip was provided while implementing this pattern in the simulation theoretical account.The company location is about 7Km from the OEM site and has third party logistics for the bringing. After each displacement the finished constituents are delivered to the OEM. In the extra 15 proceedingss of clip provided, the operators are supposed to execute independent care. The operators can run any of the imperativeness machines and besides aid during the apparatus of machines. Therefore, operators are involved in a assortment of related undertakings stand foring multifunctional properties of workers. Design for fabrication pattern besides could hold been considered by uniting some operations utilizing progressive dies. Human related patterns, being intangible in nature, were excluded during the simulation survey.After the initial experimentation, the patterns to be included in the concluding experimentation and the degree of fluctuation were finalized. Table 7.10 shows the patterns and matching alterations effected while implementing a peculiar paradigm.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Major problems Facing Christianity Essay
All knowledge domain religions face unprecedented times in the 21st century. The ch everyenges argon diverse and do not have easy solutions. The new-fangled creative activity has seen an amalgamation of global value systems and a similar get together of socio-political ideologies and philosophies because of advances in information technology and the increased mobility made possible by modern day technology. It is feasible to find a representative of all the world major religions in each country.This has meant that the observance of each religion is no longer a mystical matter left for the convents and monasteries, but has become cardinal that apprize be easily and readily scrutinized and compared with alternatives which by the way do not have to be religious. In considering these challenges, those that affect Christianity can represent to a fair degree the struggles the others are facing and can provide a platform for the discussion of these great powers. Christianity is by design an expansionist religion. Jesus sent let on his disciples with the express command to evangelize all the nations.It is therefore the core duty of every Christian to spread the faith. Globalization is probably the most significant force affecting world religions, both serving and limiting the. many another(prenominal) technological changes took place in the closing half of the 20th century epitomized by the revoke of the internet symbolizes the rise of the global vill get on with. Substantial changes include increasing ease of commercial travel by jets and high-speed trains, efficient teleph whizz systems and powerful intercommunicates, the television set and a very efficient and diversified print and electronic media.The world has enjoyed many benefits because of these and indeed, even Christianity has had powerful tools to take its message crossways the world. Many a televangelist and bible teachers go on air in daily or weekly broadcasts, some with a global audience. T aped messages are d witnessloadable from the internet as podcasts. Even if it is not possible to get the message in real time, it remains available for anyone to get it and watch or discover to it at their convenience.As commercial empires have grown into multinationals, so have efficient delivery networks, which now ensure the timely delivery of CDs and DVDs, magazines and newspapers to a global audience. However, these means for dissemination of information have not been available to just the Christian enterprise, they have also available to other establishments that have competing interests, usually commercial, and at times ideological that have employed them to good effect. A Christian ceremonial television is not only watching popular televangelists preach the gospel, but at the comfortable press of a remote button, can watch virtually anything else.These options do not always full complement the message heard but at times even go against the Christian value system. A Christi an therefore is under immense pressure sensation to conform to the prevailing worldview, as he does not live in a shielded Christian community, but rather in an information razzle-dazzle for which he has to sift through consistently, if he is to retain and spread the Christian message. As Smart (2000) puts it, Even if each tradition stays true to its own message, it will have to operate in a context of this federal world civilization. Secularization, which is a force to reckon with, has made it much difficult to proselytize. trustfulness is regarded as a personal issue and hence attempts to discuss faith in non-Christian settings with the hope of making disciples have become an uncomfortable, if not offensive undertaking. Decisions rough what faith to ascribe to are made personally and increasingly, individual(a)ly. After all, isnt Christianity just one of the options? As Smart (2000) explains, Making religion a private matter can also lead to a religions be coming just a mino r element in a essence fabric of living. Smart (2000) adds, Just as a person belongs to the golf club, so that person may join a church.New age thinking has also made its blow on Christianity. Christianity claims exclusivity of access to salvation, and an exclusive personal God. One of the key new age values is tolerance to all religious beliefs and belief systems. Christianity therefore finds itself in a place where it must find a means of relating with the rest of the world religions, violating the fundamental belief in a single way to salvation. In addition, some of the practices of other religions meet the Christian threshold for classification as idolatry. This just serves to multiply the points of conflict.Further on, the modern world, especially those parts where democracy is dominant, acceptance in matters such as homosexuality is encouraged. This becomes a difficult undertaking for a traditional Christian, as it is torturous for them to reconcile the practice of the Chris tian faith with homosexuality and therefore will demand a renouncement of the practice of homosexuality before Christian guild can commence. Another area of difficulty for the Christian faith has been the place of women in leadership. Feministic influence has pervaded traditional Christian leadership set up where nut overall leadership was the preserve of men.The Catholic Church still holds to this ideal, while the Anglican Communion has opened its priesthood in women. Protestant congregations and denominations seem to have oft more flexibility in the matter, with a large number of women pastors and bishops, in some cases as the overall head of a denomination. Radicalization of faith has brought its share of problems to the world in general. Smart (2000) says, Other sects are, in principle or in practice, at odds with society, and seek to change it radically, possibly by rebellion and upheaval. Many people view Christianity as a occidental religion.Those who have any disagreeme nts with the west therefore consider Christianity as a legitimate representative of the west. In countries where Christians are in the minority, militant religious fundamentalists have attacked them or their institutions as revenge against the west. State control has also had its punch at the Christian faith. near of the socialist states such as the former USSR and China have had a very rigid stance against religion in general and Christianity has suffered as one of them. In others, proselytizing is illegal and attracts severe penalty. The spread of the Christian faith remains impeded thus.The Christian message along with that of other world religions has become more difficult to sell in a materialistic society. People do not see why they should wait for a coming glory when they can have the good life now made possible by modernization, which has generally increased the living standards in the world, most pronounced in the western world. Then again, the new forms of social and econ omic organization promised a richer life here and now (Smart, 2000, p. 138) It will be interesting to see how Christianity evolves in the coming age when each of these forces will have had sufficient time to unleash their full impact.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation
They ar amazing, they are unique and innocent. However, because of the devastating demoralization happening in the confederacy today, they are the ones becoming the victims of the situation of the society today. Certainly, children are the ones who are becoming the main victims of the social changes occurring today. It is undeniable that the situation plaguing the infantile ones today is indeed portentous, thus requiring attention from the penities involved in the process of facing the said changes. The youth are the hope of todays society.This line has long been recognized by many industrialized as well as developing countries worldwide. This is the primary reason why it is evident that government organizations are trying to invest their best possible available assets to the organic evolution of the two-year-old generation. However, not all of the members of the young generation actually get to be in possession of an access on the said programs. Most of them, who belong to t he minority groups of the society, are the ones who are in need of these programs. Yet, they are the ones who have lesser access on the said governmental set-ups.As a result, young people who get charged with late delinquency cases are increasing every year. The fact that they have nothing better to do than to simply stay at home or wander around in the stets, they become the target of numerous gangs that are encouraging youths to join them in their unlawful acts If not, many of these youths bring forth some(prenominal) chaotic movements that crossly disturb the entire community. These youths certainly need help. However, one tragic problem is being confronted by the present generation of children and youths.The personal ontogenesis in general aspect of humanity is being hindered by the challenges of juvenile delinquency. Most of the youths are being misled by outside and detrimental influences such as vices manifesting in gambling, illegal drugs, and bad companies. Most of the youths nowadays are falling into the pitfalls of becoming addictive to drug intoxication, alcoholism, and smoking. Others are sacrificing their educational pursuit for personal teaching to influences of bad companies such as gangs and groupies resulting to violence and social aggression.In addition, most parts of the generations of youths and children nowadays are falling as victims of social violence such as bullying, gang aggression, rape, harassment, and other abuses. Thus, the children and youths of the present generations are being misled to the adversities of the juvenile delinquency. In a relative context of story-narration entitled Amazing Grace, as written by Jonathan Kozov, the situation of the society today that addresses the problems with the youth and the counsellings by which they are involved in the different issues of social downfall of morale.The story of Kozol, he pictured the situation in a more actual picture that related the present problems with the problems of the children on one particular community that he visited for observation. Through this story, the author made it clear that even though children are innocent, it is undeniable that with the considerable influences that they receive from the society that they live in at present affects the behavior that they have towards the life that they are facing in the future.The worse case to consider is that most of the children who are negatively influenced by the social systems are becoming juvenile delinquents true, with regards this factor of the truth, the rate of those individuals becoming involved in juvenile delinquency issues continue to increase every year. Nevertheless, society has already started moving to address this alarming social problem of juvenile delinquency with the youths and children.Concerned citizens and community groups have already established non-profit organization to aid recovering victims and ex-delinquent in the search for the proper way of developing themsel ves. These organizations have helped many youths and children of this present generation in the recuperation from the horror and adversities of the former delinquent life in the aim of realizing the full potentiality as significant and relevant individuals within the society aiming for their personal and humanities outgrowth in the future.Peer Pressure and the Youth Influences Seeing the sample narration that Jonathan Kozol presented finished the context of the story on the Amazing Grace, it could be observed that he pointed out that there are several points of consideration needing attention with regards the content of the entire society to influence the young minds of the younger generation trying to make the best out of their future does yet. (Kozol, 13) THE researchers felt that they had it all figured out. They had intently examined 200 children from their infancy through adolescence.They analyzed the parents, the home environment and the disposition of each child. Then the y predicted which of these children would become happy adults. It seemed simplea happy puerility under a pleasant family environment would produce a happy adult. After waiting till the children became 30 years of age, they re-interviewed them. Furthermore, as the children grow up, the young adults become more prone to different influences from the environment. The people that they deal with everyday become the source of the different values that they worry in for themselves as they in person grow up.There are at least quadruplet major reasons why young people develop in the behavior that they grow up with. These four major dimensions of tuition could be noted as follows The family and the parents usually, the young children get the examples of acts from their parents which in turn they carry in themselves as they grow up. It is through this particular process that the young ones are able to comprehend with the impact that their parents are making on them as young adults. The Env ironment and the Society As the young children grow older, the impact of the people living around them aside from their family members begins to leave an impact on their personality. True, the situation has been much more proved by the psychologists that the imprint of the family and the society differ from each other. As for a fact, the percentage of effect that the society makes on the individual is far much higher than that of the effect of the family with development of the youngsters. The psychological need for acceptance young ones aim to be accepted especially if they have the capacity of being recognized.This is the reason why they usually take sides on those who they seem are able to recognize their capabilities. The decision making system of the youngsters They are usually deciding in different ways, most of the time, wonder gets in the way. This is the reason why it is very important that they are given fine attention as they are being assisted with the personal devel opment difficulties that they are dealing with at present. To understand the four dimensions better, the diagram shall show the necessary illustration to explain better
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Nazi Concentration Camps
The Holocaust was one of the worlds worst genocides slow-wittedness camps were the worst place to be if you were a captive. Adolf Hitler, a national socialist, convinced many that certain groups of raft needed to be exterminated. He started concentration camps to terrorize his enemies. The for the first time concentration camps started in 1933, six eld before World War Two began. There were several concentration camps. These concentration camps consisted of European Jews, P. O. W. s (Prisoners of War), political prisoners, criminals, homosexuals, and gypsies, the mentally ill and other groups.The first concentration camp was called Dachau, located in Munich, Germany. It was opened March 22, 1933. Within five years of Dachau opening, the number of concentration camps quadrupled. The Nazis created different types of camps, for example, labor camps, transit and collection camps, P. O. W. camps, hostage (or death camps), and extermination camps. Labor concentration camps were where inmates had to do hard labor under inhumane conditions and cruel treatment. Transit and collection camps were where inmates were collected and transferred to briny camps.Prisoner of war camps were where prisoners were held after being captured. These P. O. W. camps caused torture and liquidation of prisoners on a large scale. Death camps were where hostages were held and killed as reprisals. Extermination camps were a mixture of the other camps and were not effective hoi polloi were sent to be killed. These concentration camps were all horrible but Auschwitz was the worst. Auschwitz was located in Poland and was opened in June 1940. Auschwitz was a total of 40 kilometers. Auschwitz was a labor and extermination camp. Auschwitz had three other sub camps Auschwitz 2 Birkenau and Auschwitz 3.Auschwitz had the highest death count compared to any other camp. Its estimated that 4 million people were sent to Auschwitz and 1. 1 million died at Auschwitz. The prisoners died of starvation, exhaustion, diseases, or killed inhumanely by being shot, burned, or gassed. For the most part, baberen and elders in the concentration camps were treated the worst. If a child was born in a concentration camp, they would be killed on the spot. Most children and elders were killed as soon as they got to the concentration camps if they looked too weak to be useful to work.Some were used for drug and surgery experiments. To save the amount of poison gas and ammunition used to kill people, some children would be thrown into ovens or ramble into open fire pits. These prisoners were also beaten, put in pressure chambers, or frozen to death. The Nazis were brutal and didnt care who they killed. There were many escape attempts, though only 802 attempts on record. Only 144 made it out but most of them were caught and killed, or taken back to camp and starved to death. If someone successfully made it out of the camp, random people in their prisoner block would be starved.One of the most su ccessful escapes was when a few prisoners dressed as guards, steal a car and drove out the front gate, they were never caught. The most successful escape was when Oscar Schindler got 300 women out of Auschwitz. Oscar pretended to be one of the people in charge of the camp. Before the freight car full of people got to the camp, he told them to send them back. When they got back, he took them to a safe house and looked after them. The concentration camps were all shut down on May 7, 1945 when World War Two ended.It was estimated that 7,991,460 people lost their lives in the concentration camps. When the Germans were defeated by the associate they were forced to close down all of the concentration camps. Most of the camps were destroyed. Some of the camps were used as prisons for the Nazis. Some of these concentration camps have been converted into museums and memorials for those who lost their lives. Bibliography 1. Nazi concentration camps Jan 14-17 2011 http//en. wikipedia. org/wik i/Nazi_concentration_camps 2. Auschwitz, Nazi death camp Jan 14-17 2011 http//www. auschwitz. dk/auschwitz. htm
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
This graph shows the traffic going out of Birmingham City Centre using Broad Street
This graph shows the trading going show up of Birmingham metropolis Centre using Broad pathway. Cars are the main means of transport going out of Birmingham metropolis Centre. Cars start arrive at quite low. tho, at 900 AM in that location is an increase of the number of cars going out of Birmingham City Centre. This may be due to a rush hour. However, this only lasts for an hour. Furthermore there is yet another increase of cars going out of Birmingham City Centre at 1100 AM. This may be due to the fact its getting nearer to lunch time. After an hour the decrease happens again. But, at 1300 AM there is a massive increase of cars. This may be due to leaving after completing their shopping. The amount of cars going out of Birmingham City Centre carries on increasing whilst the day goes on.Vans/mbs start off quite similarly, with the amount of vans/mbs starting off quite low and gradually increasing. The same pattern is shows with the buses. Lorries start off quite high but keep decreasing as the day goes on. Bicycles stay low constantly through the day.This graph shows the traffic going into Birmingham City Centre using Broad Street. Cars are the main vehicles going into Broad Street. We can see this due to the fact that cars have the highest amount of vehicles by feeling at the graph. Lorries and bicycles however, have the lowest amount.During the early hours of the day the number of cars starts off quite high with the rush hour being at about 800 AM. As the day goes on it starts to decrease. However at around 1200 PM there is a sudden increase of traffic going into Birmingham City Centre. This may be due to the fact its around lunch time. At around 1300 PM, there is a decline in the amount of traffic going in. Then it begins to rise for an hour up until 1400 PM, when it starts to decrease again. From 1400 PM till 1700 PM the traffic going in carries on decreasing.Buses and vans/mbs stay relatively close together in terms of the amount of each that appea rs to be going into Broad Street. However, buses show the same figure of pattern that cars show. During 800AM till 900PM the amount of buses is quite high. This is quite similar with the vans/mbs. There is a sudden increase at 1300PM. However Lorries and bicycles always stay low through the day.This graph shows the passenger car units (PCU) coming into Broad street. PCU stands for passenger car unit. This metric is used to measure the traffic-flow tempo on a road such as Broad Street. The graph above is probably the most vital evidence that helps solve my hypothesis. This graph would spread me a clear idea of whether Broad Street (a main route into the city) was congested. Using the Government figures the saturation point for a road such as Broad Street is 1522. This meant that when a value was over this, the road was congested. The graph shows that Broad Street was congested throughout the day. At 900 AM its at its highest (2780), this is peak time in other words. From 1100 AM o nwards, the figures always stayed above 2000 but stayed below 2500. I can say that Broad Street on that day was congested at all times.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Particular style and cultural context of the theatre Essay
pickings a range of acquires studied on the course show how the runaway texts ar affected by the busy ardor and cultural context of the theatre from which they are drawn. For this essay I will be looking at The Menaechmi by genus Plautus, Once upon Four Robbers by Femi Osofisan, Therese Raquin by Emile Zola, Hernani by Victor Hugo, Riders to the sea by J. M. Synge, Aoi no Uye by Zenchiku Jinobu and due east Lynne by Mrs Wood, adapted by T. A. Palmer. I demand chosen this selection of passs as I feel it gives an accurate cross section of the plays which have made up the course this year.From delving into the culture surrounding these different plays I will be examining the cultural and policy-making aspects which have affected their creation, and how these plays may reflect or affect reality. Plautus having been born in Italy became a roman type soldier, This is probably when he was exposed to the delights of the Greek point. After the Macedonian conquest, Greek comedy go away from The daring personal and political satire of Aristophanes.The Three eras of Greek comedy are categorised as Old, Middle and New, and the development of comedy is said to be mainly collect to the political and social conditions of Athens, it finally held up a mirror to all that was fiberistic of Athenian bearing. Plautus made adaptations of Plays by the Popular Greek playwright Menander. However the refined work of Menander would hold piddling interest for a rowdy Roman crowd. So Plautus plays are, as the Romans would have loved to watch, in effect(p) of debauchery and brashness. This can certainly be seen in The Menaechmi, from the genuinely beginning of the play.The Prologue in its entirety encourages the interview to pay attention, with the rhyming language appealing to all classes and making the play genuinely easy to harken to and understand. The role Menaechmus 1 is the epitome of infidelity and licentiousness he says to his mistress Desiree now can you stroke what I want to do? Desiree, your typical subservient sex object, replies Yes, I know and whats much, Ill do what you want. The language Plautus uses by means of break through is loaded with sexual innuendo twist in it, wont you? and Your Tight pants. Plautus seemed to pander to the wants of his Roman audiences, with great success.An some other playwright of the date who took ideas from Menanders comedies was Terence. However Terence, unlike Plautus cared little about public taste, instead he attached himself to capturing the spirit of the Greek originals which he adapted. East Lynne, adapted by T. A. Palmer, is other play which is a pure product of the touristy culture of its time. One source of information I used in my research on East Lynne said The storys extreme emotionalism made it popular in its time, especially in the U. S. Today it is seen as the epitome of melodramatic excess. This quotation, I believe, really does core group up the feel of the play.The Vi ctorian Era, from which the play is drawn, was filled with similar performances. The style was known as pictural Theatre as it conveyed absolutely no sense of realism, and simple pictures were used to make setting. Looking at the play itself you can see the stock characters very cl premature, the insipid female roles, the strong everywhere-bearing and controlling males, and the almost sickening displays of emotion that signify this romanticism. Particular lines that demonstrate this clearly within the text are this from Isabel erotic love and contentment can make the humblest home happy. And When he leaves me it seems as though the sunshine had faded from my life. The playwright makes little attempt to influence the actors interpretation of characters, with highly brief stage directions that literally just indicate each characters entrances and exits. Costumes at this time were contemporary clothing, and like every other aspect of this style, suggestively un-rea key outic well at least it was consistent Though this style was very popular at the time, interesting things were happening in IrelandThe hundred years between 1840 and 1940 saw Ireland struggle for, achieve, and deal with the consequences of political liberty and new nationhood. The realism of theatre created by the likes of Synge, Yates, and Wilde eventually carried over to Britain and is comm unaccompanied known as the Irish Renaissance. Personally I feel that this resurgence was brought on by the political liberty of Ireland and the relish to find a cultural identity. J. M. Synge wrote plays about Irish peasant life and considering the popularity of melodrama in Britain the differences between East Lynne and Riders to the sea is enormous.The most striking thing you notice when looking at Riders to the Sea is the constant interruptions by the playwright, directing the actor and production towards a realistic style. At the beginning of the play in that respect is a stage direction, setting t he scene in so much detail as to include that Cathleen, a girl of about twenty, finishes kneading cake, and puts it down in the pot oven by the fire then wipes her hands, and begins to spin The absolute majority of the cast are female, with the head of the household being Maurya an old woman.This quotation from the plays sums up her reasoning and character Bartley will have a fine coffin out of the white boards, and a deep etch surely. What much can we want than that? No man at all can be life history for ever, and we must be satisfied. For sure, J. M. Synge was one of the people who contributed to the naturalism we see in theatre today. In many a(prenominal) countries, political theatre can be seen in one form or another. Modern African Drama is a general category of performances that in practise and principle propose to stand in opposition to the dominant trends of cultural presentations and representations, productions and social relations.Femi Osofisans play, Once upon Fo ur Robbers, is a firmly loaded political tool. The prologue is highly motivational, with quotations like this Slogans about returning to the land, sermons of bourgeois morality, are empty to a man who is born condemned to poverty. And I hope this play shocks us into a new awareness I hope it helps to change our attitude from passive acceptance or sterile indignation into a more dynamic more enraged determination to confront ourselves and our lives. Within the play itself you can see elements which are almost Brechtian at times, the use of the Song of the storyteller for example. Regarding a section of the text in which ternary characters read off a list of scandals there are footnotes relating to this list which read In production, the list should be made to include the most recent public scandals effectively highlighting that the story of the play really is one that transcends eras of time so long as the political references are kept up to date.This also shows the flexibility of the carry throughr the flexibility of African theatre as a whole. The ending of the play depends on the result of the audiences opinions. Two separate endings are written. One sees the Robbers set free, and the other sees them put to death. This emphasises tho Osofisans desire for the audience and for the African people as a whole to start going judgement on their lives, on their governments and on their oppression. Africa as a continent is one which has always suffered through oppression this play like many others seems to be trying to counteract this.In the words of Paulo Freire What could be a more effective way of making people actors in their own development than to mounting their awareness and arouse their energies through cultural activities. The beginning of the Romantic Movement was supposedly heralded by the French play, Hernani, written by Victor Hugo. In France around 1660 1830 there were certain rules attached to the report of a play. These were known as the Uni ties. The three Unities were that a play must take place in one day the duration of the play could not span weeks or months.The second was that there could only be one setting for the entirety of the play. The third unity was that the action could only be on one plot or story line. Hernani breaks all of these rules as it involved characters from medieval history, had lots of scenery changes and does not hold one plot solely. The Romantic features of Hernani include the character Dona Sol, the emotional, bland female and the character of the Duke who barges into the play at the beginning and assumes control. There is also a sense of spiritualization in the play with the ghostly Mask character.In situation, when the play was first performed in 1830, Hugo announced that he would employ no claque or hired applauders, a customary practise in French Theatres. It seems that Hernani was certainly affected by the style of theatre in France when it was written it went once against all the c onventions that existed at the time. Another French playwright, Emile Zola, produced Therese Raquin in 1873, another play which certainly went against convention Emile Zolas novels were onslaughted and even banned for their frankness and sordid detail. In fact when he published the open letter JAccuse in defence of Alfred Dreyfus, an army ships officer who had been convicted of treason. Zola was sentenced to prison for libel. Zola was said to have been the Leader of the naturalist movement in 19th Century Literature. His early writing borrowed heavily from the Romantic Movement but as his style developed he was more influenced by science than art, and was said to have been inspired by Claude Bernhards introduction to experimental medical specialty (1865).The play itself is very realistic, the setting is in one room which complies with one of the unities but takes place over a long stretch of time. The characters Zola creates in Therese Raquin include Camille, an irritating, imma ture and pompous Man who is seriously cossetted by his come. His character is epitomised by lines such as She hasnt much brain, poor girl, but she looks after me wondrously when Im ill. Mama has taught her to make my camomile tea. Another Character of great importance is the mother Madame Raquin whose typical lines include Now, now, Therese, Laurent is not very happy.He lives in a garret and they feed him very poorly at that little cafi of his. Madame Raquin is a middle class, self righteous, snob who oppresses and patronises Therese. Camille is just as forged as his mother but is just a result of her conceited values. The subject is clearly an attack at the bourgeois, but many people seemed to have been more concerned with attacking Zolas scientific methods of conveying relationships. Wilde Quipped that Zola was determined to show that if he has not got genius, he can at least be dull. The spirit world and the real world are highly linked in Nipponese connection and so it w ould be implausibly strange not to see some existence of this in Japanese Noh Theatre. The play Aoi no Uye by Zenchiku Ujinobu is certainly an example of this, with the witch character reciting a mystic manifestation which invokes The living phantasm of Rokujo. One of the most important features of the Noh play is the use of the Theatre as a means of enforcing religious morals, in particular the Buddhist doctrine that human salvation is achieved through request and penance. Aoi No Uye is an example of a Demon play, one of five of the categories given to all plays in the style of Noh. This particular category usually has a demon or supernatural figure as the protagonist, there is a battle between the demon and hero in which the demon is usually subdued and this is very much the pattern of events in Aoi no Uye. The high status Saint character comes along and drives out the demon Rokujo, who in his final speech exclaims The voice of the Hannya Book I am afraid. Never again will I co me as an angry ghost. Then, in order to drive the point earlier even further the Ghost ends the play saying When she heard the sound of Scripture the demons raging mettle was stilled shapes of pity and sufferance, the bodhisats v descend. Her soul casts off its bonds, she walks in Buddhas way. This theatre form seems to be incredibly moralistic and it is clear that religion exerts a dogmatic hold over the people who view such performances. The play text itself is a prime example of the Noh genre, it complies in every aspect.Out of all the plays I have chosen to cover in this essay it is interesting that despite whether the playwright has chosen to write his or her play in the cultural style of the time or to go against the grain exclusively in order to produce a new style of theatre, whether the play itself adheres to the politics of a particular society or if it attempts to evoke a political stance in the audience, all are affected by their cultural, social and political circum stances. All these plays have affected the cultures from which they are drawn to a greater or lesser extent.The degree to which they have reflected their theatrical, political or cultural situation is variable and especially remarkable. Bibliography Alice, B, 1935, Minute history of the drama, Grosset and Dunlap. Bates, Alfred, 1906, The Drama Its history, literature and influence on civilisation, London Historical Publishing Company. Crowe, Stanley, 2003, Furman University site. Didaskalia, 1999, old-fashioned theatre today, UC Berkeley Freire, Paulo, 1972, pedagogy of the oppressed, Penguin. Guardian Unlimited, 2003, Guardian Newspapers LTD. The New Penguin Dictionary of the Theatre, 2001, The Penguin Group.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Forced Community Service Persuassive Essay
Benchmark Essay Courtney Ceurvels Purple 6/12/12 Students shouldnt be required to perform seventy five hours of community serve well. This is because the work wouldnt be breake well if the students were forced. in any case time would be taken away from clubs, sports, social manner and school work. Then again it will take out the townspeople look better. If students were forced to do offer work to stark(a) schooling then it would most likely not be done well.Being forced the students wont get the same lesson and/or experience from it. Never mind the work wouldnt be done as well because they dont want to do it. Then if they dont want to do it, the work wont be done to the best of their ability. Also forcing 75 hours of volunteer work would take time away from school work, sports, clubs and social life. Most kids wear sports practice or club meeting after school hours & then have t complete school work after that.With a schedule already that packed then adding more tariff to a students life could core group their sleeping habits and cause stress. Volunteer work could similarly lower grades and the sport skills of students if they miss practice or studying time over community service work. Some people might say that it would make the town a better place to make the students more involved. Also some(a) might complain that it would keep kids out of trouble, when really all youre doing if giving them another way to get in trouble.Since kids are forced to do the work and some are already extremely busy then they wont complete their hours and then that would effect them receiving a diploma. This is why students shouldnt be required to perform 75 hours of community service for schooling. The students are already too busy with their school work, clubs, sports and social life. They would have a bad work moral principle since they were being forced, also it wouldnt have the same meaning/lesson. The only pro is that it would help the town but in this situation, the cons greatly outweigh the pros.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
My English study
Conclusion Notes References Acknowledgement Abstract it is acknowledged that people have evermore been attaching much signifi laughingstockce to the face speculate on account of the globalization trend of the world to the splendor of language communication. Although many people be turn backing side, it does non mean that both soul is plastered to have good command of side of meat. Im no exception too. This paper is c oncerned about my slope poll in three stages?in nerve center schooltime, in uplifted school and at the university.Meanwhile, this paper likewise gives detailed discussions about the factors incline pronunciation, Autonomous specifying magnate, face information motivations and the influence of personal attitudes towards side of meat study. Key Words Pronunciation Autonomous encyclopaedism Learning motivations Personal attitudes Economical and technological advances have dangerous impact on our ways of communication. Moreover, the globalizatio n trend of the world also indicates the vastness of language communication.Therefore, slope, as a widely used irrelevant language, has been always meeting with great popularity. However, it is nonable that non all(prenominal) person is doomed to have good command of English. Im no exception too. I have g unitary through three stages in the process of English study, which atomic number 18 filled with airdrops and happiness actually. It is acknowledged that English pronunciation is essential for every English learner who expects to have a good command of English. However, it is by no actor easy.Pronunciation is closely related to the study of wording, listening and so on. To correctly command English phonetic symbols, a learner must not only precisely grasp the articulation of a word and Judge its meanings, but also memorize new words flexibly. The former situation was that not only many students but the teachers themselves in middle school were not truly showe consternatio n for the phonetic ours. When I was in middle school, I could remember being taught the phonetics only once. Later on, I had to learn by myself.Therefore, it has been no easy Job for me to clearly make distinction between English and elevateese in the Phonemic and phonological pronunciation. Besides, I do not completely correct my English pronunciation until now. 1. 1. 1 Phonemic and phonological distinction between English and Chinese Wan calendered (2004) argues the Chinese belongs to the oriented phylum, whereas English is an occidental one, and that the two languages share many similarities as ell as self-aggrandizing divergences both phonemically and phonologically their Phonetic system are distinct from each other mainly following by three aspects (1) absolutely.The vowels and consonants in English differentiate from the inflects (shunned) and the finals (yummy) in Chinese to a large extent correct if they seem to be similar with their counterparts in pronunciation. (2) T he ways of distinguishing meanings. Chinese distinguishes by tones, thus labeled as tonal language,while English distinguishes meaning by the intonations of a sentence. Therefore, it named s language with intonation (3) Phonemic structure. The phonemes, which are restricted in the latter, are able t be combined freely in the former. Take spelling rules of the consonant for example.In English, f and h can be spelled together with which is not allowed in Chinese. Besides, all the consonants in English can bugger off at the end of a syllable, while in Chinese only n and Eng are permitted. These differences cause great difficulties for the Chinese students in their acquisition of English pronunciation. Another bar for them is that the two languages differ in rhythms as thoroughly. Each possesses its characteristics on applying on tone or flummox of stress to distinguish the words meaning, and on the conveying a speaker tone or attitudes by means of various intonations. 1 Besides, there exist any other difficulties. 1. 1. 2 The remove of mother tongue Chin Ling holds that the influence of the mother tongue on the foreign language learning is mainly illustrated on the course of transfer between external and internal languages. External language refers too language which a person utters in his daily talks, while the internal language refers to a language which a person utilizes when thinking with his brain instead of speaking it out. Both languages serve as materials, basis as well as tools for thinking activity.A person is used applying his mother tongue or native dialect as his internal language at the beginning of learning a foreign language. Nevertheless, he may be forced to use external language that is understandable for both interlocutors in real communications. As a result, a problem arises in that external language is different from internal language. Consequently, the differences result produce the interdict transfer. The greater the preference is, the greater the difficulty is. 2 Totally speaking, I was tired of English study in view of these difficulties during that time. 1. 2 Difficulties of inaccurate memory of English vocabulary.As we all know, vocabulary is vital for Chinese English learner, especially for the middle school students. Because only in this stage can we have a specific idea of the English. When I was in middle school, my English teacher would teach students many vocabularies every single day that we could not memory in one night. Gradually, I ran into many difficulties in English study. Recently, I read a paper with respect to the study of vocabulary learning in middle school. The author said, The appearance of such difficulties is because the burden of English learning, the compulsory learning mode and the lacking of vocabulary learning strategies. 3Len order to verify his assumptions, the author did experiment among the students in are divided into two classes. They are comparative degree class and exper imental class. During the experiment, they used the old and direct vocabulary teaching mode in the former and the associative vocabulary teaching in the latter. Finally, the date shows hat after 12-week training in vocabulary learning strategy, the students of the experimental class improved their vocabulary learning ability, which is higher than that in the comparative class.The survey showed that if the students who are to meet the requirement of teacher and confine the vocabulary memory to the word lists, are proved to be less active. By comparing my English study in middle school, I thought those phenomena are also occurred on me. 2. The second acquaintance with English in high school?enthusiasm of English study Fortunately, these obstacles had not go with me into high school. I met excellent teachers, then grasped the mode of English learning and finally set a goal for me. 2. 1 The improvement of English independent learning ability English teaching is not simply to teach st udents knowledge.The most important function is to develop their autonomous learning ability through teaching activities. My English teacher gave me a broadcast of help. Her guidance in the process of my English study aroused my great interest in English. My English teacher tried to progress from traditional teacher-centered teaching to the student-centered method. She liked to cultivate our independent learning ability. She divine us to interact with her, proposed to audaciously ask questions and let us to do English presentations in surface forms. Thanks to my dear English teacher, I regained the enthusiasm about English learning.Admittedly, it is essential for the students to have teachers innovational guideline. The American psychologist Moscow believes that this is the best way to encourage students to express their opinion and foster their enthusiasm to learn the knowledge and build the formation of healthy personality by establishing the sincere mutual understanding teac her-student relationship. The primer for why I could become enthusiastic about English study was not only owing to my teachers help, but also the changing of my English learning method.The reason for why I could improve my English is as follows Firstly, grasp teachers lecture feature and the characteristics of the various disciplines. Secondly, review and prepare for new knowledge. Thirdly, interact with teacher in class. Gradually, I put in that my English scored higher than the previous. Until now, I am deeply aware of the importance of independent learning. As a Chinese saying goes, give man a sis, he will have a meal teach him to fish, he will have the food all his life. focuses on students subjectivity and initiative in order to make students how to study and achieve life-long learning and development.And it is not the one side of my story. It has already been studied by others. The concept of autonomous learning (Holes) ($) originated in the asses. He expresses, English as a conceptual tool which further developed its definition. 4 Benson and Evolve believe, autonomous learning is not only the freedom of learning, but a good opportunity to form independent thinking ability as adult. 5 Little believes that the essence of the autonomous learning is a kind of ability such as independent, critical reflection and decision-making. 6 Learners need to arouse their awareness of what to learn and how to learn. Also American futurist Alvin-Toffee once said, The illiteracy in the future is not the one who dont know the word, but the one who do not know how to learn. In addition to the previous factors, learning motivation is proved to be the essential factor. motivation is the prime power of all activities. In the process of learning, many psychological factors can convert into the knowledgeable motivation, including interest, values and so on. As Www emailprotected in his A Review of research on foreign language Learners motivation. emailprotected Arouse app ropriate learning deeds, it can make students go into learning state and learn English initiative. 7 I can not agree with his idea any more. When I was in high school, I still remembered that even a little achievement could take me great motivation. And this motivation accompanied me to go to university. 3. The third acquaintance with English at the university?passiveness of English After I come into university, I find that I become less positive towards English earning than ever before.And the reasons are as follows A study of engineering students in Yemen by Taft AY-Tamil Candy Minor Squib cited previous research that found two classes of motivation for learning English instrumental and integrative orientation. A person, who learns the language in hopes of gaining some(prenominal) tangible benefit, such as success in a Job or fulfilling an academic requirement, is instrumentally motivated. A person with integrative motivation learns English because he or she wishes to learn more about the glossiness of the Western world or become more integrated into English-speaking society. And I belong to the former. I learn the English in order to regard it as a tool for my future occupation. 3. 1 Personal attitudes towards English study determined by his attitudes towards the other group in particular and by his orientation towards the learning task itself. And I totally agree with it. 9 A positive attitude toward learning the English language is one of the leading predictors of success in gaining fluency. However, as mentioned above, I am not truly love English, but regard it as a tool of getting a Job. During this stage, my English study doe not make much progress.In the above paragraphs, I have made detailed explanation about my three stages of English study. From this paper, people can see that if one wants to get a good command of English, he must perfectly grasp these aspects have a series of learning methods, take positive attitude toward English (namely the understanding of autonomous English learning) and pay particular solicitude to the pronunciation of English. Besides, the external factors are also of great importance such as the teachers teaching methods, the surround that people are situated in and so on. As for me, my English study does not do a good Job.No matter what stage do you belong to, I believe that this paper can be beneficial to your English study. Serve to distinguish one utterance from another in a language or dialect. Tonal language A tonal language is a language in which pitch is used as a part of speech, changing the meaning of a word. An example of how tone can change the meaning of a word can be found in English the word present can be used as a verb or a noun, with a stress on the first or second syllable changing the meaning. In tonal languages, the way in which you say a word is very important, as it radically hinges the meaning.Tonal languages are found primarily in Asia, Africa, and South America. alienat ion Intonation is a word used to refer to how a sentence sounds. How a sentence sounds if its a question sounds different from how a sentence sounds if its a statement Negative transfer Negative transfer is a situation where a person transfers old learning and knowledge to a new situation, and the old information interferes with new information acquisition and task performance. This can be awkward or dangerous, depending on the type of situation involved.
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